Tonight we're leaving. This morning we saw the sun rise into a solar eclipse. Amazing that there was only 20% left of the sun but the day was as bright as a candle light, just a little light goes so very far...Pacha and Yani were in the ocean catching waves - it was a good beginning to our story. We're all excited and nervous - but ready as we will ever be!
シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
今日、昔からの友人に会って近況を聞かれた私は、パチャとヤニと私がこれから始める世界を巡るスローな旅の話をしました。すると彼はこう言いました。「あぁ、君たちはウォークアバウト(walk about)を始めるんだね?」
ウォークアバウトを知らない人もいるでしょう? 次のような定義があります。
このように書くと、私たちがここを去って二度と戻らないように聞こえるかもしれませんね。でも、あらゆることが起こり、変化しうる。それこそが、旅の本当の意味なのではないでしょうか? もし、私たちが戻ってきたとき、ここに何の変化がなくとも、私たちは変化してゆくのです。
今日、昔からの友人に会って近況を聞かれた私は、パチャとヤニと私がこれから始める世界を巡るスローな旅の話をしました。すると彼はこう言いました。「あぁ、君たちはウォークアバウト(walk about)を始めるんだね?」
ウォークアバウトを知らない人もいるでしょう? 次のような定義があります。
このように書くと、私たちがここを去って二度と戻らないように聞こえるかもしれませんね。でも、あらゆることが起こり、変化しうる。それこそが、旅の本当の意味なのではないでしょうか? もし、私たちが戻ってきたとき、ここに何の変化がなくとも、私たちは変化してゆくのです。
Going Walkabout...
I met an old friend who asked me what I was doing. I told him about the slow
world journey Pacha, Yani and I were about to embark on and he said: ‘Ah – so
you’re going Walkabout’?
is the definition I found:
the Walkabout, the Aboriginal spirit-journey, Aborigines follow preordained
routes through their family’s own particular inherited portion of Dreaming
country along the paths of the Spirit Ancestors. Along the way, they stop at
ancestral sacred sites to perform prescribed ancient secret-sacred ceremonies,
or corroborees.”
I think that’s what we’re doing.
are going to visit the people and places that have formed who we are – in a
‘country’ called Mother Earth. Re-visiting and sharing experiences that have
inspired my identity, guided my destiny and even led me to bring forth these
beautiful children who will, in a few short years, leave my care to write their
own story. We hope to do our own kinds of ceremonies; praying and singing and
dancing and connecting – witnessing the changes, contemplating the future. We
hope to be useful and helpful, joyful and curious, learning and sharing
wherever we go.
first stop will be Penang, Malaysia, the place I first learnt about the extent
of destruction of the planet, the forests and native peoples at the
international FOE conference in 1986 - the place I first met John Seed and
resonated with the idea of deep ecology. From there we will visit the deep rainforest
of Taman Negara, and whoop along with the gibbons.
will revisit Borneo and Bali, re-connect with friends I haven’t seen for over
20 years. Laugh and cry and raise our eyebrows in surprise that we are still
here. The children will watch and learn and experience as we face the stories I
was so intimately involved in – the beautiful forests, almost gone – the
people, perhaps brutalised by the hard, cruel reality of resource extraction
and exploitation, the influence of the twisted, globalised culture. The
survival of some kind of spirit – enough hope to go on…
we will wander to our other homes – to Ecuador, to our family, to the cloudforest,
to El Milagro. We will return to Japan, to mourn and to celebrate, embrace old
friends and new. We’ll even try to get as far as Europe, meet our never seen
before relatives - trace our side of the lineage and marvel in the similarities
and differences.
we will weave in the new story that Pacha and Yani are leading me into; their
love for the ocean and their joy in surfing wherever there are waves. Pacha
even has a blog (
focussing on her surfing adventures.
in the last few days before we fly, Pacha, Yani and I have all been looking
around us, appreciating this incredible life we have been living. Spending
extra time hugging Ollie, touching the leaves gently of the fruit trees we have
planted, taking extra care to visit neighbours and friends and say thank-you
for their friendship over the years - burning the images of the forest and the
ocean into our minds so we can recall this life as we travel along.
