多くのすばらしい仲間たちと、ナマケモノ倶楽部(www.sloth.gr.jp) のような団体に大いに助けられ、
"Voices for the Forest"/ 森の声
"Slow Mother Love"/ スロー・マザー・ラヴ
(eg. http://anjaslowmotherdiary.blogspot.com/)
P.S. 日本の仲間たちへ
シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
Slow Mother Music now on the internet
December 8th, 2010
Dear Friends,
Most of you know that over the past 20 years I have been writing and performing music as part of my campaign and project work for the Earth. I’ve always been rather shy about promoting my music - I guess because my intention wasn’t to make money or be famous but to raise awareness, empower and nurture people’s commitment to heal the Earth.
Most of this music ‘work’ has been done in Japan and with the enormous help from many great friends and organisations like the Sloth Club (www.sloth.gr.jp) there have been several CDs produced over the past 15 years. Funds collected from these CD sales have supported forest, peace and indigenous peoples campaigns and helped establish the El Milagro cloud forest reserve in Ecuador (http://permaculture.org.au/project_profiles/south_america/el_milagro_ecuador.htm).
Now, finally, this music available for downloading on the internet. Please take a look/listen and pass this link on to your friends and networks if you like.
Voices for the Forest: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/anjalight2
Slow Mother Love: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/anjalight3
You can also see one of my songs, ‘Candle-night’, on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5i0JbmBHs5I
All proceeds from the sale of this music will fund campaigns and projects to heal the Earth – as it has always done. More background and information can be found around the net (eg. http://anjaslowmotherdiary.blogspot.com/) and will soon also be available on my new ‘slow’ business web page www.slowsmallsimple.com along with song words, photos and other fun stuff.
Hoping you have a joyful, rejuvenating season with your loved ones with clarity and vision for the New Year ahead,
For Life,
Anja Light
PS. For my friends in Japan, a recently published book, “Slow and Deep Ecology” about a life conversation between Keibo Oiwa and I, is available through the Sloth Club. I hope you enjoy reading it…slowly!
SLow Mother Blog December 2010
Slow Mother Blog
Dec 1st
This morning I am contemplating lists as I procrastinate in setting out on a busy day of ‘business’ building. I have now completed and passed my business course and produced a business plan for my new company: slowsmallsimple…now I just have to ‘do’ it…
I have always rather liked lists – I write long lists regularly, then just do what I really like doing, or forget about the list and respond to how the day evolves.
There is the ‘should do’ list and the ‘want to do’ list - and then there are things I don’t even have to think about; cuddling my children, poking around in the garden, putting my house in order (like meditation), having a chat with my neighbour, cooking a meal, hugging a tree, stroking the horse – some things never find their way to the lists, they are guided by instinct… of course these are the things I love the most.
This week on my ‘should really do’ list is finding and buying a diesel van that can be converted to veggie oil. It means confronting many personal comfort zones; spending money, trusting strangers, making the right decision about something I know little about…but, since my old car is slowly giving up - it really is time to take a deep breath and take the plunge…wish me luck!
How do we single out the most important things everyday as well as find a way to feed ourselves and our children? When the two things combine I guess we find most complete happiness. Today I will try to find a way to ‘market’ my music on the internet so I don’t have to worry so much about earning enough income to support our simple lives.
But, I never wrote music to make money - I create music to heal, nurture and to change the world – how strange it is then to ask people to ‘buy’ my music? Like almost everything in our society, music only seems to have economic value when it has been packaged, marketed and commodified. I console myself in grappling these dilemmas with the thought that perhaps the further my music can reach, the more encouragement and healing it can bring people to change the way we live.
For Life,
Dec 1st
This morning I am contemplating lists as I procrastinate in setting out on a busy day of ‘business’ building. I have now completed and passed my business course and produced a business plan for my new company: slowsmallsimple…now I just have to ‘do’ it…
I have always rather liked lists – I write long lists regularly, then just do what I really like doing, or forget about the list and respond to how the day evolves.
There is the ‘should do’ list and the ‘want to do’ list - and then there are things I don’t even have to think about; cuddling my children, poking around in the garden, putting my house in order (like meditation), having a chat with my neighbour, cooking a meal, hugging a tree, stroking the horse – some things never find their way to the lists, they are guided by instinct… of course these are the things I love the most.
This week on my ‘should really do’ list is finding and buying a diesel van that can be converted to veggie oil. It means confronting many personal comfort zones; spending money, trusting strangers, making the right decision about something I know little about…but, since my old car is slowly giving up - it really is time to take a deep breath and take the plunge…wish me luck!
How do we single out the most important things everyday as well as find a way to feed ourselves and our children? When the two things combine I guess we find most complete happiness. Today I will try to find a way to ‘market’ my music on the internet so I don’t have to worry so much about earning enough income to support our simple lives.
But, I never wrote music to make money - I create music to heal, nurture and to change the world – how strange it is then to ask people to ‘buy’ my music? Like almost everything in our society, music only seems to have economic value when it has been packaged, marketed and commodified. I console myself in grappling these dilemmas with the thought that perhaps the further my music can reach, the more encouragement and healing it can bring people to change the way we live.
For Life,
Slow Mother Blog Nov 20
Hello Dear Friends,
We just heard that the school's dance entry for Wakakiri on the theme of biodiversity won first prize in the competition for all over Australia in the country schools section! You can see some of the dance at the end of this youtube clip.
It's a rainy day and I am busy gardening, climbing up the roof to clean out the gutters and building Yani's new room upstairs. Yesterday my old friends John Seed and Patrick Anderson stopped by for a visit as they were traveling down the coast. It was great to share with them a little about the deep ecology theme we shared during the 'Life Speaks' tour in Japan...
More soon,
For Life,
We just heard that the school's dance entry for Wakakiri on the theme of biodiversity won first prize in the competition for all over Australia in the country schools section! You can see some of the dance at the end of this youtube clip.
It's a rainy day and I am busy gardening, climbing up the roof to clean out the gutters and building Yani's new room upstairs. Yesterday my old friends John Seed and Patrick Anderson stopped by for a visit as they were traveling down the coast. It was great to share with them a little about the deep ecology theme we shared during the 'Life Speaks' tour in Japan...
More soon,
For Life,
また、信じられないような体験をしました。国分寺駅からカフェスローまで馬車に引かれて向かったのです。(寄田さんありがとう) わたしは、馬車の横に止まった派手なスポーツカーに乗る男の人の顔が忘れられない。私たちを見て笑顔でこう言うのです、「わぁ、ぼくは最新のスポーツカーに乗ってるけど、馬車のほうがかっこいいなぁ。それどこで手に入るんだろう…」
…美味しいバナナの束です!バナナにはもうひとつ有名な使い方がありますね。わたしが企画した” the Living the GoodLifeいい暮らしフェスティバル”では、ベジタリアンブースでバナナの葉っぱがお皿として大活躍しました。
わたしの家のキッチン排水のすべては、(わたしたちの祝いのたき火でできた)木炭でいっぱいの濾過床、”油のトラップ” にまかれます。そしてそこで分解された土はバナナが育つサイクルに加える。そう、このシステムはシンプルで、お金が一切かからない、それだけでなく食べ物まで生産してくれるのです!(どうして人間は、生活を高価に、とても複雑にしてしまうのでしょう?)
もうひとつ、(コンフリー、ノコギリソウ、cannna lilies(ユリの一種)といっしょに植えた)バナナはコンポストの役目も果たします。おもしろい食べものは、すべてここから生まれる気がします。今の時期は数種類のカボチャ。
また、信じられないような体験をしました。国分寺駅からカフェスローまで馬車に引かれて向かったのです。(寄田さんありがとう) わたしは、馬車の横に止まった派手なスポーツカーに乗る男の人の顔が忘れられない。私たちを見て笑顔でこう言うのです、「わぁ、ぼくは最新のスポーツカーに乗ってるけど、馬車のほうがかっこいいなぁ。それどこで手に入るんだろう…」
…美味しいバナナの束です!バナナにはもうひとつ有名な使い方がありますね。わたしが企画した” the Living the GoodLifeいい暮らしフェスティバル”では、ベジタリアンブースでバナナの葉っぱがお皿として大活躍しました。
わたしの家のキッチン排水のすべては、(わたしたちの祝いのたき火でできた)木炭でいっぱいの濾過床、”油のトラップ” にまかれます。そしてそこで分解された土はバナナが育つサイクルに加える。そう、このシステムはシンプルで、お金が一切かからない、それだけでなく食べ物まで生産してくれるのです!(どうして人間は、生活を高価に、とても複雑にしてしまうのでしょう?)
もうひとつ、(コンフリー、ノコギリソウ、cannna lilies(ユリの一種)といっしょに植えた)バナナはコンポストの役目も果たします。おもしろい食べものは、すべてここから生まれる気がします。今の時期は数種類のカボチャ。
October has beena time of production and harvest for me. Visiting Japan again for the Life Speaks tour was invigorating and full of new potential – how wonderful it was to reconnect with the growing Slow tribe of Japan!
