

あなたは馬を愛するのと同じように車を愛することはできないでしょう。 馬は、私たちから人間らしい感情を引き出してくれます。それは機械には決してできないことです。このように機械は、私たち人間の中にあるものを引き出しもしますが、また疎かにもするのです。そして、私たちに本来備わっている感情を「用なし」にすることで、私たちの暮らしを非人間的で機械的なものにしていくのです。











私は、ボニフェイス婦人に私の通う「教会」にぜひ来ていただきたいと思っています。その「教会」には礼拝堂も壁もありません。白人たちがキリスト教とともにこの地にやってくるずっと前からあったもの。あなたを取り囲んでいて、あなたの呼吸やあなたの存在すべてとつながり合っているもの。私がいう「教会」とはつまり、空気・水・土・火、そして多様性。人間と人間以外の社会を、優しく敬いをもって支え合う、この地球システムのことです。私が従うべき「教義」は、誰かが書いた教典ではなく、私の心の中にあります。そして、私は信条によってではなく、愛によって行動するのです。 敬具





“You cannot love a car the way you love a horse. The horse brings out human feelings the way machines cannot do. Things like machines may develop or neglect certain things in people ... Machines make our life impersonal and stultify certain elements in us and create an impersonal environment.”

Albert Einstein

This morning, like most mornings, I brought Pacha and Yani to the school bus stop on horse back. On the weekend Pacha, Yani, Ollie and I went for a 4 hour walk through the forest. Bringing a picnic, stopping for munches on juicy grass, sharing Ollie’s back between riding our bikes, playing, breathing, singing, interacting, connecting… everyday I pinch myself to remind myself I’m not dreaming - how lucky we are! Living in paradise in nature, in our simple house, with the freedom to engage with community, express opinions and work to make things better for all.

It does feel indulgent sometimes, and I wonder about people thinking we must be so very rich to be able to afford a horse. Well we are rich, but not so much in money (though this depends on who you compare our income with). In any case, I have figured out that Ollie, our horse, earns his place in our family, this is why:

Ollie keeps the grass down. If he wasn’t here I would have to either buy a ride on mower ($3000 plus ongoing maintenance and petrol), or pay someone else to mow the grass every month or so.

Ollie produces manure. If you buy horse poop for the garden it costs about $3 per bag, and he produces about 2 big bags a day (yes, he poops a lot).

Ollie is our ‘therapist’. He is patient and gentle and always present. He is warm and soft and powerful and teaches about how to respect and behave with one another. He teaches us to see the world through non-human eyes.

The Australian federal election is coming up and to me, the whole thing is a farce. The two main parties are just about the same as each other – and controlled by corporations who are controlled by greed. One of the biggest campaign ‘issues’ now is the so-called ‘boat people’ problem - people risking their lives on leaky boats, fleeing countries of war in order to seek shelter in Australia. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come into Australia by plane – but both big political parties are making a big deal about doing whatever they can to keep the ‘boat people’ out of Australia…how heartless, how cruel – especially when we contribute to the chaos in war torn countries like Afghanistan by sending our military there.

This is a recent letter I wrote to the newspaper regarding the election, in response to a person who basically said that only practicing Christians should be voted in as our leaders.

Dear Sir,

I only have one question for Wendy Boniface: ‘Who would Jesus vote for?’

The Jesus I know would support candidates who are guided by compassion and tolerance, not greed, paranoia and the desire for personal power; those with the courage to tell the truth regardless of being ridiculed or harassed as a result; those whose actions speak louder than words.

I think he’d be backing the Davids against the corporate Goliaths who put profits before people, who ‘prosper’ at the expense of the poor. He’d be taking a good look at policies and supporting parties that do not continuously increase the ‘defence’ budget at the expense of health, housing and education. As a man of peace, Jesus wouldn’t be backing parties who keep sending our young people to misguided wars in foreign lands where the main casualties are invariably women and children. I believe Jesus would be rallying behind the only party whose candidates do not accept political donations by corporations or developers.

And above all, the Jesus I know would support the party that puts the highest priority on caring for the Earth, because there’s not much point in having ‘faith’ on a desecrated, polluted, unliveable planet is there?

I also welcome Mrs Boniface to the Church I go to. It has no walls. It’s the one that was here even before white Christians came to this land with their ‘faith’. It is all around you, connecting you with every breath and with every kind, gentle and respectful interaction with our human and non-human community. The truth I follow is written in the heart, motivated by love – not in a book written by men.

