Pacha sings at the end of year concert |
sound like we are leaving forever doesn’t it? Well that’s what a journey really
means doesn’t it? – anything can happen, anything can change – even when/if we
come back to this place, we will be so different, even if things here stay the
same. So, there is quite a lot of emotion, excitement and sadness - we are leaving
this perfect life to remind ourselves, once again, how to live a good life…
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a visitor came in to visit! |
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Yani's skateboarding - photo by Pacha |



On top of the world
Slow Mother Blog - October 10, 2012

Pacha's view from our roof...
We are doing all kinds around the house to prepare for our time away overseas starting next month.
I was preparing to climb up to scrub the solar panels and the roof as Pacha scampered up the ladder like a squirrel. The roof is 5 metres (16 ft) high and at about a 30 degree pitch.
Through my head came a series of thoughts based on decades of conditioning: ‘she’ll fall’, ‘you can’t let her go up so high’, ‘ that’s irresponsible parenting behaviour’, ‘what will people think?’…but she went up so fast and with such confidence and agility, I only managed to squeak: ‘be careful darling’.
She stood there, on top of the world, taking photos of the view, feeling elated – surefooted as a mountain goat, her lightweight barely touching the weak zinc-alum surface begging me to ‘please’ let her do the scrubbing.

So, as I cleaned out the gutters of a year’s worth of gum leaves, Pacha grabbed the big broom and a bucket of soapy water and got to work. It was so much fun, so satisfying and so gloriously productive – we worked as a team and we made a difference. The water flows into the tank clean and unobstructed, the sun beats down on the solar panels without a coating of dust and grime and the roof is green again.

From time to time I had flashes of images of her slipping, of falling over the edge…I considered reminding her that if she falls, remember to fall well – to tuck and roll…but instead I trusted her own commonsense and my own faith that in her 11 years of
life so far she has demonstrated care and responsibility when taking risks
(climbing trees, standing on Ollie, surfing ‘out the back’). I was able to stop
myself from being paralysed by fear and passing this fear on to my child…I
think, in a way, it was a little break through moment…
I don’t want to feel responsible for anyone else reading this to take unnecessary risks with their kids, but perhaps, in this modern world full of dangers and fears, it is time to trust that our children can do amazing things – and that’s where their
enthusiasm for love for life and living is fed…

We saved a carpet snake from getting 'squashed' on the road last week...Pacha wanted to touch it...

and Yani fried a perfect egg...
Pacha's view from our roof...
We are doing all kinds around the house to prepare for our time away overseas starting next month.
I was preparing to climb up to scrub the solar panels and the roof as Pacha scampered up the ladder like a squirrel. The roof is 5 metres (16 ft) high and at about a 30 degree pitch.
Through my head came a series of thoughts based on decades of conditioning: ‘she’ll fall’, ‘you can’t let her go up so high’, ‘ that’s irresponsible parenting behaviour’, ‘what will people think?’…but she went up so fast and with such confidence and agility, I only managed to squeak: ‘be careful darling’.
She stood there, on top of the world, taking photos of the view, feeling elated – surefooted as a mountain goat, her lightweight barely touching the weak zinc-alum surface begging me to ‘please’ let her do the scrubbing.

So, as I cleaned out the gutters of a year’s worth of gum leaves, Pacha grabbed the big broom and a bucket of soapy water and got to work. It was so much fun, so satisfying and so gloriously productive – we worked as a team and we made a difference. The water flows into the tank clean and unobstructed, the sun beats down on the solar panels without a coating of dust and grime and the roof is green again.

