シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
私たちのDNAの奥深くに刻まれた、本質的な「生きるための知恵」は、「経済成長神話」に依存してきた結果、失われつつあります。 「限りない成長」という経済至上主義が本質を乗っ取り、自然を迫害してしまった。でも、お金はただの紙切れなんです。アメリカの先住民たちは前から言っていました、「お金は食べられない」ということを。
しかしながら、バラク・オバマ氏の一言が私の心に響きました。このように言っていたと思います; 9/11以降ブッシュ政権は単純に民衆にこう言うだけでした。 すべて丸く収まるであろう。すべてのことにおいての責任を政府がとるのであるから、民衆はただひたすら「購入」し続けることでアメリカ経済を強くささえていればよいのだ、と。
2、3週間前私の大親友のナマケモノ倶楽部の世話人中村隆市さんが日本から新旧の素晴らしい友人たちをつれてエクアドルへAACRI (インタグ有機コーヒー生産者協会)の10周年のお祝いをかねて訪問に来てくれました。わだあやさんがエクアドルの典型的な遅延状況にも関わらず、10日間の滞在期間すべての手配と準備をしてくれました。
生と死はこちらではより身近な事です。日本の皆さんが滞在していた間に、川向いに住むロベルトとノルマ夫妻の幼い娘で、4歳のエメリーに悲しい事件が起きてしまいました。パチャとヤニとよく遊んでいた明るく美しい女の子、駆け回り、笑い、 滝で遊んでいました。2週間ほど前に、彼女はコタカチ近郊でタクシーにひき逃げされ命を奪われてしまいました。残された家族、プラザギテレスのコミュニティ、サンタ・ロサとプカラのコミュニティにとって深い悲しみとなりました。
パチャ、ヤニそして私は3人にとって人生初のお葬式で、家族や他の参列者たちと、かつて彼女が短い人生の中で遊んだ美しい森の風景を背に地中に沈んでいく姿に嘆きました。カトリックのお葬式では、私は、信仰というものは、誰でも知っている事をみなで一緒にすること、例えばみなで同じ歌を歌ったり同じ形式や儀式を行う事を通じて、 ショックに直面したときや死のトラウマ(心的外傷)から人々を精神的に救えるという重要な役わりを持つ事に気がつきました。
The world's financial markets are in crisis. What does that mean? From here, looking out at the guava trees and newly planted gardens, the distant community of Plaza Guiterez in the mountain above, the problem seems far away. To these communities the climate crisis has had a more direct impact than global economic chaos so far – predicting the weather is vital for sowing and harvesting crops. This, of course, may change – but the communities of Intag definitely know more about basic survival than our consumer dependent communities in the cities.
Over the past week most of our work here at El Milagro has been in planting seeds – knowing that one seed can produce not only food for us but produce hundreds or thousands more seeds to replenish the Earth. Perhaps this is what the 'great economy myth' has 'banked' on – suspecting that deep within our DNA is the knowledge that life is abundant, even seemingly infinite – so
it is easy to substitute the 'infinite growth' model of financial markets to our innate knowledge of the abundance of nature. But money is just paper. And as the native American prophecy fortells, we can't eat it.
On a brief visit to Otavalo for the internet, I watched a US Presidential debate between Obama and McCain. Overall it left me quite depressed – neither seemed to offer a real alternative or courageous response to the crisis our planet faces. Though one thing Barak Obama said struck me. He said something like this: that after 9/11 Bush basically told people that everything would be alright, the 'government' would take care of everything
and all they needed to do was to keep 'buying' to keep the American economy strong. An opportunity for a positive collective response to a crisis was lost. People in wealthy countries may finally be ready to make sacrifices - it may even give their lives more meaning. To me this is one great hope that may come of the financial crisis – we, in the rich countries, may have no
choice but to live slower, smaller and more simple lives. It's time to feel confident that together we can live more ecological, sustainable and happier lives without depending so much on money. On a very basic, practical level people need examples of new and alternative lifestyles – please share your ideas and inspiration and daily practices in living more lightly on the Earth. Its time for SLOHAS!
Anyway, back to El Milagro.