My next big project is building up fast! On September 18th, I will be organising the ‘Living the Good Life Festival’ at our school in Iluka. The name is an attempt to ‘re-brand’ the choice to live a gentle life - a conscious life - a lifestyle that doesn’t destroy the Earth. We’ll have stalls, entertainment, food and lectures encouraging a sustainable lifestyle shift, while also supporting our School Fete. Through the festival website (www.livingthegoodlifefest.com) we plan to create a ‘virtual sustainable lifestyle’s tour’ so that people can get an insight about the many different ways people in this area are trying to lighten their impact on the planet without burning fossil fuel to drive around to see them.

I am now collecting inspiring sustainable lifestyle examples that I will showcase on the new web site. As I get involved in organising the event, the web of like-minded people expands and I feel great encouragement about the potential of this area to become a sustainable community in the future. And this connects with my aim to run a business; ‘slowsmallsimple’ that provides information, inspiration and advice about how to live a healthy, happy and sustainable lifestyle. I’m not a good business person – I find it very hard to ask for money for anything…but the reality of feeding Pacha and Yani make it important to face this part of my life!

Anyway, through this glorious search for good sustainable lifestyle examples, I have recently met Carolyn. Carolyn lives on a 350 acre permaculture property with her two children, her mother and father and her grandmother along with horses, chickens, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks and dogs. The three small, simple home-built houses (from their own harvested timber) are run from solar energy (completely off the grid) with wood and gas stoves for cooking. All water is collected from their own roofs. The garden provides all the vegetables they need. For me, the intergenerational aspect of her set-up was the most inspiring. How wonderful to see and feel the strong and supportive, loving bonds between everyone! It is something I
have often seen when living with indigenous peoples, and even the poor communities in Intag, but it’s not so common in Australia.

Pacha and Yani spent 3 hours playing and exploring, and decided that they would definitely like to live there! Though I’m not so sure. It was at least
a ½ hour drive to reach any kind of village centre. Where we live now, there are more than 20 children living in just this street. Pacha and Yani can find friends to play with and I am in easy reach of my activities at the school and in the community. I chose this area knowing that some day (when a bike path is built) I will be able to ride to the beach and to the town.

Now all I need to do is convince the rest of my family to live here!
Yani has just had his 7th birthday. We celebrated with friends and family and lots of time just being together. I think he feels loved and appreciated. That's all any of us really need isn’t it?

Love to you all!

Anja Light



「歌は、私を楽しませ、自由にしてくれるわ」とは、娘・パチャの発言です。 学校の聖歌隊の子どもたち(およそ80人)に、隣の人どうしで「歌うことで何を感じるか、なぜ聖歌隊に参加したいと思ったのか」を質問しあってもらったときのことです。










“Singing makes me feel joyful, it makes me feel free” said Pacha. I was leading the school choir and had asked all the children (around 80 people) to describe to the person standing beside them how singing made them feel and why they liked coming to choir. Her words reminded me about how I feel about singing, and how much the joy of music has given me. Anywhere, anytime, with anyone, song builds bridges, connects hearts and expresses our deepest emotions. It is life-long, it sustains the heart, the spirit, the soul…

But in our public school, if my friend Tina and I hadn’t volunteered to lead the choir group, the children would have gone without this year. In the public education system the emphasis is on ‘numeracy and literacy’. Teachers value their worth by exam results in spelling, punctuation and maths tables – not so much by the sense of children’s wellbeing and self-esteem.

As an adult, I greatly appreciate my education – it is good to be able to add up and to read and write well – but understanding my identity, and the context and the purpose of these tools has been so much more important. And this was never assisted much by the conventional school system. All my best memories of school were activities outside of the ‘classroom’ – the musicals, drama competitions, debating team, forming friendships, engaging in issues around me. I did my duty to pass my exams well, because that was what was expected of us, but enjoying life taught me much more.

I believe that encouraging children to find ways to feel unconditional joy and happiness, without necessarily spending money, or winning competitions – and being able to share this joy freely – should be given more emphasis in the education system. Imagine every child feeling empowered, not only by their exam results, but by their own unique talents that can bring joy to themselves and others. I find myself doing more and more at school to try to help make this possible; the school food gardens, the choir, raising funds to build a playground and organising the sustainability fete this year.

Pacha’s words at choir last week make me feel like it’s worth the effort.