From time to time I had flashes of images of her slipping, of falling over the edge…I considered reminding her that if she falls, remember to fall well – to tuck and roll…but instead I trusted her own commonsense and my own faith that in her 11 years of
life so far she has demonstrated care and responsibility when taking risks
(climbing trees, standing on Ollie, surfing ‘out the back’). I was able to stop
myself from being paralysed by fear and passing this fear on to my child…I
think, in a way, it was a little break through moment…
I don’t want to feel responsible for anyone else reading this to take unnecessary risks with their kids, but perhaps, in this modern world full of dangers and fears, it is time to trust that our children can do amazing things – and that’s where their
enthusiasm for love for life and living is fed…
We saved a carpet snake from getting 'squashed' on the road last week...Pacha wanted to touch it...

and Yani fried a perfect egg...
Thank you Ampere Downers!
Slow Mother Blog
October 9
Inspiration from Japan
I was so proud, so excited, so happy to click on a facebook link yesterday - it led me to an article. The world is now hearing about the gentle, sincere, humble ways of the Sloth Club through the
Wall Street Journal!
The ‘ampere down’ campaign was highlighted in the article, featuring the energy saving measures of various ampere downers across Japan. The original ‘light-bulb moment for
this campaign came from Hokkaido Sloth, Peter Howlett, (who I was so happy to meet earlier this year) and now all across the planet people will be contemplating whether they too could/should set themselves an enjoyable challenge in living with less.
The ideas about using brooms instead of vacuum cleaners, clay pots instead of rice cookers and turning off the fridge on a cool night will feed imaginations and encourage
others. People who live in countries with less will feel encouraged by the sincerity and commitment by people in one of the richest nations on Earth. And leaders in Japan will be reminded that there is a way to move away from nuclear power and energy production that destroys the Earth – its own citizens are leading the way in showing what is ‘enough’.
What I thought was missing in the article was the sense of joy, contentment and purpose people found when they were able to simplify their lives by using less energy.
Unfortunately many people in ‘rich’ countries and/or ‘rich’ households still think it is a big sacrifice to use less, or a step ‘backwards’ – when, in truth, it can provide such meaning and authenticity to our existence.
We know that the world’s problems may not be instantly solved by individual actions – but the truth of that action will shift the person’s life and touch all those around
them – and the message will spread.
Thank you Sloth Club -
Thank you Ampere Downers of Japan!

Pacha getting energy from being alive! She's mosaicing a wave, with herself in the barrel
October 9
Inspiration from Japan
I was so proud, so excited, so happy to click on a facebook link yesterday - it led me to an article. The world is now hearing about the gentle, sincere, humble ways of the Sloth Club through the
Wall Street Journal!
The ‘ampere down’ campaign was highlighted in the article, featuring the energy saving measures of various ampere downers across Japan. The original ‘light-bulb moment for
this campaign came from Hokkaido Sloth, Peter Howlett, (who I was so happy to meet earlier this year) and now all across the planet people will be contemplating whether they too could/should set themselves an enjoyable challenge in living with less.
The ideas about using brooms instead of vacuum cleaners, clay pots instead of rice cookers and turning off the fridge on a cool night will feed imaginations and encourage
others. People who live in countries with less will feel encouraged by the sincerity and commitment by people in one of the richest nations on Earth. And leaders in Japan will be reminded that there is a way to move away from nuclear power and energy production that destroys the Earth – its own citizens are leading the way in showing what is ‘enough’.
What I thought was missing in the article was the sense of joy, contentment and purpose people found when they were able to simplify their lives by using less energy.
Unfortunately many people in ‘rich’ countries and/or ‘rich’ households still think it is a big sacrifice to use less, or a step ‘backwards’ – when, in truth, it can provide such meaning and authenticity to our existence.
We know that the world’s problems may not be instantly solved by individual actions – but the truth of that action will shift the person’s life and touch all those around
them – and the message will spread.
Thank you Sloth Club -
Thank you Ampere Downers of Japan!