A couple of weeks ago our good friend and Sloth Club founder, Ryuichi Nakamura, brought a group of wonderful old and new friends from Japan to Ecuador to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the community coffee association in Intag - AACRI and to visit Intag. Aya Wada managed to organise a ten day visit despite the typical Ecuadorean changes and delays in preparing things. Pacha, Yani and I joined most of the tour (thanks for everyone's patience!) - hoping to help where we could and having the chance to share and connect with our friends.
Here at El Milagro we had a great incentive in getting everything in order before the group came to visit, preparing a new site to extend the agroforestry/coffee growing area, so participants could help plant some new coffee and fruit trees. It was a wonderful opportunity to reinforce and renew our vision for El Milagro as a model for sustainable development. I think most people who came could sense the role of El Milagro as a place for reflection, peace, tranquility and a place to practice a sustainable lifestyle – the 'hardcore' slohas that helps make it easier to make sustainable lifestyle changes when returning to 'civilization'.
One of the most enjoyable parts about living here has been trying new things; experimenting with new recipes, new plants, new designs – some work, some don't. Because we try always to use food that we have growing here - today I made a cabbage and green papaya salad for lunch (along with the usual beans and rice) – it worked very well! Even the kids came back for more helpings. I especially love sharing these new discoveries with Luis and other local visitors. Perhaps it is the same in all small, tight knit
communities, all around the Earth, but most people do things the way they have always done and until either they go outside of these boundaries, or someone comes in from the outside, things don't change.
Pacha has been demonstrating a new way to connect with animals everywhere she goes, respectful, loving, playful. Today she sat with her horse Shanti as he was lying down resting, composing a song to sing for him and stroking his head softly. How beautiful it was and how proud I feel for something I have not really taught her, but comes naturally from her own heart. Here horses are treated, like most animals, as beasts of burden, to be controlled
and forced by humans to work. That's fine – but isn't life more beautiful when we treat all living things with respect and love?
Life and death seem closer to us here. During the time the group visited from Japan, a terrible tragedy happened to a little girl, Emely, the daughter of Roberto and Norma who live on the other side of the river. Pacha and Yani would often play with this happy, beautiful 4 year old, running, laughing, playing at the waterfall. About 2 weeks ago she was killed by a hit and run taxi near Cotacachi. The grief of her family and the communities of Plaza Guiterrez, Santa Rosa and Pucara continues. Pacha, Yani and I went
to the funeral - the first one that any of us had been to in our lives, and cried with the family and many other mourners as her body was lowered into the Earth on the mountainside – with a view to the beautiful forests she had played in all her short life. It was a Catholic memorial service, and I recognised the important role that a collective spiritual belief has in helping people face the shock and trauma of death – everyone knew the same songs and phrases, the same rituals and forms – they knew what to do. I
think we have a need for rituals like this, invoking powers greater than us, using incense, holy water, earth…Can we create these ceremonies and rituals without the dogma of exclusive religion? Accepting the essential truths of all spiritual beliefs without claiming that 'ours is the only and true way to God'? It seems to me that something like this is essential in building strong communities in the great challenge we face as a human species right
Yani was near the casket and before they lowered it into the earth they opened the lid one last time. Yani says she looked different. We can all sense when the soul, the spirit, Life has left the body. They both say she is an angel now and sometimes comes to play but we can't see her. We remember the joyful times we had together and try to keep positive. Life is that little more precious. The kids understand a little more how dangerous the roads can be and how quickly death can come.
Our time here at El Milagro is running out as we make our plans for the next 6 weeks before our return to Australia and Japan. We will travel to the coast and to the Amazon this month, then settle in for the last few weeks mostly at El Milagro, helping our new long term volunteer Karin get used to the place and introducing her to the communities here. There will be a lot of food growing here for volunteers, ready to harvest over the next year or so and we have started building the Japanese 'ofuro' (looking very much forward to a hot bath under the stars and fireflies!) It is a good feeling
to leave El Milagro refreshed and renewed for however long it will be before we return.