Among the many highlights (report coming) was the Soil and Peace festival in Hibiya park – how beautiful to see faces of such joy, hope and practical knowledge about how to live sustainably under the looming office towers of the Tokyo concrete jungle. And the incredible experience of riding in a horse pulled cart through Kokobunji (thanks Yorita-san), connecting the station with café Slow. I will never forget the look on the face of the man in the snazzy sports car that pulled up beside us– watching us with a smiling expression that said (to me): “wow – I have the latest sportscar – but that buggy is even cooler…wonder where I can get one…”.
It’s true, I think the Sloth Club and the Slow movement is the ‘coolest’ trend in town. I was blown away by the massive ‘thermos’ advertisements in Tokyo station and all over the Yamanote line encouraging people to bring along their own drinks, and the fact that so many restaurants now have re-useable chopsticks…maybe the zooni campaign has really made a difference…congratulations Sloths!
But now I am back in our little forest oasis in Australia enjoying the fruits of non-labour. Seriously, I haven’t really done much at all in my garden, just set up a simple permaculture system where the plants look after each other – and take a look at these pictures. The first harvest of my solar powered grey water recycling system – a delicious bunch of bananas!
Yes, those world famous banana plants that also provided the Living the Good Life’s festival’s vegetarian hut with banana leaf serving plates!!! All the kitchen waste water from my house goes into a ‘grease trap’ filled with filtering charcoal (from our many celebratory bon fires), then into a banana circle. So simple and it doesn’t cost anything – and provides a food resource! (Why do we humans tend to make living so complicated and expensive?...)
The other banana circles (also planted with comfrey, yarrow and canna lilies) double as my compost heaps – and all sorts of interesting food grows out of them – this time it is some kind of pumpkin. The garden is alive with many different kinds of insects and lots of bees on the Chinese cabbage plants going to seed – seems to keep everything healthy. I only spend around ½ hour a day working in the garden, watering, pulling out a few weeds, harvesting for meals…it really is so easy and so fulfilling.
Over the past two weeks since Japan though, most of my time has been spent behind a computer screen…cringe…I’ve been working on the very serious matter of writing a business plan for a new company I plan to launch soon called: slowsmallsimple. Actually its really everything I’ve been doing for the past 20 years and that I want to keep doing for another 20 years – just a little bit more formalised and perhaps more organised…My aim is to be able to support my family, while inspiring a sustainable lifestyle shift – a Culture where Life Matters. Any extra funds will support community projects in ‘developing’ countries with threatened forests, like Ecuador and Sarawak.
And, of course, I’m still involved with the school P and C committee. At the moment I’m proposing a new community builders program (over 3 years) to engage and stimulate the local community towards a happy, healthy, sustainable and resilient future…hmmmmm…..yes, maybe just a little bit ambitious! But (as usual) I feel compelled to act – with joy and a positive vision.
Pacha and Yani (and Ollie) were so happy to see me again – and very happy with the natto I brought back for them from Japan! Pacha has just had her dance concert – she shines with joy when she dances (I wonder if all Mums feel like that when they watch their children perform?). Ollie has become more affectionate since my return – seems he appreciates me more!
We are all very excited about Kae coming to volunteer with us from December (the garden will be amazing!) – and by fantastic luck, I could buy (funded by the Life Speaks tour) a funky, retro caravan (built in the 70s), lovingly cared for by its last owners and a perfect place for visitors to stay! We now have lots of inside house space for about 10 people at a time, so you are welcome to visit.
Love, For Life,
Back to Forest Bliss...
Dear Friends,
What a whirlwind, inspiring visit to Japan, with such wonderful re-connections! Thanks to everyone who was involved and who came along to events, meetings and discussions. A report is coming, but I am being slightly distracted by the beauty around me here, the beauty in my children, the beauty of the forest, the beauty of this life...This time, Japan gave me such a strong reaffirmation that we are following the right path - celebrating sustainability, cherishing and nurturing the sacredness of life so that we can act in the healing of the Earth as easily and naturally as breathing.
For Life,
What a whirlwind, inspiring visit to Japan, with such wonderful re-connections! Thanks to everyone who was involved and who came along to events, meetings and discussions. A report is coming, but I am being slightly distracted by the beauty around me here, the beauty in my children, the beauty of the forest, the beauty of this life...This time, Japan gave me such a strong reaffirmation that we are following the right path - celebrating sustainability, cherishing and nurturing the sacredness of life so that we can act in the healing of the Earth as easily and naturally as breathing.
For Life,
Biodiversity dance
Dear Friends,
Take a look at this inspiring video of the Iluka Public School Year 4/5 class (Australia) dancing to the theme of biodiversity at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmu1fS9LZ1E
This original dance marks the UN Year of Biodiversity and the Year of Learning for Sustainability. It is, to me, one of the clearest and most passionate explanations of what biodiversity is and how important it is to protect and nurture it.
The children’s dance teacher, Mandy Pashen has led this talented class in creating a wonderful performance that was videoed and entered into the Australian ‘Wakakiri’ school dance competition. With almost no money for sets and costumes, parents, students and teachers volunteered their time and creativity. Please share this and let’s inspire everyone to celebrate and protect biodiversity!
Warm Regards,
Anja Light
Director, The Sloth Club Japan.
私たちにとっての一大イベント「いい人生を送ろうフェスティバル」が終わって1週間が経ちました。まだ燃え尽きた感じをひきずっています。 みなさんもまもなくウェブサイトで、当日の様子をいくつか見ることができるでしょう: www.livingthegoodlife.com
ちょうど1週間後に、私は日本に戻ります。 手帳でスケジュールを確認しながら、どうやって準備を間に合わせようかと思っています。再び現在の問題として浮上してきた「宿題」の一部について思いを巡らせます。
私たちにとっての一大イベント「いい人生を送ろうフェスティバル」が終わって1週間が経ちました。まだ燃え尽きた感じをひきずっています。 みなさんもまもなくウェブサイトで、当日の様子をいくつか見ることができるでしょう: www.livingthegoodlife.com
ちょうど1週間後に、私は日本に戻ります。 手帳でスケジュールを確認しながら、どうやって準備を間に合わせようかと思っています。再び現在の問題として浮上してきた「宿題」の一部について思いを巡らせます。
Slow Mother Blog
The dawn chorus is ringing in my ears. I can hear at least 15 different bird calls echoing from all directions – joyous, present, alive. It fills me up like some empty container – more than enough life energy to last through the day.
It has been over a week since our big ‘Living the Good Life’ festival here and we’re still recovering from the effort! You will soon be able to see some of the images on the website: www.livingthegoodlife.com Luckily it was a successful event, with lots of people, lots of fun, some learning and a great result in fundraising for a school playground. The support from family and friends (as far as from Tasmania, Michael and Japan, Minami) has been truly amazing - like a heart beat – keeping the vision alive! Pacha and Yani seem to be proud that their Mum is so involved with the school and have been coping beautifully with the extra stress in the household. And our horse Ollie has now been elevated to the title of my personal therapist and physical trainer along with his role as our ‘ride on’ lawn mower and garden manure producer.
Many people who didn’t think the festival would succeed have apologised for
not believing it was possible to do something like this in Iluka and almost everyone who went has commented positively about the concept and the general good 'vibe' around the festival. Even the harshest critics admitted that the egetarian hut (with food served on ‘sterilised’ banana leaves) was great.
So, little by little I hope this contributes to a culture shift in our area, where ‘sustainability’ is not regarded as a dirty word and that people start to realise how lucky they are to live in this part of the world and feel inspired to cherish it, restore it and protect it for future generations.
In just over a week I’ll be back in Japan. I keep looking at the days in my diary and wonder how I will be ready in time. Then again I think part of the ‘homework’ preparation is just staying open to being present. There will be important ‘issues’ to present: new threats in Ecuador, continuing forest destruction and peaceful protests by the Penan in Sarawak and even continuing logging in Tasmania – despite the recent success of the Gunns timber company pulling out of native forests…it’s like a giant machine that takes time to stop even after the engine has been switched off.
Yet the message: to remember we are part of the Earth – is clear. Our collective intention to heal our separation with the planet and each other and extend our sense of self has the power to topple the monolith of old thinking that is causing so much suffering.
I look so much forward to sharing with my friends in Japan again. While I
haven’t written any ‘new’ songs, music is always with us here, in the spontaneous song with Pacha and Yani any moment in the day or night, in the tapestry of the beauty always around us. See you next week!
The dawn chorus is ringing in my ears. I can hear at least 15 different bird calls echoing from all directions – joyous, present, alive. It fills me up like some empty container – more than enough life energy to last through the day.
It has been over a week since our big ‘Living the Good Life’ festival here and we’re still recovering from the effort! You will soon be able to see some of the images on the website: www.livingthegoodlife.com Luckily it was a successful event, with lots of people, lots of fun, some learning and a great result in fundraising for a school playground. The support from family and friends (as far as from Tasmania, Michael and Japan, Minami) has been truly amazing - like a heart beat – keeping the vision alive! Pacha and Yani seem to be proud that their Mum is so involved with the school and have been coping beautifully with the extra stress in the household. And our horse Ollie has now been elevated to the title of my personal therapist and physical trainer along with his role as our ‘ride on’ lawn mower and garden manure producer.