Pacha getting energy from being alive! She's mosaicing a wave, with herself in the barrel
through the eyes of visitors
We have had many wonderful visitors to our home over the past few months. Each one sees something else, something new - like the multifaceted eyes of a fly, it shows us more about how we live/what we have. Here are some beautiful photos (on facebook) taken by Helena Rousova when she visited with her children a couple of weeks ago:
Living my dream on One Planet by Pacha

Living my Dream on One Planet
(an essay written for a Japanese writing competition)
By Pacha Luque-Light
The kind of future I wish to create for myself and the world is in realising we can live happily and simply, in peace and without destroying our Earth. My dream is already real for me – but I hope I can inspire others to want to live this way too.
I live on one planet and that’s just enough for me.
All around me, in my street, in this rich country of Australia, people use 2 or 3, or even more planets to live. A normal house here usually has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Not many people have vegetable gardens, just lots of lawn and they use a lot of electricity and town water. There are TV sets in every room and kids don’t seem to go outside very much, their parents drive them to school and everywhere else it seems.
Many of my classmates have lots of money to spend for food, new clothes or make-up. Their parents are often busy working and don’t have time to come and watch them in their sports carnivals or talent shows. There are many kids around me who spend a lot of their day playing video games and have troubles with their weight and health.
We live differently - some people say we’re poor - but I think we’re happy and it feels so good to be living gently on the Earth.
We live in a shed made into a house using mostly re-cycled materials. Just about everything we use, including our clothes, are second-hand. We have a compost toilet where the recycled waste is used to help our fruit trees grow. We get our electricity free from the sun and we get our water free from the rain from the sky! We have fruit trees and we grow vegetables and we share any extra we have with our neighbours. We don’t eat much meat, but sometimes our friends catch fish and share them with us.
Every day I wake up in the morning to the sound of lorikeets, kookaburras and other birds. I look out of my window into the trees and watch the wallabys nibbling the grass.
I get up to feed and play with our brumby (wild horse), Ollie. Everything is peaceful and right. I think people can find that peace and connection with nature everywhere they are.
One of the ways I feel most connected with nature and feel truly alive is in the ocean. When I surf I can feel the energy of the wave crashing and pushing and it ends up going so fast that you can stand up on a piece of fibre glass with wax and it is so pleasurable and thrilling: making that drop on a beautiful green wave is indescribable.
I have learnt that when you love doing something so much that this is what makes life so precious.
Partly it’s easy for us to live with less in Australia because we’ve had the experience of living with even less in Ecuador. We lived in a mud house in the cloud forest, one hour’s walk from the dirt road. We got our drinking water from a little stream and boiled it to be able to drink it.
For a hot shower we put some water in a black plastic bag and then by the afternoon we could have a really short hot wash.
We didn’t have any electricity, so we drew pictures, danced, gardened, climbed trees, read books, walked in the forest, visited our neighbours, played with horses and played all kinds of games.
I have found that these life experiences are priceless. And we are still having them everyday.
My brother and I sometimes dance for more than an hour each day; we sing as we walk to the bus stop and have an opera singing matches - laughing so much we have water in our eyes! When we are not at home or in the community we are usually at the beach surfing, swimming, jumping off the sand dunes or looking in the rocks or making a tee pee or skating around with friends or family.
Living on one planet to me is probably the best lifestyle you could really get. You don’t always have happiness when you have money. True happiness comes from good memories and sharing these memories with your friends and family. I think true happiness is being grateful for what you have. And when people see that kind of happiness, little by little, they want it too.
I am already living my dream. My hope for the future is that everyone realises that they can choose to live simply, peacefully and happily.
Lessons from Yani

Yani and another man were the first ones out in the surf on a bright spring morning -within half an hour of this photo, there were 20 kids out there - getting the confidence to go out there by watching the 'trail blazers'!
Slow Mother Blog
Lessons from Yani
I read a media statement recently that said:
"Few people who are truly confident in status, intellect and security (emotional,
financial, social or other) need to resort to bullying."
To me, this speaks volumes...