For Life,
Anja Light
This message is powered by the sun! Yes, finally the solar panels are connected to the inverter and charging up the laptop. Like everything in Ecuador it took about three times longer than expected. And now that I have the computer here, ready to write, I find it so hard to stop doing the hundred other small but important tasks that keep El Milagro and our simple lives ticking along – picking coffee, harvesting peas, de-husking peas, washing clothes, making paths, planting, digging, pruning, cooking, helping the kids with school work, washing clothes (yes, again!), putting on roofs,
fixing toilet houses…there is never really 'nothing to do'. Yet most of the activities are somewhat like meditation – mundane and repetitive so that my mind to drift backwards and forwards in time, reflecting and then making plans and then being blissed by the sight of an incredible looking insect or bird.
It's interesting to look back on the first lists I made of things that needed to be done here and to watch as the priorities have changed. First I thought we would really need to put glass in all the windows where we sleep/live upstairs in the stone house. Then we had a morning visit by a beautiful hummingbird and at night the fireflies flash in different parts of the room – so the glass has remained packed in cardboard and we put an extra blanket on for the cool nights.
We did meet one important priority - replacing the sugarcane grass roof of the round house. Hooray – its finished! Between Luis and I and about 4 other occasional workers, over the course of about 4 weeks, we stripped off the old roof – to be used as mulch for the new gardens. In Australia sugar cane mulch is bought in the big hardware stores by aspiring city gardeners – here they would have burnt it if I had not stopped them and assured them that it would be good for the garden. It seems that summer has finally arrived –
more than a month late – and it will be good to keep more moisture around the new seedlings (brocoli, silverbeet, chili, tomato, coriander, parsley, white carrot) that we have recently planted out.
The unusually wet weather was the main topic of conversation by most of the people here for weeks. People had never remembered another time like it. It affected the flowering and harvest of important local crops including coffee, peas and beans. Local people commented on the impact of climate change – and I bristled at the knowledge that this problem, caused by us rich consumers in the energy wasting 'developed' countries, means suffering for the poorest of the poor. We can go out and buy our food, while people
here have less choice, if the harvest fails because of too much rain, they don't have enough product to sell and they have less to eat.
Everyday we are reminded that we are truly in one of the most beautiful parts on the planet. Pacha and Yani are always discovering new bugs which they bring to me in glee. The sight of a big spider (even in the house) is not cause for alarm but an exclamation of surprise and joy. We have seen a few snakes, including a big false coral snake, resplendent in orange, red
and black and a small black snake that Pacha brought to me wrapped around a stick. I guess she thought that my directive never to touch a snake didn't apply to snakes less than a meter in length!
Anyway, it didn't seem to be dangerous and we quickly put it back where we found it. We have seen the famous cock of the rock bird near the river, flashing red in the trees. We watch the squirrels in the trees sharing the hundreds of guavas with us and our horse Shanti. Yesterday morning we saw what must have been an opossum
ambling along the newly laid stone path. And about a week ago Pacha saved a baby duckling at the river side. Its mother (or father) was a beautiful orange and grey blue colour and turns out to be very rare here. A dog (puppy really and very cute that the kids named ´fluffy´) that had been following us to our regular swim in the river ran ahead and grabbed the duckling in its mouth, Pacha wrestled it out. We tied up the dog (with my Thai pants which promptly broke as the dog eventually struggled free) and put the
duckling back by the stream, observing from a distance as its parent came back…
Pacha and Yani have both been practising their riding skills on Shanti everyday. Despite being a fullblooded stallion, Shanti follows Pacha around like a dog and waits every morning at the gate in the paddock for Pacha to bring him a bucket of guavas that have fallen during the night. Local people here have never seen horses that get brushed daily and cuddled and kissed…but then, they also do not expect stallions to be so placid with small children. This morning we saw Shanti do a hilarious thing. He stood outside the round house where there is a large window and he can see his own
reflection. He started neighing and whinnying and trying to nip the window – I guess Shanti sometimes feels lonely here with only ocassional visits of other horses for company.
During the past month we have also been able to meet up with many old cherished friends from Intag. A few weeks ago we got a lift with our neighbour Carlos Zorilla and a car load of other neighbours to the hotsprings at Nangulvi (about 30 mins away by car) . The occasion was an agro-ecology fair (organised by the 'consortio' made up of DECOIN, AACRI and the Women's association) that reminded me strongly of the expos we had
organised in Cotacachi.
About 50 stalls with information, ecological products and delicious food, talks, local musicians and of course the hotsprings. Pacha and Yani spend 3 hours in the water while I met many old friends from the past. So many wonderful new initiatives have been happening here, despite (or because of?) the threat of mining. It has been hard for many people, yet I felt a sense of real optimism and solidity about the initiatives.
