シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
私ほど「スロー・ブログ大賞」にふさわしい人はいないのではないかしら。 この4カ月間、時間があっという間に過ぎていって、こうやってパソコンの前に座り、みなさんと意見を共有する時間をとれなかったんです! 私たちのスローライフ・アドベンチャーの続報を心待ちにしてくれていた人、ごめんなさい。 以下が最新の情報です。
オーストラリアに戻って私が新しく決めたことの1つは、家族のために馬を探すことでした。 実は、私は幼いころから馬にずっと魅了され続けてきたのです。自分でもどうしてかわからないのですが、多分それは、本能が求めたコミュニケーション、つまり、馬と触れることによって「野性の」パワーとつながりたかったのだと思います。エクアドルにいたときにも、パチャとヤニが私たちの馬(シャンティ)と同じ生きものとして交流しているのを見て、祝福の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。そのときの体験は、子どもたちが自然との信頼関係を深める(ディープ・トラスト)きっかけとなったと思います。
オリーは私たちにとって特別な生きもの。凛として、やさしくて、安らかで、広い心で接してくれます。パチャとヤニはもちろん、 近所の子どもたちも愉しませてくれます。オリーをなでたり、ブラッシングしたり、彼にまたがって森へ出かけたりすることによって、子どもたちは生きものと「つながり」を持つことができるのです。
家を建てること。それは、私にとって、最高の「癒し」であり、見た目にも生産的な活動です。今、上の階には断熱材を敷き、パチャのすてきな部屋も完成しました。 新しい台所もできたので、みなさんが我が家を訪れたら、ゆったりくつろぐことができるでしょう。敷地内にフェンスを作ったので、週末を馬と共に過ごすこともできます。
もちろん、私たちも今のライフスタイルに辿りつくまでには長い道のりがありました。もしかしたら、このスローで、スモールで、シンプルなライフスタイルが、これから多くの人たちにより魅力的に映っていくのかもしれませんね。 自然の中で、いのちを祝福しながら、自由に暮らしていく。私たちにとって、これ以上に素晴らしいことはありません。
I think I get the prize for the slowest blog. My life has been so fast over
the past 4 months that sitting down to share reflections just hasn't
happened! My apologies if you have been waiting for some word about our
latest slow life adventures. Here, finally, is an update.
The visit to Japan last December involved a long, deep conversation with
Keibo ・one that is forming the basis of a new book to be published this
May: Slow and Deep Ecology. Our discussion, over several days, revealed
thoughts and feelings and memories I hadn't visited for a long time. It
clarified, one again, who I was and why I am here ・and it brought new
realisations and resolutions for the future.
One of the things I decided was to look for a horse for our family. From my
early childhood I have been quite obsessed with horses, I'm not sure why--
perhaps that sense of communication by instinct, that connection to the
power of Child's nature a horse can bring. During our time in Ecuador, I
watched and celebrated the link that Pacha and Yani had with our horse
(Shanti) there ・that I think helped them deepen their trust and connection
with nature.
Now, from my window, I look out to a beautiful brumby (wild horse), Ollie,
rescued from slaughter by being taken out of the Guy Fawkes National Park,
which is near where we live (http://www.guyfawkesheritagehorse.com/).
we have a wonderful added reason to be outside, in the forest, in the rain,
in the sunshine, in the fresh air. He teaches us so much: respect,
compassion an understanding of a "Herd" instinct (gentle, humble and
socially interactive) and a sense of responsibility and care. He is an
exceptional creature, solid, gentle and stable, with a big heart. Not only
have Pacha and Yani been enjoying every moment they spend with him, many
children in the neighbourhood have been able to 祖onnect・with him,
stroking, brushing or riding in the forest.
He is also a wonderful antidote to every day little stresses. ・our living
Therapy・ I've been busy with the morinokoe campaign (see・
www.morinokoe.com) , studying how to use the internet more effectively (web
pages etc, see www.anjalight.org), finding a way to get a regular income
(still very slow!!), supporting the local school as the re-elected President
of the Parent and Teachers Association and in continuing the building of our
Building the house is by far the most therapeutic and visibly productive
activity. Now upstairs has insulation and Pacha has her own lovely room. The
new kitchen is complete and people can have a very comfortable stay here
when they visit. I built a fence so our horse can stay here with us on
There has been some interest by media in Australia in this low cost,
sustainable housing project, with an article in one of the most popular
magazines here recently. I heard that people have written in to the magazine
saying it was one of the most inspiring stories and they also want to build
their own eco-house.
There seems to be a building wave of interest in practical ideas and
solutions about how actually to live a sustainable, happy life. Theories
and philosophies are important, but how do you actually do it? While we
still have a long way to go here, perhaps our slow, small, simple lifestyle
will become more attractive to everyday people. For us, it is a truly
wonderful existence; living in nature and living in freedom; celebrating
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