It's been heartening to observe Pacha and Yani challenge bullying instinctively,
compassionately and often turn upside down the phrases that may normally be deemed inappropriate. Yani (and Pacha) looks more ‘indigenous’ than many of the indigenous people in his school
For me, it is a mark of pride to be associated with the first peoples of this land – despite their heritage coming from a different part of the planet.
With our deep ecology world-view and constant nurturing of our connection with the Earth, it fits in with the way we live.
Yet still, in this country, to be aboriginal is deemed as a kind of handicap – especially to economic and social ‘success’. Government policies attempt to address this with special programs and funding to support indigenous children etc, but fundamentally the values modern society teaches our children goes completely against an indigenous worldview.
So Yani and Pacha, despite being constantly mistaken as ‘Aboriginal’ seem to have been able to develop a sense of their unique self that they feel proud of and that doesn’t
limit them in making their way in this world in any way.
Yani told me recently that his teacher (a local Bundjalung Aboriginal man) had told him, in a light-hearted, complimentary way: 'you're black'. Yani responded with: 'no,
I'm golden'.
He told me another great story that happened at school yesterday. Apparently they were studying the sea turtle in class and the teacher was asking them what the greatest
dangers were to it. Other kids said: sharks, sea-gulls (eating the hatchlings),
boats etc. Yani said: ‘Humans’. The teacher said ‘no – it’s plastic bags’.
After the class the teacher apparently came up to Yani and said that actually
he was right, it was humans, but that if he said that it may be hard for some of
the other kids to understand and may upset them.
I was so happy that Yani’s insight was rewarded, or at least not squashed completely, by a teacher who must grapple everyday with the disconnects between a mainstream education curriculum and the real world.
Olympic Reflections
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The deep insight of cartoonist and philosopher, Michael Luenig. |
Olympic reflections: Slower, Deeper, Wiser…
Two weeks ago a former
Olympic snowboarder, Christian, visited our place, morinokoe. As the evening
bonfire crackled we talked about children and the challenges ahead for us and
them, the things as parents we could do to best prepare them for what lies
ahead, and for whatever they may choose to do.
He said that a lot of
his work as a coach for the German youth snowboarding team is to ‘undo’ the
conditioning that has already been placed in their heads by their parents,
their school, or by society in general. I guess, ultimately he was talking
about freedom – especially the freedom from fear of ‘what might happen’.
We talked about
feeling that trust, in nature and in your own potential – something that is not
‘bestowed’ by anyone, but comes from the core of each of our beings – to guide
us. We talked about children needing to be allowed to feel joy in their bodies
– not to do repetitive, boring activities, but to run freely, chasing each
other, climbing trees, walking tightropes, doing handstands, dancing, singing -
having fun feeling alive in their bodies on this Earth…
We talked about diet
and nutrition, expressing our disgust at the food most kids in countries like
Australia eat every day; overly processed – full of fat and sugar - lacking in what the body really needs
to grow, the minerals and nutrients that come from a simple, organic diet.
Basically, I felt
rather like I have been doing (more or less) the right thing as a parent…which
feels really good. It was also
validating to hear the comments about our home, which (as you know by this
blog) may seem a little too ‘primitive’ for most Australian people’s tastes.
Our European visitors have confirmed that this, indeed, is ‘the life’. Simple,
low cost, in nature, with financial freedom and yet still enough conveniences
for a good standard and quality of life.
In the meantime the
Olympics have been beamed across the planet into billions of TV sets. Our TV didn’t
get the channel that the Olympics were on – but still, the kids watched a
little at their school and I read the news from time to time on the internet.
The first images of
the Olympics I saw seemed to be all about corporate logos and corporate control
and even ‘ownership’ of the qualities of dedication, commitment and achievement
– while selling junk food, sugary drinks and chemicals that have killed
thousands of people. Such a mismatch!
Imagine those athletes
reaching the top of their sports on the diets of the companies that sponsor the
Olympics? Impossible! How
confusing for our children! And how many parents have pointed this out to their
children as they sat in front of the TV with these corporate brands becoming
embedded into their psyches?!