Projects like the coffee and kabuya handicrafts have proved to be a real success and there are a range of new initiatives that mean more diversity in the potential to provide a sustainable income and healthier lifestyle. It was a great fair, though too expensive for many local people to participate ($2 per person when a daily wage is only about $7 per day) and it was hard to reach the fair without your own transport (only a few overloaded buses travel the road each day).
After Pacha and Yani could finally be coaxed out of the water we ate lunch served on non disposable plates – a real reflection of commitment to minimising environmental impact, pretty unusual in Ecuador.
Every two weeks or so we have made the 1 hour walk and 2 hour journey by bus on the dirt road to the market town of Otavalo. We book a room at a cheap but clean hostel, where we shed the sweaty muddy clothes and shoes, soak in a steaming hot shower and where the kids watch discovery kids in Spanish (one of the best ways they have been able to pick up some of the language) while I work on the first floor in the internet café, reconnecting with the world.
We emerge to have $1 pizza at the restaurant on the corner and the
kids start to beg me for the multitude of temptations we have not seen in the cloud forest – ice cream, lollies, toys, hair clips, shoes, gloves…and I remember why it is so very peaceful in El Milagro!
I'm finishing this up as the kids are sleeping here in Otavalo. For most of the past week one of us (Pacha, Yani or I ) have been running a fever – some kind of nasty flu. I made the decision to take the kids out to Otavalo in case any of us got any worse and we needed medical attention. I ended up taking Pacha to see the doctor as her fever entered a 5th day.
Normally I see a fever as a good sign that the body is defending itself, but Pacha just doesn't have the energy to spare. A couple of earlier rounds of diarrohea have left her underweight, So for the next couple of months my main focus will be on nourishing my children. And that's how it seems to go for us in Ecuador – a pendulum swing of wonderful, life enhancing experiences, then a sense of fear and vulnerability. We will make it, but it is sometimes tough to live a hardcore slohas life!
エル・ミラグロでは、ここ数週間、ラウンドハウスのサトウキビの葉をつかった屋根葺き替えに力を入れています。 日本から2人、インドから17歳のボランティアが現在滞在しています。
エル・ミラグロでは、ここ数週間、ラウンドハウスのサトウキビの葉をつかった屋根葺き替えに力を入れています。 日本から2人、インドから17歳のボランティアが現在滞在しています。
Pacha, Yani and I have just emerged from the cloud forest once again and will be in communication with the world for the next 30 hours before returning to El Milagro - so here´s a quick update about a few of our mutual projects in Ecuador.
Los Cedros Biological Reserve :
I stayed with Murray Cooper and his family recently and at least had a bit of an update about Los Cedros. It seems that things are going reasonably well there, though the biggest issue is still with boundary protection. It seems that volunteers have a hard time sticking with things up there (which I can understand - 6 hours walk from the nearest village is a pretty remote location. I would still like to go and visit but haven´t heard from Jose De Coux when and how would best suit. I´ll let you know (John and Ruth) when
things become clearer.
Murray has recently published an amazing book of photographs of birds and is as positive and active as always - he sends his warmest regards to all his friends from Japan and Australia.
Esmeraldas, Olmedo, San Lorenzo.
Marcelo is now working with Patricio Tamariz on community/sustainable/eco tourism initiatives for the coast of Ecuador and recently travelled to this area. He reports that Madre Selva in San Lorenzo looks abandoned. John and Ruth have you kept in any contact with Martha Mondragon (I heard she is in the USA) to see what has happened with the deeds to this land? If there is anything you would like me to try to do with this project while I am here - please let me know.
Marcelo tried to find Papa Roncon but couldn´t find him but did meet Carlos Rubio who sends his greetings to all. It seems that Luz De Alba no longer lives in the area and I´m not sure if the tourism project in Olmedo is continuing. There is another one started up with assistance from a different foundation. Marcelo couldn´t find Patricio Tumbaco at his farm near Olmedo and it looked all boarded up. He says one of the tallest mangrove trees has died due to the construction of a shrimp farm nearby. It´s sad news to hear...we just couldn´t do anything more with this and all the other projects...