Many people who didn’t think the festival would succeed have apologised for
not believing it was possible to do something like this in Iluka and almost everyone who went has commented positively about the concept and the general good 'vibe' around the festival. Even the harshest critics admitted that the egetarian hut (with food served on ‘sterilised’ banana leaves) was great.
So, little by little I hope this contributes to a culture shift in our area, where ‘sustainability’ is not regarded as a dirty word and that people start to realise how lucky they are to live in this part of the world and feel inspired to cherish it, restore it and protect it for future generations.
In just over a week I’ll be back in Japan. I keep looking at the days in my diary and wonder how I will be ready in time. Then again I think part of the ‘homework’ preparation is just staying open to being present. There will be important ‘issues’ to present: new threats in Ecuador, continuing forest destruction and peaceful protests by the Penan in Sarawak and even continuing logging in Tasmania – despite the recent success of the Gunns timber company pulling out of native forests…it’s like a giant machine that takes time to stop even after the engine has been switched off.
Yet the message: to remember we are part of the Earth – is clear. Our collective intention to heal our separation with the planet and each other and extend our sense of self has the power to topple the monolith of old thinking that is causing so much suffering.
I look so much forward to sharing with my friends in Japan again. While I
haven’t written any ‘new’ songs, music is always with us here, in the spontaneous song with Pacha and Yani any moment in the day or night, in the tapestry of the beauty always around us. See you next week!
この時期は、家の外で思う存分‘生活を楽しめる’1年の中でとても素晴らしい時期です。たき火の上でお料理をし(火の上で焼く、パンの一種である伝統的なダンパーの面白いビデオはこちらで見られます:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USYf7tUCkbo )オリーを散歩に連れ出して新鮮なスプリンググラスを食べさせ、今、ここに流れているスローで上質な時を過ごします。
そして至福の「今、ここ」から、四方を壁に囲まれた家に戻ると、私は “物事をこなす”ことのプレッシャーに心がかき乱されていくのです。電話をそばに置いて、コンピューターの前に座るとすぐに、私はビジョンや考えを言葉に置き換える作業の渦に飲み込まれます。私が長い年月の間大事にしてきた思想を、簡単にまとまっていて、理解しやすい言葉で伝えようともがいていました。
ひとつ例をあげてみましょう。私たちはフェスティバルで、ベジタリアンのお菓子をバナナの葉をお皿にして(ゴミを出さないために)販売しようとしていました。ところが、それに「待った」がかけられたのです。-それは‘食品衛生上のリスク’が理由でした。食品衛生上のリスクですって? 同じ会場内で、工場産の豚肉ソーセージを紙ナプキンに乗せて販売することは大丈夫なのに?納得がいきません。-私たちの周りには、ぜんそくやアレルギーなどの慢性病を患い、ぶくぶく太って健康的でない子どもたちがいっぱいです。-子育てをするのにそんなに過保護になる必要があるのでしょうか?
そして至福の「今、ここ」から、四方を壁に囲まれた家に戻ると、私は “物事をこなす”ことのプレッシャーに心がかき乱されていくのです。電話をそばに置いて、コンピューターの前に座るとすぐに、私はビジョンや考えを言葉に置き換える作業の渦に飲み込まれます。私が長い年月の間大事にしてきた思想を、簡単にまとまっていて、理解しやすい言葉で伝えようともがいていました。
ひとつ例をあげてみましょう。私たちはフェスティバルで、ベジタリアンのお菓子をバナナの葉をお皿にして(ゴミを出さないために)販売しようとしていました。ところが、それに「待った」がかけられたのです。-それは‘食品衛生上のリスク’が理由でした。食品衛生上のリスクですって? 同じ会場内で、工場産の豚肉ソーセージを紙ナプキンに乗せて販売することは大丈夫なのに?納得がいきません。-私たちの周りには、ぜんそくやアレルギーなどの慢性病を患い、ぶくぶく太って健康的でない子どもたちがいっぱいです。-子育てをするのにそんなに過保護になる必要があるのでしょうか?
It is such a glorious time of the year that we are ‘living’ outside as much as we can. Cooking on the bonfire (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USYf7tUCkbo for a funny video of our fire made traditional ‘damper’), taking Ollie out for walks to munch fresh Spring grass, spending slow quality time in the present – then, going back inside the four walls of my house, I enter the pressured frenzy of ‘getting things done’. As soon as I sit in front of the computer, with the phone at my side,
I get sucked into a vortex of turning visions and thoughts into words, trying to communicate ideas that I have been living for so many years, into easily digestable, understandable information.
I am now fully involved in organising the ‘Living the Good Life’ Festival ( livingthegoodlifefest.com) that will be on in just two weeks. Sometimes I think it was easier to organise the Expo Cotacachi in Ecuador over ten years ago – despite the language barrier, more people seemed to understand the vision of alternative development…well at least the people I was working closely with.
I’ll give you just one example. There is some ‘concern’ about our plan to serve the healthy, vegetarian snacks we are making on banana leaves (to avoid rubbish) – because of the ‘health risk’. Health Risk??!! But its fine to serve up mushed up, factory farmed pigs in the form of sausages on paper serviettes! Why? - when things seem so obvious to me, when we look around and see fatter and more unhealthy children with chronic diseases like asthma and allergies all around us - do I have to feel so defensive for caring?
Anway, of course we will make sure we ‘sterilize’ the banana leaves before we use them (despite the fact that banana leaves have natural anti-bacterial properties) and keep everyone happy…but it gives you an idea about how challenging things can be sometimes in trying to bring in new, commonsense ideas back into a culture that has become so obedient to mass production and modern ‘convenience’.
I get sucked into a vortex of turning visions and thoughts into words, trying to communicate ideas that I have been living for so many years, into easily digestable, understandable information.
I am now fully involved in organising the ‘Living the Good Life’ Festival ( livingthegoodlifefest.com) that will be on in just two weeks. Sometimes I think it was easier to organise the Expo Cotacachi in Ecuador over ten years ago – despite the language barrier, more people seemed to understand the vision of alternative development…well at least the people I was working closely with.
I’ll give you just one example. There is some ‘concern’ about our plan to serve the healthy, vegetarian snacks we are making on banana leaves (to avoid rubbish) – because of the ‘health risk’. Health Risk??!! But its fine to serve up mushed up, factory farmed pigs in the form of sausages on paper serviettes! Why? - when things seem so obvious to me, when we look around and see fatter and more unhealthy children with chronic diseases like asthma and allergies all around us - do I have to feel so defensive for caring?
Anway, of course we will make sure we ‘sterilize’ the banana leaves before we use them (despite the fact that banana leaves have natural anti-bacterial properties) and keep everyone happy…but it gives you an idea about how challenging things can be sometimes in trying to bring in new, commonsense ideas back into a culture that has become so obedient to mass production and modern ‘convenience’.
My Deep, Slow, car dilemma…
Yesterday the door of our old van fell off. Luckily we were not moving at the time. It had been getting harder to open the sliding door over some time. Actually the kids have been climbing in and out the windows rather than using the door for at least a month. (Once a girl in a park asked Pacha why she got out of the window and Pacha answered that the door was a bit stuck. When Pacha told me this story I said next time to say that your life is unique – just about everyone has a car with doors that open – not many people have one like a rally car where you have to go in through the windows…ha…rally car! – our car struggles to make it over 80kms per hour…).
Just about every child who has ridden in our van absolutely loves it. We call our 1983 Tarago: Emilou and we give her encouragement as she struggles up the hills (‘go Emilou – we love you – Go Emilou – we love you’). My sister’s two year old son Griffin pleads with me to ride in – ‘da bongo wagon’ because it is always so much fun – looking up through the skylight roof, singing as loud as we can to mask the noise of the engine, loading all the surfboards in the back, not worrying too much about sandy feet when we get back in…
And our ‘Emilou’ has been completely reliable over the past 6 years, taking us thousands of kilometres with almost no mechanical problems. I can’t count the many times she has been loaded to the gills with salvage building materials, or plants or soil or seaweed or manure or mulch – all the things we have used to create our slow life in Woombah.
A few years ago the odometer stopped going around – so I figure she has decided she is not getting any older, and since she is not moving anywhere she is not using any oil or water (I have never had to fill these). Lately she has had some trouble going backwards – but I figure that she is just taking on my own personality traits: never give up, always look forward to the next adventure!
But, owning a car is one of the biggest contradictions in trying to create our sustainable lifestyle. It pains me to fill her up with fossil fuel - the blood of the Earth. I see the images of oil spills and bedraggled birds and rage at the stupidity of humans in developing this shortsighted, selfish technology that modern humans have been given little choice but participate in. I feel so guilty that I am part of this insanity. I limit our driving as much as possible – around twice a week to the school or local town, once a month for a 2 hour trip to the Gold Coast – but it is still not right.
While people say it is ‘irresponsible’ to drive a polluting old car and instead should be a slightly less polluting 'new' car – I know that buying a new car means there are additional greenhouse emissions created just in the embodied energy to manufacture the car – so the longer I can avoid buying a 'new' car the less impact I have…or not?