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Early morning slow fire work... |
この間、私たち家族は旅を続けてきました ― ウーンバのわが家からキャンベラに暮らす兄一家を訪ね、シドニーの大都会を経験し、さらにまたサーフィンをしにコフス・ハーバーへ。
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Covering distance...
Slow Mother Blog (July)
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we found the snow! |
We’ve been travelling -
moving from our home to visit my brother and his family in Canberra, experience
the big city of Sydney, as well as to Coffs Harbour for surfing.
Pacha’s legs
led us on this journey – her long distance running qualified her for the
state cross-country race held in Sydney on the 20th July. We were determined not to feel too stressed about the race,
with the suspicion that at this level of competition a lot of training (which
we didn’t do) would be needed to do well. Still, Pacha’s pulse was racing as
she took off in the mob of 80 other skinny-legged girls. She came 57th.
Humbling enough to understand the commitment and dedication (and sometimes pain!)
required to become a top athlete. Yani watched on, full of pride and with the
loudest voice screaming ‘go Pacha!!’ as she determinedly jogged past.

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We made the most of
the travelling opportunity - taking a week off school to do things like play
with cousins, experience the snow, visit museums and art galleries and connect
with friends and family who we haven’t seen for a while and may not see till
after our ‘gap’ year slow earth journey starting in November.
The biggest lesson
from our trip was realising that while natural talent is important – commitment,
dedication and a kind of obsession is needed to really excel in something like
a sport (or anything really...). We need to choose carefully what it is to give our
time and energy to. In the meantime, our family loves doing what give us and
others joy more than anything else…so we’ll keep singing, dancing, surfing and
practising caring for the Earth…
Leaden Hearts?
The story about the TEPCO subcontractor who made his workers cover their dosimeters with lead plating to lower the readings shocked me to the core.
Is having a job/money more important than staying alive?
Is that what's happened to the politicians and corporate businessmen who keep insisting on deadly nuclear power?
Are their hearts encased in lead?
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Pacha and Yani surfing last weekend |
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beautiful beach sky |
Slow Mother Blog
Today we have ‘turned
the corner’ of winter in our part of the world. It is a beautiful clear
blue-sky day today and I convince myself that there is tiny increase in the warmth of
the sun and length of the day since yesterday! I excitedly contemplate sorting out my saved
seeds and planning the next stage of the vegie garden!
In the back of my mind
I’ve also been thinking about candlenight in Japan – seeing, in my minds eye, many friends getting together with
their families and communities , switching off the lights and switching on
their dreams, prayers and visions of hope and renewal. The image of the typhoon moving through
the south of Japan just before candlenight, reminded me of the forces that are
so much more powerful than mere humans, despite our futile attempts to control
them. It is such an important time
for Japan and I pray that the people’s movement to let go of dangerous nuclear
power is successful…
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...important to have a clothesline... |
Here, in Australia, we
have had a few evenings cooking damper on a bonfire outside, or simmering soup
on the pot-belly stove inside. On the weekend we’ll gather with our friends on
the beach to celebrate solstice together. We are determined to nurture our
connections with life – even on these shorter days. We’ve also been trying to
remember that we should be ‘doing’ less and resting more in this time of year –
but somehow life is still too hectic.
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Pacha - cross-country racing |
It’s partly the
juggling of Pacha and Yani’s seemingly endless activities: dance concerts,
athletics carnival, talent show, singing eisteddfod, along with competing in
state running and surfing competitions – all within the next month! Its busy being their fulltime manager -
along with repairing broken water pipes, getting the car fixed, managing the
garden, caring for Ollie, cooking and cleaning (including hand-washing – the
washing machine has stopped)…In the spaces in between all this I get to spend
time on the most important thing of all – working toward a global paradigm
Over the past couple
of months I’ve been working to support Helena Norberg-Hodge (leader of the
localisation movement) and ISEC’s work.