Cerro Seco/Bahia/Rio Muchacho
As I have mentioned, people like Nicola, Patricio, Flor Maria, Planet Drum and Marcelo have continued on their respective projects and there is still a higher eco-awareness in Bahia compared to other parts of Ecuador. It is coming up to the 10th anniversary of the Eo-city and Mangrove day (Feb 2009) - and this may be a good opportunity to encourage more eco-action here. The Cerro Seco reserve still exists, is still welcoming volunteers, is collaborating with the local municipality on eco-tourism projects and environmental education and the nearby comunity of Bella Vista have won some prizes for separation of rubbish and as a well managed community. I visited Rio Muchacho and things look excellent there, the gardens have expanded, there are many workshops and volunteers and the environmental school is still running well (thanks to support from the Sloth Club and others) (I am sure you will hear more soon from Ami!).
El Milagro/Pucara/Intag
Over the past few weeks the main project at El Milagro has been replacing the sugar cane grass roof on the round house. We have had 2 volunteers from Japan and a 17 year old volunteer from India is currently at the site. I am in communication with Karin about long term volunteering from November and am also in contact with Peter Shear from the eco-village project about cooperation for the future.
I am also trying to organise a soya workshop in Pucara with the help of Ami and Watanabe-san. Local people are very concerned about the weather, with rain continuing instead of the warm dry
months that should be here. They need dry weather for their bean and pea crops to dry to be able to harvest - and it is also important for drying the coffee harvest (which has been poor also due to too much rain)...
I met with Alcamari (Mayor Auki´s wife) last week in Cotacachi and helped her with interviews for English teachers for Las Lomas school. I believe the municipal government is participating in some way to make this an alternative school of some kind...but I´m really sure about the intricacies.
From what I have seen so far I believe Intag is more advanced than the town of Cotacachi in terms of community and environmental awareness. There are many positive initiatives being promoted by a range of foundations and NGOs and largely due to the progressive Intag newspaper and the local radio, it seems that in general people are more aware of environmental issues.
I´ll get back to the kids now - but will try to get back online before leaving Otavalo on Friday morning.
Love to all,
For Life, anja
Los Cedros Biological Reserve :
I stayed with Murray Cooper and his family recently and at least had a bit of an update about Los Cedros. It seems that things are going reasonably well there, though the biggest issue is still with boundary protection. It seems that volunteers have a hard time sticking with things up there (which I can understand - 6 hours walk from the nearest village is a pretty remote location. I would still like to go and visit but haven´t heard from Jose De Coux when and how would best suit. I´ll let you know (John and Ruth) when
things become clearer.
Murray has recently published an amazing book of photographs of birds and is as positive and active as always - he sends his warmest regards to all his friends from Japan and Australia.
Esmeraldas, Olmedo, San Lorenzo.
Marcelo is now working with Patricio Tamariz on community/sustainable/eco tourism initiatives for the coast of Ecuador and recently travelled to this area. He reports that Madre Selva in San Lorenzo looks abandoned. John and Ruth have you kept in any contact with Martha Mondragon (I heard she is in the USA) to see what has happened with the deeds to this land? If there is anything you would like me to try to do with this project while I am here - please let me know.
Marcelo tried to find Papa Roncon but couldn´t find him but did meet Carlos Rubio who sends his greetings to all. It seems that Luz De Alba no longer lives in the area and I´m not sure if the tourism project in Olmedo is continuing. There is another one started up with assistance from a different foundation. Marcelo couldn´t find Patricio Tumbaco at his farm near Olmedo and it looked all boarded up. He says one of the tallest mangrove trees has died due to the construction of a shrimp farm nearby. It´s sad news to hear...we just couldn´t do anything more with this and all the other projects...
Cerro Seco/Bahia/Rio Muchacho
As I have mentioned, people like Nicola, Patricio, Flor Maria, Planet Drum and Marcelo have continued on their respective projects and there is still a higher eco-awareness in Bahia compared to other parts of Ecuador. It is coming up to the 10th anniversary of the Eo-city and Mangrove day (Feb 2009) - and this may be a good opportunity to encourage more eco-action here. The Cerro Seco reserve still exists, is still welcoming volunteers, is collaborating with the local municipality on eco-tourism projects and environmental education and the nearby comunity of Bella Vista have won some prizes for separation of rubbish and as a well managed community. I visited Rio Muchacho and things look excellent there, the gardens have expanded, there are many workshops and volunteers and the environmental school is still running well (thanks to support from the Sloth Club and others) (I am sure you will hear more soon from Ami!).