So I am stuck. I ‘need’ another car. I live in the country where public transport is very limited and I want to keep my physical connections with my family and old Emilou is definitely ready for retirement. I look at the secondhand car web pages – but I am constantly searching for something that doesn’t seem to exist yet (and may never exist) – a car that doesn’t destroy the Earth.
My conclusion is to look for a secondhand small diesel car (used electric cars are not yet an option in Australia) – where I can at least fill up with bio-diesel in Byron Bay and at some point investigate making my own bio-diesel for fuel.
And perhaps one day I will be able to slow down enough to feel satisfied with just horseback or bicycle or my own two feet to feed this appetite to shift my horizons…
Yesterday the door of our old van fell off. Luckily we were not moving at the time. It had been getting harder to open the sliding door over some time. Actually the kids have been climbing in and out the windows rather than using the door for at least a month. (Once a girl in a park asked Pacha why she got out of the window and Pacha answered that the door was a bit stuck. When Pacha told me this story I said next time to say that your life is unique – just about everyone has a car with doors that open – not many people have one like a rally car where you have to go in through the windows…ha…rally car! – our car struggles to make it over 80kms per hour…).
Just about every child who has ridden in our van absolutely loves it. We call our 1983 Tarago: Emilou and we give her encouragement as she struggles up the hills (‘go Emilou – we love you – Go Emilou – we love you’). My sister’s two year old son Griffin pleads with me to ride in – ‘da bongo wagon’ because it is always so much fun – looking up through the skylight roof, singing as loud as we can to mask the noise of the engine, loading all the surfboards in the back, not worrying too much about sandy feet when we get back in…
And our ‘Emilou’ has been completely reliable over the past 6 years, taking us thousands of kilometres with almost no mechanical problems. I can’t count the many times she has been loaded to the gills with salvage building materials, or plants or soil or seaweed or manure or mulch – all the things we have used to create our slow life in Woombah.
A few years ago the odometer stopped going around – so I figure she has decided she is not getting any older, and since she is not moving anywhere she is not using any oil or water (I have never had to fill these). Lately she has had some trouble going backwards – but I figure that she is just taking on my own personality traits: never give up, always look forward to the next adventure!
But, owning a car is one of the biggest contradictions in trying to create our sustainable lifestyle. It pains me to fill her up with fossil fuel - the blood of the Earth. I see the images of oil spills and bedraggled birds and rage at the stupidity of humans in developing this shortsighted, selfish technology that modern humans have been given little choice but participate in. I feel so guilty that I am part of this insanity. I limit our driving as much as possible – around twice a week to the school or local town, once a month for a 2 hour trip to the Gold Coast – but it is still not right.
While people say it is ‘irresponsible’ to drive a polluting old car and instead should be a slightly less polluting 'new' car – I know that buying a new car means there are additional greenhouse emissions created just in the embodied energy to manufacture the car – so the longer I can avoid buying a 'new' car the less impact I have…or not?
So I am stuck. I ‘need’ another car. I live in the country where public transport is very limited and I want to keep my physical connections with my family and old Emilou is definitely ready for retirement. I look at the secondhand car web pages – but I am constantly searching for something that doesn’t seem to exist yet (and may never exist) – a car that doesn’t destroy the Earth.
My conclusion is to look for a secondhand small diesel car (used electric cars are not yet an option in Australia) – where I can at least fill up with bio-diesel in Byron Bay and at some point investigate making my own bio-diesel for fuel.
And perhaps one day I will be able to slow down enough to feel satisfied with just horseback or bicycle or my own two feet to feed this appetite to shift my horizons…
About once a month Pacha, Yani and I travel to the big smoke of the Gold Coast to visit my Mum and sister’s family. This also gives us the chance to visit the ‘dump’ shops and recycle markets to find all the things we need (clothes, shoes, building materials) to make our lives more comfortable in Woombah.
This weekend was the big Burleigh recycle markets and Pacha decided that she might be able to earn some money to pay for an upcoming music camp by dancing in public (busking). I wasn’t really very supportive. I complained when I had to spend $30 to buy batteries for the portable CD player to play her modern rap and disco music in front of the sausage sizzle stand. But then, as I watched, people stopped and smiled, children joined in her dancing and her little basket filled up with spare change.
So there she was, dancing her heart out for 3 hours, smiling and swaying and spinning – wearing out her bare feet on the tarmac. She paid for the batteries and earned an extra $50 toward the music camp and is now determined to dance in public at every chance she gets. Today Pacha brought joy to so many people – and none more than me.
My sister and I often talk about just how ‘out of the box’ we are and how we must remember that when we have such high expectations of people and the world to be able to change so that life can continue. My sister has just travelled with her husband and 3 children (Griffin is only 2 years old) through Cambodia for 6 weeks.
People think she is very ‘rich’ to be able to travel like this – but her family lives on a basic single income, rarely buy anything ‘new’ and don’t worry too much about having a ‘modern’ kitchen and bathroom like most people around them. They make travel their priority because they believe it is the best classroom - complete with real life experiences. It seems their strongest experience was in meeting so many smiling, happy children and families despite living in abject poverty. This gives them new appreciation of everything we have here in Australia.
As we live, so we learn, so we engage in the opportunities that provide a ‘win, win, win’ around us – dancing to that hopeful tune of Love, Life and Peace.
This weekend was the big Burleigh recycle markets and Pacha decided that she might be able to earn some money to pay for an upcoming music camp by dancing in public (busking). I wasn’t really very supportive. I complained when I had to spend $30 to buy batteries for the portable CD player to play her modern rap and disco music in front of the sausage sizzle stand. But then, as I watched, people stopped and smiled, children joined in her dancing and her little basket filled up with spare change.
So there she was, dancing her heart out for 3 hours, smiling and swaying and spinning – wearing out her bare feet on the tarmac. She paid for the batteries and earned an extra $50 toward the music camp and is now determined to dance in public at every chance she gets. Today Pacha brought joy to so many people – and none more than me.
My sister and I often talk about just how ‘out of the box’ we are and how we must remember that when we have such high expectations of people and the world to be able to change so that life can continue. My sister has just travelled with her husband and 3 children (Griffin is only 2 years old) through Cambodia for 6 weeks.
People think she is very ‘rich’ to be able to travel like this – but her family lives on a basic single income, rarely buy anything ‘new’ and don’t worry too much about having a ‘modern’ kitchen and bathroom like most people around them. They make travel their priority because they believe it is the best classroom - complete with real life experiences. It seems their strongest experience was in meeting so many smiling, happy children and families despite living in abject poverty. This gives them new appreciation of everything we have here in Australia.
As we live, so we learn, so we engage in the opportunities that provide a ‘win, win, win’ around us – dancing to that hopeful tune of Love, Life and Peace.
あなたは馬を愛するのと同じように車を愛することはできないでしょう。 馬は、私たちから人間らしい感情を引き出してくれます。それは機械には決してできないことです。このように機械は、私たち人間の中にあるものを引き出しもしますが、また疎かにもするのです。そして、私たちに本来備わっている感情を「用なし」にすることで、私たちの暮らしを非人間的で機械的なものにしていくのです。
私は、ボニフェイス婦人に私の通う「教会」にぜひ来ていただきたいと思っています。その「教会」には礼拝堂も壁もありません。白人たちがキリスト教とともにこの地にやってくるずっと前からあったもの。あなたを取り囲んでいて、あなたの呼吸やあなたの存在すべてとつながり合っているもの。私がいう「教会」とはつまり、空気・水・土・火、そして多様性。人間と人間以外の社会を、優しく敬いをもって支え合う、この地球システムのことです。私が従うべき「教義」は、誰かが書いた教典ではなく、私の心の中にあります。そして、私は信条によってではなく、愛によって行動するのです。 敬具
“You cannot love a car the way you love a horse. The horse brings out human feelings the way machines cannot do. Things like machines may develop or neglect certain things in people ... Machines make our life impersonal and stultify certain elements in us and create an impersonal environment.”
Albert Einstein
This morning, like most mornings, I brought Pacha and Yani to the school bus stop on horse back. On the weekend Pacha, Yani, Ollie and I went for a 4 hour walk through the forest. Bringing a picnic, stopping for munches on juicy grass, sharing Ollie’s back between riding our bikes, playing, breathing, singing, interacting, connecting… everyday I pinch myself to remind myself I’m not dreaming - how lucky we are! Living in paradise in nature, in our simple house, with the freedom to engage with community, express opinions and work to make things better for all.
It does feel indulgent sometimes, and I wonder about people thinking we must be so very rich to be able to afford a horse. Well we are rich, but not so much in money (though this depends on who you compare our income with). In any case, I have figured out that Ollie, our horse, earns his place in our family, this is why:
Ollie keeps the grass down. If he wasn’t here I would have to either buy a ride on mower ($3000 plus ongoing maintenance and petrol), or pay someone else to mow the grass every month or so.
Ollie produces manure. If you buy horse poop for the garden it costs about $3 per bag, and he produces about 2 big bags a day (yes, he poops a lot).