It has been so intellectually stimulating and invigorating to be
witnessing the big, good ideas sweeping across the planet. As I watch the trending
topics on facebook (and even on mainstream media) - the yearning for meaning,
reconnection, a sense of authenticity and reality, the call for compassion – I
sense that something is shifting in a good way.
Despite feeling a
little tired lately, I feel so very grateful – for everything! For being able
to live a meaningful life - with freedom, with awareness of the beauty and joy
that is there in every moment if we remember to look…
21世紀において、私たち大人は、子どもたちの互いに触発され高め合っていくための純真さ、無垢さ、きらめき、知恵、直感といった素晴らしい資質に学ぶべきでしょう。若い世代こそが、輝かしい未来である平和な世界に向けて主導的な役割を担っていくのです。「地球上が平和で満ちあふれますように(May Peace Prevail on Earth」」とは五井平和財団が掲げるスローガンです。
先週末、私は子供たちや若い人々が、平和で生きる目的に満ちた姿を観て、明るい将来のひとしずくを垣間見た気がしました。金曜日の夕方、子供たちと私は仲の良い友人が持っていたドキュメンタリー映画「Play Again」の自主上映会を手伝いました。この映画はアメリカの10代の若者たちが、デヴィッド・スズキ、ビル・マッキンべン、リチャード・ルーブといった影響力のある大人たちとともに、デジタル社会での暮らしから、自然に還っていく体験を追ったものです。
不快だし、砂まみれになるし、寒いこともあるし、予測できないことがたくさん起こるけれど、いつも私たちは”生きている”という感覚を満たしてくれるのです。そして毎回私たちは少しずつうまくなるので、また何度も何度も行きたくなるのです。筋肉は鍛えられ、バランス感覚は改善され、勇気と謙虚さが発達し、冷たい水と暖かい太陽とで刺激され、血液のめぐりがよくなり・・・ そう!サーフィンに完全にやられてしまっています!
先週末、私は子供たちや若い人々が、平和で生きる目的に満ちた姿を観て、明るい将来のひとしずくを垣間見た気がしました。金曜日の夕方、子供たちと私は仲の良い友人が持っていたドキュメンタリー映画「Play Again」の自主上映会を手伝いました。この映画はアメリカの10代の若者たちが、デヴィッド・スズキ、ビル・マッキンべン、リチャード・ルーブといった影響力のある大人たちとともに、デジタル社会での暮らしから、自然に還っていく体験を追ったものです。
不快だし、砂まみれになるし、寒いこともあるし、予測できないことがたくさん起こるけれど、いつも私たちは”生きている”という感覚を満たしてくれるのです。そして毎回私たちは少しずつうまくなるので、また何度も何度も行きたくなるのです。筋肉は鍛えられ、バランス感覚は改善され、勇気と謙虚さが発達し、冷たい水と暖かい太陽とで刺激され、血液のめぐりがよくなり・・・ そう!サーフィンに完全にやられてしまっています!
Playing Again
Slow Mother Blog
Playing Again…
the 21st century, adults shall learn from the wonderful qualities of children,
such as their purity, innocence, radiance, wisdom and intuition, to inspire and
uplift one another. The young generation shall play a leading role in the
creation of peace for a bright future.
Peace Prevail on Earth”
From the Goi Peace Foundation (
Last weekend, I
watched as the children and young people showed glimpses of a
bright future, full of peace and purpose…
On Friday evening the kids
and I helped our good friends hold a movie showing of the documentary ‘Play
Again’ ( It
follows the experience of American teenagers experiencing nature again (after a
lifetime of the digital world) with commentaries by such inspiring people as
David Suzuki, Bill McKibben and Richard Louv. It was a little sad that every member of the rather small
audience were already very much aware of the problem - with modern children
spending up to 15 hours per day on digital technology – and that most people
who really needed to watch it were probably at home - inside - watching TV or playing computer
games. All of us there had already made lifestyle choices to spend as much time
as possible outside in nature, living a ‘real-time’ life. It was also ironic
that we were hoping that watching a movie would help us wake people up to
spending less time watching screens!