El Milagro/Pucara/Intag
Over the past few weeks the main project at El Milagro has been replacing the sugar cane grass roof on the round house. We have had 2 volunteers from Japan and a 17 year old volunteer from India is currently at the site. I am in communication with Karin about long term volunteering from November and am also in contact with Peter Shear from the eco-village project about cooperation for the future.
I am also trying to organise a soya workshop in Pucara with the help of Ami and Watanabe-san. Local people are very concerned about the weather, with rain continuing instead of the warm dry
months that should be here. They need dry weather for their bean and pea crops to dry to be able to harvest - and it is also important for drying the coffee harvest (which has been poor also due to too much rain)...
I met with Alcamari (Mayor Auki´s wife) last week in Cotacachi and helped her with interviews for English teachers for Las Lomas school. I believe the municipal government is participating in some way to make this an alternative school of some kind...but I´m really sure about the intricacies.
From what I have seen so far I believe Intag is more advanced than the town of Cotacachi in terms of community and environmental awareness. There are many positive initiatives being promoted by a range of foundations and NGOs and largely due to the progressive Intag newspaper and the local radio, it seems that in general people are more aware of environmental issues.
I´ll get back to the kids now - but will try to get back online before leaving Otavalo on Friday morning.
Love to all,
For Life, anja
Dear all Sloth friends,
Hows it going?
We have been at El Milagro for the past week – beautiful and peaceful but also full of new visions and ideas that means there is much more to do. Now I have an even longer list of things to do !
Last week we had a visit from Peter Shear, his two children and Raul.
They work with a foundation called casainteramericano who bring highschool students for the US. to help build houses for the poor in
Pucara. As I have mentioned, this is part of an eco-village project
that is very similar to the aims of El Milagro.
They loved El Milagro, saw its potential and expressed their
enthusiasm for being involved and linked to their ongoing projects in Pucara. This has helped rejevenate my energy and enthusiasm. El
Milagro is a paradise, it is an ideal place to learn about a slow,
simple life, it is a perfect 'sloth club house' and it can be a model for neighbouring communities for a more ecological lifestyle.
Peter and Raul will return after their group has returned to help
re-draw the permaculture plan for the site and to be involved in the
various smaller projects (like the bath house and round house repair) we have planned over the next few months.
On Sunday, Pacha, Yani and I went exploring in the forest to the other piece of cloud forest we have, Santa Lucia. This is another beautiful place where the forest has been returning naturally.
There is one special place where a huge 'tura' tree arches over a grove of moss covered stones – perfect place for picnics and meditation. I asked Carlos his thoughts about making it a private forest reserve, though he thinks it is just as fine to keep it as private land and perhaps to plant a few timber trees on it just to prove that it is still ' being used' (there is talk about the President putting in a new law to reclaim 'productive' land that is not being used).
My hands are stained red (from picking and squeezing coffee) and look like 'workers' hands again after a week at El Milagro, picking coffee, extending gardens, pruning, constructing the new greenhouse, washing clothes…there is never a spare moment – though the work is slow…
Yesterday Luis and two other locals started collecting the sugar cane grass for the roof repair of the round house. In one day the three of them collected 80 bunches of grass and we need about 800 for the whole roof repair. So, ten days work for 3 people to collect the grass, then we have to take off the old grass (we will recycle it for mulch around the fruit trees) and put on the new grass (with 3 or 4 of us should take about a week?).
I have been learning once again how to cook the local way – lots of
beans and lentils and rice, flavoured with homemade chili sauce and
always and accompanied by 'fresco' – sweetened watered down lemon
juice. It is very hard work collected the razor sharp sugar cane grass from the neighbouring property.
Pacha and Yani have begun a little bit of home study – but I am the
one who has problems dedicating some hours to this everyday. There is always something distracting me from the corner of my eyes that needs to be done.
Now we are on our way out to bring some volunteers in. It will be good to share the work and the fun of being in El Milagro with new friends.