Ollie is our ‘therapist’. He is patient and gentle and always present. He is warm and soft and powerful and teaches about how to respect and behave with one another. He teaches us to see the world through non-human eyes.
The Australian federal election is coming up and to me, the whole thing is a farce. The two main parties are just about the same as each other – and controlled by corporations who are controlled by greed. One of the biggest campaign ‘issues’ now is the so-called ‘boat people’ problem - people risking their lives on leaky boats, fleeing countries of war in order to seek shelter in Australia. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come into Australia by plane – but both big political parties are making a big deal about doing whatever they can to keep the ‘boat people’ out of Australia…how heartless, how cruel – especially when we contribute to the chaos in war torn countries like Afghanistan by sending our military there.
This is a recent letter I wrote to the newspaper regarding the election, in response to a person who basically said that only practicing Christians should be voted in as our leaders.
Dear Sir,
I only have one question for Wendy Boniface: ‘Who would Jesus vote for?’
The Jesus I know would support candidates who are guided by compassion and tolerance, not greed, paranoia and the desire for personal power; those with the courage to tell the truth regardless of being ridiculed or harassed as a result; those whose actions speak louder than words.
I think he’d be backing the Davids against the corporate Goliaths who put profits before people, who ‘prosper’ at the expense of the poor. He’d be taking a good look at policies and supporting parties that do not continuously increase the ‘defence’ budget at the expense of health, housing and education. As a man of peace, Jesus wouldn’t be backing parties who keep sending our young people to misguided wars in foreign lands where the main casualties are invariably women and children. I believe Jesus would be rallying behind the only party whose candidates do not accept political donations by corporations or developers.
And above all, the Jesus I know would support the party that puts the highest priority on caring for the Earth, because there’s not much point in having ‘faith’ on a desecrated, polluted, unliveable planet is there?
I also welcome Mrs Boniface to the Church I go to. It has no walls. It’s the one that was here even before white Christians came to this land with their ‘faith’. It is all around you, connecting you with every breath and with every kind, gentle and respectful interaction with our human and non-human community. The truth I follow is written in the heart, motivated by love – not in a book written by men.
Albert Einstein
This morning, like most mornings, I brought Pacha and Yani to the school bus stop on horse back. On the weekend Pacha, Yani, Ollie and I went for a 4 hour walk through the forest. Bringing a picnic, stopping for munches on juicy grass, sharing Ollie’s back between riding our bikes, playing, breathing, singing, interacting, connecting… everyday I pinch myself to remind myself I’m not dreaming - how lucky we are! Living in paradise in nature, in our simple house, with the freedom to engage with community, express opinions and work to make things better for all.
It does feel indulgent sometimes, and I wonder about people thinking we must be so very rich to be able to afford a horse. Well we are rich, but not so much in money (though this depends on who you compare our income with). In any case, I have figured out that Ollie, our horse, earns his place in our family, this is why:
Ollie keeps the grass down. If he wasn’t here I would have to either buy a ride on mower ($3000 plus ongoing maintenance and petrol), or pay someone else to mow the grass every month or so.
Ollie produces manure. If you buy horse poop for the garden it costs about $3 per bag, and he produces about 2 big bags a day (yes, he poops a lot).
Ollie is our ‘therapist’. He is patient and gentle and always present. He is warm and soft and powerful and teaches about how to respect and behave with one another. He teaches us to see the world through non-human eyes.
The Australian federal election is coming up and to me, the whole thing is a farce. The two main parties are just about the same as each other – and controlled by corporations who are controlled by greed. One of the biggest campaign ‘issues’ now is the so-called ‘boat people’ problem - people risking their lives on leaky boats, fleeing countries of war in order to seek shelter in Australia. The vast majority of illegal immigrants come into Australia by plane – but both big political parties are making a big deal about doing whatever they can to keep the ‘boat people’ out of Australia…how heartless, how cruel – especially when we contribute to the chaos in war torn countries like Afghanistan by sending our military there.
This is a recent letter I wrote to the newspaper regarding the election, in response to a person who basically said that only practicing Christians should be voted in as our leaders.
Dear Sir,
I only have one question for Wendy Boniface: ‘Who would Jesus vote for?’
The Jesus I know would support candidates who are guided by compassion and tolerance, not greed, paranoia and the desire for personal power; those with the courage to tell the truth regardless of being ridiculed or harassed as a result; those whose actions speak louder than words.
I think he’d be backing the Davids against the corporate Goliaths who put profits before people, who ‘prosper’ at the expense of the poor. He’d be taking a good look at policies and supporting parties that do not continuously increase the ‘defence’ budget at the expense of health, housing and education. As a man of peace, Jesus wouldn’t be backing parties who keep sending our young people to misguided wars in foreign lands where the main casualties are invariably women and children. I believe Jesus would be rallying behind the only party whose candidates do not accept political donations by corporations or developers.
And above all, the Jesus I know would support the party that puts the highest priority on caring for the Earth, because there’s not much point in having ‘faith’ on a desecrated, polluted, unliveable planet is there?
I also welcome Mrs Boniface to the Church I go to. It has no walls. It’s the one that was here even before white Christians came to this land with their ‘faith’. It is all around you, connecting you with every breath and with every kind, gentle and respectful interaction with our human and non-human community. The truth I follow is written in the heart, motivated by love – not in a book written by men.


My next big project is building up fast! On September 18th, I will be organising the ‘Living the Good Life Festival’ at our school in Iluka. The name is an attempt to ‘re-brand’ the choice to live a gentle life - a conscious life - a lifestyle that doesn’t destroy the Earth. We’ll have stalls, entertainment, food and lectures encouraging a sustainable lifestyle shift, while also supporting our School Fete. Through the festival website (www.livingthegoodlifefest.com) we plan to create a ‘virtual sustainable lifestyle’s tour’ so that people can get an insight about the many different ways people in this area are trying to lighten their impact on the planet without burning fossil fuel to drive around to see them.
I am now collecting inspiring sustainable lifestyle examples that I will showcase on the new web site. As I get involved in organising the event, the web of like-minded people expands and I feel great encouragement about the potential of this area to become a sustainable community in the future. And this connects with my aim to run a business; ‘slowsmallsimple’ that provides information, inspiration and advice about how to live a healthy, happy and sustainable lifestyle. I’m not a good business person – I find it very hard to ask for money for anything…but the reality of feeding Pacha and Yani make it important to face this part of my life!
Anyway, through this glorious search for good sustainable lifestyle examples, I have recently met Carolyn. Carolyn lives on a 350 acre permaculture property with her two children, her mother and father and her grandmother along with horses, chickens, cows, pigs, chickens, ducks and dogs. The three small, simple home-built houses (from their own harvested timber) are run from solar energy (completely off the grid) with wood and gas stoves for cooking. All water is collected from their own roofs. The garden provides all the vegetables they need. For me, the intergenerational aspect of her set-up was the most inspiring. How wonderful to see and feel the strong and supportive, loving bonds between everyone! It is something I
have often seen when living with indigenous peoples, and even the poor communities in Intag, but it’s not so common in Australia.
Pacha and Yani spent 3 hours playing and exploring, and decided that they would definitely like to live there! Though I’m not so sure. It was at least
a ½ hour drive to reach any kind of village centre. Where we live now, there are more than 20 children living in just this street. Pacha and Yani can find friends to play with and I am in easy reach of my activities at the school and in the community. I chose this area knowing that some day (when a bike path is built) I will be able to ride to the beach and to the town.
Now all I need to do is convince the rest of my family to live here!
Yani has just had his 7th birthday. We celebrated with friends and family and lots of time just being together. I think he feels loved and appreciated. That's all any of us really need isn’t it?
Love to you all!
Anja Light
「歌は、私を楽しませ、自由にしてくれるわ」とは、娘・パチャの発言です。 学校の聖歌隊の子どもたち(およそ80人)に、隣の人どうしで「歌うことで何を感じるか、なぜ聖歌隊に参加したいと思ったのか」を質問しあってもらったときのことです。
“Singing makes me feel joyful, it makes me feel free” said Pacha. I was leading the school choir and had asked all the children (around 80 people) to describe to the person standing beside them how singing made them feel and why they liked coming to choir. Her words reminded me about how I feel about singing, and how much the joy of music has given me. Anywhere, anytime, with anyone, song builds bridges, connects hearts and expresses our deepest emotions. It is life-long, it sustains the heart, the spirit, the soul…
But in our public school, if my friend Tina and I hadn’t volunteered to lead the choir group, the children would have gone without this year. In the public education system the emphasis is on ‘numeracy and literacy’. Teachers value their worth by exam results in spelling, punctuation and maths tables – not so much by the sense of children’s wellbeing and self-esteem.
As an adult, I greatly appreciate my education – it is good to be able to add up and to read and write well – but understanding my identity, and the context and the purpose of these tools has been so much more important. And this was never assisted much by the conventional school system. All my best memories of school were activities outside of the ‘classroom’ – the musicals, drama competitions, debating team, forming friendships, engaging in issues around me. I did my duty to pass my exams well, because that was what was expected of us, but enjoying life taught me much more.