But to me, the
children there were the real stars of the evening and the example we need to inspire positive
change. As we were waiting for the audience to gather, Pacha volunteered to be
at the front counter, welcoming people and receiving their donation for the
viewing. Yani spotted some macadamia nuts that needed peeling and politely
asked the hosts if he could help. All the kids that came in from that time had
a practical, rewarding thing to do then - working together to peel macadamias
and put them in a bowl to share with the audience.
Out of the corner of
my eye, as we were meeting and greeting and ‘catching-up’ with the adults, I
saw all the kids (10 in all) playing together – none had an electronic device
of any kind. Pacha was teaching the younger girls some dance moves, Yani was
diligently cracking nuts outside with the boys. As the event started, Pacha
entertained our friend’s one year old baby while Yani began braiding the hair
of the girl who sat beside him, and all the kids just settled down in trust and
in physical contact with each other – so peaceful, so right.
It was just such a
lovely reassurance that despite the intense influences of the modern, global,
digital culture – the deeper instincts of connection with each other, with
practical purpose, with nature - were alive and present. If we can just gently
support our children, do our best to limit the electronic ‘noise’, be honest
that it is there in their world and we all have to somehow make sense of
it - there is still hope in
finding a way forward.
The next morning we
set off at 5am to travel 2 and a half hours south to Scotts Head for Pacha to
participate in a regional surf competition. It’s a pretty big
commitment to get there – but the kids seem happy to do with less so that we
can make this a priority. I prepared lentil dahl and rice to bring along so we
wouldn’t need to spend any money on buying food.
As a family we have
decided that surfing is our favourite ‘sport’. For me it is one of the most
profound experiences of connection with nature, in that great salty ocean –
blood of Mother Earth. Everytime we surf magic happens; dolphins, turtles,
whales, raging tides, the changing moods of the sea. Sometimes there is pain
involved; fin chops, bumps on the head, aching arms from paddling… Sometimes
there is fear as we face the power of the mighty waves and wonder what lurks
underneath us way out ‘the back’ in the deep sea. It can be uncomfortable and
sandy and cold and notoriously unpredictable – but it always makes us feel
fully ‘alive’. And every time we surf we get that little bit better, which
makes us want to go out again and again. Our muscles strengthen, our balance
improves, our courage and our humility develops, our circulation stimulated by
the cool water and the warm sun…Yes; we are smitten by surfing!
The competition side
of surfing is always a little complicated – in truth competition is the antithesis
of the love of surfing – that’s so intensely personal and mysterious. Yet, being
part of the local boardriders club, watching and learning and wanting to
improve, motivates us all to want to do better (ah the contradictions of our
human existence!). As Pacha and
Yani improve they influence the kids around them to give it a try - or to try
harder, to nag their parents to take them to the beach instead of sitting in
front of their flat screens…this has to be a good thing?
So there we were, full
of anticipation, in a new place with new people, walking up to the main tent
and realising that Pacha was the only competitor for the under 12 girls division
– there was only one other girl in the under 18s competition! There were heaps of boys, with many
heats taking place for the under 18s, 16s, 14s and 12s…but there was Pacha,
rearing to go, left to compete against herself! It didn’t stop the kids from
spending at least 5 hours in the water taking full advantage of the waves with
the special collective energy of many young kids in the water all surfing
Finally, the great
highlight of the day came when it was time for the girl’s heat. The organisers
sent Pacha and the girls under 18 year old competitor, Coco, out together - and even let Yani out to join in their
20 minute heat. Coco spent almost the whole time helping Yani and Pacha get
onto waves instead of worrying about impressing the judges with her own surfing
prowess. The influence of that selfless behaviour on every person who was at
the competition that day, was priceless. Pacha and Yani have had a deep lesson
in what makes a really good surfer and a real human being.
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