There are a few things that would be great to collect from Japan if
anyone who is coming can bring them along – or if other people who
might have these things could send them to the group who is coming –
see what you think.
- secondhand tents (for use by eco-tourists both at Cero Seco and here at El Milagro for longer 2 day hikes – DECOIN is working with the young people of Plaza Guiterez to create a 2 day walking trail).
- Secondhand Binoculars
- old cooking pots
- Seeds (daikon, mizuna, shiso etc)
- Wasabi cuttings (both for El Mialgro and for Carlos – it would be
wonderful to be able try growing wasabi in Intag.
There is so much more – but I need to send this before putting the
kids to bed and then up early in the morning to go to Otavalo…
Love to all,
For Life,
anja, pacha and yani
Hows it going?
We have been at El Milagro for the past week – beautiful and peaceful but also full of new visions and ideas that means there is much more to do. Now I have an even longer list of things to do !
Last week we had a visit from Peter Shear, his two children and Raul.
They work with a foundation called casainteramericano who bring highschool students for the US. to help build houses for the poor in
Pucara. As I have mentioned, this is part of an eco-village project
that is very similar to the aims of El Milagro.
They loved El Milagro, saw its potential and expressed their
enthusiasm for being involved and linked to their ongoing projects in Pucara. This has helped rejevenate my energy and enthusiasm. El
Milagro is a paradise, it is an ideal place to learn about a slow,
simple life, it is a perfect 'sloth club house' and it can be a model for neighbouring communities for a more ecological lifestyle.
Peter and Raul will return after their group has returned to help
re-draw the permaculture plan for the site and to be involved in the
various smaller projects (like the bath house and round house repair) we have planned over the next few months.
On Sunday, Pacha, Yani and I went exploring in the forest to the other piece of cloud forest we have, Santa Lucia. This is another beautiful place where the forest has been returning naturally.
There is one special place where a huge 'tura' tree arches over a grove of moss covered stones – perfect place for picnics and meditation. I asked Carlos his thoughts about making it a private forest reserve, though he thinks it is just as fine to keep it as private land and perhaps to plant a few timber trees on it just to prove that it is still ' being used' (there is talk about the President putting in a new law to reclaim 'productive' land that is not being used).
My hands are stained red (from picking and squeezing coffee) and look like 'workers' hands again after a week at El Milagro, picking coffee, extending gardens, pruning, constructing the new greenhouse, washing clothes…there is never a spare moment – though the work is slow…
Yesterday Luis and two other locals started collecting the sugar cane grass for the roof repair of the round house. In one day the three of them collected 80 bunches of grass and we need about 800 for the whole roof repair. So, ten days work for 3 people to collect the grass, then we have to take off the old grass (we will recycle it for mulch around the fruit trees) and put on the new grass (with 3 or 4 of us should take about a week?).
I have been learning once again how to cook the local way – lots of
beans and lentils and rice, flavoured with homemade chili sauce and
always and accompanied by 'fresco' – sweetened watered down lemon
juice. It is very hard work collected the razor sharp sugar cane grass from the neighbouring property.
Pacha and Yani have begun a little bit of home study – but I am the
one who has problems dedicating some hours to this everyday. There is always something distracting me from the corner of my eyes that needs to be done.
Now we are on our way out to bring some volunteers in. It will be good to share the work and the fun of being in El Milagro with new friends.
There are a few things that would be great to collect from Japan if
anyone who is coming can bring them along – or if other people who
might have these things could send them to the group who is coming –
see what you think.
- secondhand tents (for use by eco-tourists both at Cero Seco and here at El Milagro for longer 2 day hikes – DECOIN is working with the young people of Plaza Guiterez to create a 2 day walking trail).
- Secondhand Binoculars
- old cooking pots
- Seeds (daikon, mizuna, shiso etc)
- Wasabi cuttings (both for El Mialgro and for Carlos – it would be
wonderful to be able try growing wasabi in Intag.