I believe that encouraging children to find ways to feel unconditional joy and happiness, without necessarily spending money, or winning competitions – and being able to share this joy freely – should be given more emphasis in the education system. Imagine every child feeling empowered, not only by their exam results, but by their own unique talents that can bring joy to themselves and others. I find myself doing more and more at school to try to help make this possible; the school food gardens, the choir, raising funds to build a playground and organising the sustainability fete this year.
Pacha’s words at choir last week make me feel like it’s worth the effort.
But in our public school, if my friend Tina and I hadn’t volunteered to lead the choir group, the children would have gone without this year. In the public education system the emphasis is on ‘numeracy and literacy’. Teachers value their worth by exam results in spelling, punctuation and maths tables – not so much by the sense of children’s wellbeing and self-esteem.
As an adult, I greatly appreciate my education – it is good to be able to add up and to read and write well – but understanding my identity, and the context and the purpose of these tools has been so much more important. And this was never assisted much by the conventional school system. All my best memories of school were activities outside of the ‘classroom’ – the musicals, drama competitions, debating team, forming friendships, engaging in issues around me. I did my duty to pass my exams well, because that was what was expected of us, but enjoying life taught me much more.
I believe that encouraging children to find ways to feel unconditional joy and happiness, without necessarily spending money, or winning competitions – and being able to share this joy freely – should be given more emphasis in the education system. Imagine every child feeling empowered, not only by their exam results, but by their own unique talents that can bring joy to themselves and others. I find myself doing more and more at school to try to help make this possible; the school food gardens, the choir, raising funds to build a playground and organising the sustainability fete this year.
Pacha’s words at choir last week make me feel like it’s worth the effort.
今日は1年で一番日が短い冬至の日。やらなければならない仕事のTo Doリストがあるのにも関わらず(その仕事は身体を使う本物の作業なので、好きなのですが)、私は今ここでコンピューターの前に座っています。深く反省したり、今の様な子育てのやり方で子どもたちに正しい事をしているのだろうかと自問していると、動く事ができなかったのです。そして毎日押しつけられている大衆文化のほとんどを私は拒んでいるのかをはっきりさせようとしていました。あまりに多くの大衆文化が、学校のシステム:義務や遵守、画一化や盲目的な信仰、“先生”と言われる人への信頼、愛好心、大衆消費文化・・・などを通して強くもたらされているのです。
これは実際に、1992年に12歳でリオ地球サミットで世界のリーダーに向けて演説をしたセヴァン・スズキの言葉です。 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY)
今日は1年で一番日が短い冬至の日。やらなければならない仕事のTo Doリストがあるのにも関わらず(その仕事は身体を使う本物の作業なので、好きなのですが)、私は今ここでコンピューターの前に座っています。深く反省したり、今の様な子育てのやり方で子どもたちに正しい事をしているのだろうかと自問していると、動く事ができなかったのです。そして毎日押しつけられている大衆文化のほとんどを私は拒んでいるのかをはっきりさせようとしていました。あまりに多くの大衆文化が、学校のシステム:義務や遵守、画一化や盲目的な信仰、“先生”と言われる人への信頼、愛好心、大衆消費文化・・・などを通して強くもたらされているのです。
これは実際に、1992年に12歳でリオ地球サミットで世界のリーダーに向けて演説をしたセヴァン・スズキの言葉です。 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY)
6/21, Solstice/Candlenight
I was so close to letting Pacha and Yani stay home from school today.
They were ‘reigniting’ a fire we had lit yesterday. Completely focused in their task, fascinated watching the flames come alive once again. So many lessons learnt on so many levels, ancient memories, emotions, associations, a sense of slow time…maybe it was a good day to learn in a different way than sitting in a classroom - but I - the dutiful parent, found myself nagging: ‘Get your shoes on kids, quick get your bags ready, have you remembered everything you need for school?’ And forced them to the bus stop - the kids were pretty grumpy.
It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Despite the long list of ‘jobs’ to do (and jobs I love doing – physical jobs, real tasks), I’m here at the computer - not able to move from a sense of deep reflection and questioning; am I doing the right thing for my children, bringing them up the way I am - making it so obvious that I/we reject the majority of the mass culture foisted on us everyday? So many of these are reinforced through the school system: duty, obedience, conformity, blind faith and trust of annointed ‘teachers’, patriotism, consumerism…
I’ll give you an example; Pacha has a school assignment/project given by the local Country Women’s Association. The topic is: Scotland. I believe the expectation is of a neat, orderly poster with pictures and touristy type information – and for the ‘best’ result a prize will be given. Having been one of the few parents of children that has actually visited Scotland, I find myself guiding Pacha about what I think is a most important current information about that country, based on my own experience, the fact that Scotland is home to England’s illegal nuclear arsenal that has the capacity to destroy most cities on the planet. So, on her poster there is a picture of the ‘Loch Ness monster’ and beside it a picture of a nuclear submarine with the caption: ‘other monsters lurking in Scottish waters’.
What will the response to her poster be? Is it unfair that I have imposed my own experience and viewpoint on her? Will she be ostractised or ridiculed for having this ‘unique’ knowledge and opinion? At 9 years old is she too young to have a voice – because she happens to have me as a parent?
On facebook recently my parenting style has been challenged by a family friend. I suspect her views are a commonly held (but not often spoken) mainstream view, and I take them to heart, because I want to be the best mother I can to my children. I’ll include my response to her concerns about my using Pacha to express my own ‘political agenda’.
“Thanks for your deep and concerned response L - I know it is coming from a real place. The words in the song were actually of Severn Suzuki who, at age 12, addressed world leaders at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY). She started an environment group when she was 9 years old. I guess it would be good to talk with her about whether she has similar feelings to you about her own childhood (ie. being a mouth-piece for other adults political agendas).”
“This is a long conversation and it incorporates just about everything, it's about the subversive and seducive influences that our children are exposed to throughout their childhood that we have little control over: coca cola, mcdonalds, glorified military ads, health (and diets) coming from a chemist shop- and the more expensive the 'better' they must be, beauty coming from a bottle or a doctor's surgery, food being neatly packaged and totally detached from its source, oil gushing out of the Earth because our human culture considers itself more important than anything else, consume more to be more happy... Not only children - adults are still so trusting of these messages engulfing us from modern media.”
“Should children be given the opportunity to participate in shaping the culture that is currently destroying the Earth and causing untold suffering through the guidance of their parents? Because I love my children more than my own existence, because I know we are interconnected with everything else in this miracle of life - I believe so, yes.”
They were ‘reigniting’ a fire we had lit yesterday. Completely focused in their task, fascinated watching the flames come alive once again. So many lessons learnt on so many levels, ancient memories, emotions, associations, a sense of slow time…maybe it was a good day to learn in a different way than sitting in a classroom - but I - the dutiful parent, found myself nagging: ‘Get your shoes on kids, quick get your bags ready, have you remembered everything you need for school?’ And forced them to the bus stop - the kids were pretty grumpy.
It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Despite the long list of ‘jobs’ to do (and jobs I love doing – physical jobs, real tasks), I’m here at the computer - not able to move from a sense of deep reflection and questioning; am I doing the right thing for my children, bringing them up the way I am - making it so obvious that I/we reject the majority of the mass culture foisted on us everyday? So many of these are reinforced through the school system: duty, obedience, conformity, blind faith and trust of annointed ‘teachers’, patriotism, consumerism…
I’ll give you an example; Pacha has a school assignment/project given by the local Country Women’s Association. The topic is: Scotland. I believe the expectation is of a neat, orderly poster with pictures and touristy type information – and for the ‘best’ result a prize will be given. Having been one of the few parents of children that has actually visited Scotland, I find myself guiding Pacha about what I think is a most important current information about that country, based on my own experience, the fact that Scotland is home to England’s illegal nuclear arsenal that has the capacity to destroy most cities on the planet. So, on her poster there is a picture of the ‘Loch Ness monster’ and beside it a picture of a nuclear submarine with the caption: ‘other monsters lurking in Scottish waters’.
What will the response to her poster be? Is it unfair that I have imposed my own experience and viewpoint on her? Will she be ostractised or ridiculed for having this ‘unique’ knowledge and opinion? At 9 years old is she too young to have a voice – because she happens to have me as a parent?
On facebook recently my parenting style has been challenged by a family friend. I suspect her views are a commonly held (but not often spoken) mainstream view, and I take them to heart, because I want to be the best mother I can to my children. I’ll include my response to her concerns about my using Pacha to express my own ‘political agenda’.
“Thanks for your deep and concerned response L - I know it is coming from a real place. The words in the song were actually of Severn Suzuki who, at age 12, addressed world leaders at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY). She started an environment group when she was 9 years old. I guess it would be good to talk with her about whether she has similar feelings to you about her own childhood (ie. being a mouth-piece for other adults political agendas).”
“This is a long conversation and it incorporates just about everything, it's about the subversive and seducive influences that our children are exposed to throughout their childhood that we have little control over: coca cola, mcdonalds, glorified military ads, health (and diets) coming from a chemist shop- and the more expensive the 'better' they must be, beauty coming from a bottle or a doctor's surgery, food being neatly packaged and totally detached from its source, oil gushing out of the Earth because our human culture considers itself more important than anything else, consume more to be more happy... Not only children - adults are still so trusting of these messages engulfing us from modern media.”
“Should children be given the opportunity to participate in shaping the culture that is currently destroying the Earth and causing untold suffering through the guidance of their parents? Because I love my children more than my own existence, because I know we are interconnected with everything else in this miracle of life - I believe so, yes.”

この2週間は、私にとってとてもエキサイティングで感情高ぶるものでした。 というのも、私は親友から、彼女と折半して買った土地の、彼女の分も買うことになったからです。彼女は今、都会での生活が中心で、家族をサポートする役割を担っているため、ここにエネルギーを注ぐことが難しいのです。
それとは別に、お願いがあります。ここの場所の名前を一緒に考えてもらえませんか? 私は未来の “輪”の姿を私なりに表現して「輪・未来」や「未来の輪」はどうだろうと思いつきました。「ゆっくり」とか「スローライト」(私の姓のライトと、ローソクの灯りのライトをかけたダジャレです・・笑)などもいいかな?

The days here are cooling down – but somehow not getting cold enough to make a priority of preparing firewood for the pot belly stove. We get cosy and warm with socks, jumpers and woollen hats, and go to sleep early enough to avoid the winter night chill. It's a great house for passive solar energy, with the sun streaming in from the north to heat the cement and tiles through the day, keeping the warmth in at night.
The past two weeks have been very exciting and emotional for me on a very practical level. I am buying the half share of this land from my best friend. Her life is fixed in the city right now, with responsibilities to support her family making it hard to put energy here. So now, with a bit more mortgage debt, I am fully responsible for looking after this land, creating slow, small, simple dreams to share with you and all my friends and family for the years ahead.
So please, come along and visit and together lets shake off some urban toxins and create this sustainable lifestyle! We can build a Slow school, meditation huts, horse therapy centre, straw bale studio, pizza ovens and of course an inspiring permaculture garden and food forest. Our imagination is our only limitation. And I have another request – can you help me decide on the name for this property? I had thought about ‘wamirai’ or ‘mirai-no-wa’
(my version of a circle of the future), but perhaps just ‘yukkuri’ or ‘slowlight’…
I have also been very busy at Pacha and Yani’s school. Now I find myself with a long list of unpaid jobs, P and C president, food garden coordinator and school choir organiser – but someone has to do it! Last week I drove the minibus for the kids who made to the big long distance running competition.
And we are organising the school fete along with an event I am creating called: ‘Living the Good Life’ festival. I’m not sure how it will all go, but we’ll never know if we don’t try. We still seem to exist with very little income (around $150 per week at the moment), eating very simple foods and not buying anything new. There is so much variety, challenge and stimulation in our lives, and work combines with pleasures – like the act of planting a new fruit tree, or digging holes for posts to extend Ollie’s paddock – or writing this blog!
Today is a glorious day. Pacha and Yani have already been playing with Ollie the horse, who is infinitely patient with them. The pictures here say it all. We welcome you to come along and share this life.
As the days slowly become shorter and cooler, our family house gets cosier. Pacha and Yani snuggle on the rug in the morning as the sun comes in from the north. It’s comfortable sitting on Ollie’s warm bare back, riding in the forest, not needing hats to protect us from the sun. We start to collect some firewood for the few days that it gets cold enough to light up our pot-belly stove, cooking soup and toasting marshmallows over the embers).
Building projects have slowed down a little, and the garden needs attention. The possums and wallabies have taken a liking to all the greenery - with the sweet potatoes, strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes and capsicum eaten up over two nights. Luckily they can't reach the big bunch of bananas, that I have protected from the hungry fruit bats! I must build an enclosure to protect our vegie garden food source!
Recently our good friends visited us for a couple of days. I first met Karen in Kanazawa, Japan, where she had started a café/bar: 'Offshore'. She was a young Australian woman, not speaking any Japanese, who didn’t pay much attention to the people who said it was ‘impossible’ to do what she was doing. She managed to find a way to make it work - bringing a little ray of Australian warmth and sunshine into Kanazawa. Sometimes I would sing at her café/bar and once I even looked after the cafe while she was away for a week – a totally new experience! While Karen is not what you would normally call an activist – I think we have a lot in common in our general attitude to life; anything is possible if you put your mind/heart to it and stay positive. Experiences, relationships and finding meaning in life is more important than the accumulation of wealth – and that approach is something she shares with her family as well.
Now Karen lives in a ‘Heidi’ village in the Austrian Alps with her husband and children, in the house his Father built with his own hands from the trees carefully harvested from the mountain. It is a small, traditional community with age-old customs and habits, formed from watching and learning from the environment they live in. It seems to be a very Slow life, self-sufficient in many ways, but under threat from outside pressures. It is the ‘thinking’ that is changing – short-term ‘now’ culture rather than long term care to ensure the children and their children will be able to maintain this lifestyle and care for the environment that has sustained them. Land that was held as a collective for the whole community, is now beginning to be cut up and sold off. Traditional houses are left to disintegrate through neglect, while people look for modern convenience. It reminds me a great deal of ‘inaka’ in Japan. Karen and her husband plan to ‘rescue’ one of these old houses and restore it, redesigning it to become more energy efficient and sustainable, rather than tearing it down to build something new.
What seems to be the greatest challenge for me right now, is introducing new ideas without threatening other people’s established routines and systems. I am coming across entrenched, conformist views embedded in the school system and struggle to find ways to gently, positively and safely promote more earth friendly ways of thinking and behaving. The only way I feel I can send my children to a conventional, public school, is if I am involved and supporting the children in new ways of thinking. Now my friend Tina and I have taken on the school choir, along with the school food gardens, because if we didn’t do this, these activities wouldn’t be available for the kids.
Sometimes it seems like too much – but if not me: who? If not now: when?
Building projects have slowed down a little, and the garden needs attention. The possums and wallabies have taken a liking to all the greenery - with the sweet potatoes, strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes and capsicum eaten up over two nights. Luckily they can't reach the big bunch of bananas, that I have protected from the hungry fruit bats! I must build an enclosure to protect our vegie garden food source!
Recently our good friends visited us for a couple of days. I first met Karen in Kanazawa, Japan, where she had started a café/bar: 'Offshore'. She was a young Australian woman, not speaking any Japanese, who didn’t pay much attention to the people who said it was ‘impossible’ to do what she was doing. She managed to find a way to make it work - bringing a little ray of Australian warmth and sunshine into Kanazawa. Sometimes I would sing at her café/bar and once I even looked after the cafe while she was away for a week – a totally new experience! While Karen is not what you would normally call an activist – I think we have a lot in common in our general attitude to life; anything is possible if you put your mind/heart to it and stay positive. Experiences, relationships and finding meaning in life is more important than the accumulation of wealth – and that approach is something she shares with her family as well.
Now Karen lives in a ‘Heidi’ village in the Austrian Alps with her husband and children, in the house his Father built with his own hands from the trees carefully harvested from the mountain. It is a small, traditional community with age-old customs and habits, formed from watching and learning from the environment they live in. It seems to be a very Slow life, self-sufficient in many ways, but under threat from outside pressures. It is the ‘thinking’ that is changing – short-term ‘now’ culture rather than long term care to ensure the children and their children will be able to maintain this lifestyle and care for the environment that has sustained them. Land that was held as a collective for the whole community, is now beginning to be cut up and sold off. Traditional houses are left to disintegrate through neglect, while people look for modern convenience. It reminds me a great deal of ‘inaka’ in Japan. Karen and her husband plan to ‘rescue’ one of these old houses and restore it, redesigning it to become more energy efficient and sustainable, rather than tearing it down to build something new.
What seems to be the greatest challenge for me right now, is introducing new ideas without threatening other people’s established routines and systems. I am coming across entrenched, conformist views embedded in the school system and struggle to find ways to gently, positively and safely promote more earth friendly ways of thinking and behaving. The only way I feel I can send my children to a conventional, public school, is if I am involved and supporting the children in new ways of thinking. Now my friend Tina and I have taken on the school choir, along with the school food gardens, because if we didn’t do this, these activities wouldn’t be available for the kids.
Sometimes it seems like too much – but if not me: who? If not now: when?
パチャとヤニは昨日の朝、両手いっぱいの手作りの母の日のカードを持って私を起こしました。パチャは「母の日の1日、奴隷になります」という一言メッセージを書いていました。なんということ! 娘は私が一番欲しいものは奴隷だと考えているのかしら? 彼女は誰かが自分の奴隷となることを夢見ているのかしら?他人をコントロールしたり、支配したりすることは、果たして人間の本質なのでしょうか。
とにかく、私にとって、母の日はいつも厄介です。 いまだに、人々がより多くのものを買うようけしかける日でもあるからです。(平和と友好の誓いとして始まったものであるらしいのですが)。まるであなたが買物に費やす金額が、相手への愛の深さを証明するかのように。復活祭、クリスマス、ハロウィーン・・・。私たちはたくさんの「買物をする日」に囲まれています。こういう日がやってくると、私はとげとげした気分になります。
Pacha and Yani woke me yesterday morning with an armful of handmade Mother’s
day cards. Pacha wrote a note saying that she would ‘be my slave’ for the
day…My gosh – is that what she thinks I want the most? Is that what she
herself dreams of - having someone as her 'slave'? Is the human condition
really that geared to controlling and dominating others?
Anyway, Mother’s Day is always hard for me. It is yet another day that
encourages people to buy more stuff (even though it apparently started as a
declaration of Peace and Goodwill). As though the amount of money you spend
correlates to the love you have for someone. It makes me feel more cynical.
Like all the other ‘buy more stuff days’ like Easter, Christmas, Halloween –
I feel generally confused and a little bit grumpy and try to keep convincing
myself (and my children) with the mantra: ‘it’s all about celebration, it’s
all about family, it’s all about community’. There is so much we need to
reinvent in our culture.
But, since I am the re-elected president of the school P and C, I was
obligated to organise a Mother’s Day Stall, so kids could buy things to give
to their Mothers. I came up with a slogan: ‘Love your Mother, Love the
Earth, Love your Self’ – but didn’t have the courage to put it on a banner
for the stall. There were already rumblings of disapproval (not openly
declared) among some of the parents about using ‘recycled’ gifts (“I don’t
want my kids to buy ‘old’ stuff”). We did the best we could do, preparing
potted plants as well, keeping the prices very low ($1), and setting up a
craft table to go along with the products.
Recently I feel like I am being constantly reminded that my ideas are too
new, innovative and radical for mainstream society. It seems my experiences
and skills are a set back to ‘fitting in’; speaking other languages or
living in other countries regarded as somewhat suspicious. Just being who I
am; of free will and independent mind, asking questions, sharing thoughts,
challenging assumptions, encouraging positive change, seems to make some
people feel threatened. It doesn’t seem to matter that my deepest motivation
comes from love. Oh well, I can only be true to myself and continue on,
asking for humility and compassion to guide the way…
So, Pacha was my ‘slave’ for Mother’s day and Yani lasted for about half an
hour. We enjoyed another glorious day here with this lovely autumn weather,
taking Ollie the horse for a walk, visiting neighbours, picking up horse
manure (the kids sell it in bags on the roadside for pocket money) and
generally enjoying our slow life.
day cards. Pacha wrote a note saying that she would ‘be my slave’ for the
day…My gosh – is that what she thinks I want the most? Is that what she
herself dreams of - having someone as her 'slave'? Is the human condition
really that geared to controlling and dominating others?
Anyway, Mother’s Day is always hard for me. It is yet another day that
encourages people to buy more stuff (even though it apparently started as a
declaration of Peace and Goodwill). As though the amount of money you spend
correlates to the love you have for someone. It makes me feel more cynical.
Like all the other ‘buy more stuff days’ like Easter, Christmas, Halloween –
I feel generally confused and a little bit grumpy and try to keep convincing
myself (and my children) with the mantra: ‘it’s all about celebration, it’s
all about family, it’s all about community’. There is so much we need to
reinvent in our culture.
But, since I am the re-elected president of the school P and C, I was
obligated to organise a Mother’s Day Stall, so kids could buy things to give
to their Mothers. I came up with a slogan: ‘Love your Mother, Love the
Earth, Love your Self’ – but didn’t have the courage to put it on a banner
for the stall. There were already rumblings of disapproval (not openly
declared) among some of the parents about using ‘recycled’ gifts (“I don’t
want my kids to buy ‘old’ stuff”). We did the best we could do, preparing
potted plants as well, keeping the prices very low ($1), and setting up a
craft table to go along with the products.
Recently I feel like I am being constantly reminded that my ideas are too
new, innovative and radical for mainstream society. It seems my experiences
and skills are a set back to ‘fitting in’; speaking other languages or
living in other countries regarded as somewhat suspicious. Just being who I
am; of free will and independent mind, asking questions, sharing thoughts,
challenging assumptions, encouraging positive change, seems to make some
people feel threatened. It doesn’t seem to matter that my deepest motivation
comes from love. Oh well, I can only be true to myself and continue on,
asking for humility and compassion to guide the way…
So, Pacha was my ‘slave’ for Mother’s day and Yani lasted for about half an
hour. We enjoyed another glorious day here with this lovely autumn weather,
taking Ollie the horse for a walk, visiting neighbours, picking up horse
manure (the kids sell it in bags on the roadside for pocket money) and
generally enjoying our slow life.
私ほど「スロー・ブログ大賞」にふさわしい人はいないのではないかしら。 この4カ月間、時間があっという間に過ぎていって、こうやってパソコンの前に座り、みなさんと意見を共有する時間をとれなかったんです! 私たちのスローライフ・アドベンチャーの続報を心待ちにしてくれていた人、ごめんなさい。 以下が最新の情報です。
オーストラリアに戻って私が新しく決めたことの1つは、家族のために馬を探すことでした。 実は、私は幼いころから馬にずっと魅了され続けてきたのです。自分でもどうしてかわからないのですが、多分それは、本能が求めたコミュニケーション、つまり、馬と触れることによって「野性の」パワーとつながりたかったのだと思います。エクアドルにいたときにも、パチャとヤニが私たちの馬(シャンティ)と同じ生きものとして交流しているのを見て、祝福の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。そのときの体験は、子どもたちが自然との信頼関係を深める(ディープ・トラスト)きっかけとなったと思います。
オリーは私たちにとって特別な生きもの。凛として、やさしくて、安らかで、広い心で接してくれます。パチャとヤニはもちろん、 近所の子どもたちも愉しませてくれます。オリーをなでたり、ブラッシングしたり、彼にまたがって森へ出かけたりすることによって、子どもたちは生きものと「つながり」を持つことができるのです。
家を建てること。それは、私にとって、最高の「癒し」であり、見た目にも生産的な活動です。今、上の階には断熱材を敷き、パチャのすてきな部屋も完成しました。 新しい台所もできたので、みなさんが我が家を訪れたら、ゆったりくつろぐことができるでしょう。敷地内にフェンスを作ったので、週末を馬と共に過ごすこともできます。
もちろん、私たちも今のライフスタイルに辿りつくまでには長い道のりがありました。もしかしたら、このスローで、スモールで、シンプルなライフスタイルが、これから多くの人たちにより魅力的に映っていくのかもしれませんね。 自然の中で、いのちを祝福しながら、自由に暮らしていく。私たちにとって、これ以上に素晴らしいことはありません。
I think I get the prize for the slowest blog. My life has been so fast over
the past 4 months that sitting down to share reflections just hasn't
happened! My apologies if you have been waiting for some word about our
latest slow life adventures. Here, finally, is an update.
The visit to Japan last December involved a long, deep conversation with
Keibo ・one that is forming the basis of a new book to be published this
May: Slow and Deep Ecology. Our discussion, over several days, revealed
thoughts and feelings and memories I hadn't visited for a long time. It
clarified, one again, who I was and why I am here ・and it brought new
realisations and resolutions for the future.
One of the things I decided was to look for a horse for our family. From my
early childhood I have been quite obsessed with horses, I'm not sure why--
perhaps that sense of communication by instinct, that connection to the
power of Child's nature a horse can bring. During our time in Ecuador, I
watched and celebrated the link that Pacha and Yani had with our horse
(Shanti) there ・that I think helped them deepen their trust and connection
with nature.
Now, from my window, I look out to a beautiful brumby (wild horse), Ollie,
rescued from slaughter by being taken out of the Guy Fawkes National Park,
which is near where we live (http://www.guyfawkesheritagehorse.com/).
we have a wonderful added reason to be outside, in the forest, in the rain,
in the sunshine, in the fresh air. He teaches us so much: respect,
compassion an understanding of a "Herd" instinct (gentle, humble and
socially interactive) and a sense of responsibility and care. He is an
exceptional creature, solid, gentle and stable, with a big heart. Not only
have Pacha and Yani been enjoying every moment they spend with him, many
children in the neighbourhood have been able to 祖onnect・with him,
stroking, brushing or riding in the forest.
He is also a wonderful antidote to every day little stresses. ・our living
Therapy・ I've been busy with the morinokoe campaign (see・
www.morinokoe.com) , studying how to use the internet more effectively (web
pages etc, see www.anjalight.org), finding a way to get a regular income
(still very slow!!), supporting the local school as the re-elected President
of the Parent and Teachers Association and in continuing the building of our
Building the house is by far the most therapeutic and visibly productive
activity. Now upstairs has insulation and Pacha has her own lovely room. The
new kitchen is complete and people can have a very comfortable stay here
when they visit. I built a fence so our horse can stay here with us on
There has been some interest by media in Australia in this low cost,
sustainable housing project, with an article in one of the most popular
magazines here recently. I heard that people have written in to the magazine
saying it was one of the most inspiring stories and they also want to build
their own eco-house.
There seems to be a building wave of interest in practical ideas and
solutions about how actually to live a sustainable, happy life. Theories
and philosophies are important, but how do you actually do it? While we
still have a long way to go here, perhaps our slow, small, simple lifestyle
will become more attractive to everyday people. For us, it is a truly
wonderful existence; living in nature and living in freedom; celebrating
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