There is so much more – but I need to send this before putting the
kids to bed and then up early in the morning to go to Otavalo…
Love to all,
For Life,
anja, pacha and yani
Japan Slohas Tour April/May 2008
´What is enough?´ ´What is happiness?´ ´What does it really mean to live a sustainable life?´
These are some of the questions that emerged during the recent slohas tour. And the questions continued:
´What is Slohas ?´ ´Can anyone have a slohas lifestyle in a city like Tokyo?´ ´When will the old system and way of thinking give way to the new?´, ´When will the world´s richest countries be measured by their level of happiness, not their amount of GDP´, ´Will ´life´ ever be valued within this economic system?´ ´Why are the people who peacefully protest the destruction of life still persecuted´, ´Do we really want to survive?´ ´How?´
I still believe it is as important to keep asking questions than to have ´all the answers´ and that it must be in our actions, not only in words, that we search for the answers.
During the Slohas tour Pacha, Yani and I had the privelege to visit, speak and perform around Japan, as well as to share a fragment of the lives of many people and groups actively responding to these questions in the way they live. A sincere thank-you to everyone helped us throughout Japan during the slohas tour!
I am writing this from Ecuador, still pondering the same questions, in the completely different environment, culture and atmosphere of Ecuador. Here life is more intense, less controlled, easier to lose- and yet this heightened risk is what makes the present more exciting. As Pacha quickly observed ´there is more life here ´. When it comes to evolving and promoting a ´Slohas´ lifestyle here some things are much more simple - others are
complicated by the inundation of media messages and increasing govenment propaganda about what ´development´ means (jobs, industry, bridges, roads, production, mining, money).
´Slohas´ stands for : Slow Lifestyles of Happiness and Sustainability. Its definition is evolving along with our culture. It became the slogan of this tour largely to differentiate our vision from the marketing brand of ´Lohas´
(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability). We know we (in ´rich´countries) need a lifestyle that is more than an exclusive and expensive ´brand´. We want to promote a lifestyle that is available to everyone on this planet in ´rich´or ´ poor´ countries. We claim a lifestyle that is as unique and individual as every human being on this Earth. The simplest definition is
finding a way to live where we can find happiness without destroying life.
It involves communities, both local and global, it is inspired by sharing real information from direct experience. It values instinct and feeling as much as data and scientific fact.
Already more than a month has passed since the last event of the slohas tour – the opening of the new café slow in Kokobunji. This final event was an evening of deep honesty and open hearts, of feeling and of shared understanding of old friends. It was humbling to sit beside Nakamura-san and Keibo, the founders of the Sloth Club along with Carlos Zorrilla from Ecuador, reflecting on the things that bring meaning to life and re-affirming the essnce of the Sloth Club as we approach our ten year anniversary as an organisation.
Our challenge is how to hold on to that deep intention when faced with running an organisation in the ´real world´ that is still dictated by the current economic system and way of thinking. Can we really work productively with corporations whose very existence is defined by profiting from exploitation of the Earth, or people, or both? The clash of different ways of thinking, the new culture we are creating and the old one that has brought us to this state of ecological chaos, is constantly plaguing us. We will not/ can not close ourselves off in a bubble, but will stay open to this growing desire for change wherever it comes from and keep practising, experimenting and creating what it really means to create a ´slohas´ future.
As Pacha, Yani and I travelled through Tokyo, Fuji, Hamamatsu, Shin Otsu, Mt Aso, Fukuoka, Nagano, Yamanashi, Osaka, Kyoto and Okinawa, in two months of concerts, meetings and talks we reconnected with many old friends and made many new ones. Within our presentations, while centred on the theme of slohas, we also talked about Tasmania´s forests, our projects and activities in Ecuador, the G8 summit in Hokkaido, peoples action to protect Article 9 in the Japanese consitution, the long-awaited recognition of Ainu culture by the Japanese government and new definitions of ´community´. We talked about the opportunity that growing international awareness of global warming presents in making positive changes but also of the danger of accepting disasterous options like nuclear energy.
We joined Earth Day events in Tokyo and Hamamatsu and the Earth Caravan in Kyushu – watching the ecological movement that used to be ´on the margins´ enter the mainstream. We met people and groups creating eco-villages and ecologically inspired communities. We briefly joined the Earth Caravan on its mission to inspire young Earth Lovers. We visited many new places and met new groups and people who share our values and mission for a radical shift to a sustainable lifestyle - from all walks of life. We talked and performed in the growing network of ´cafe slows´ Nagano, Osaka, Hamamatsu and Tokyo. We were helped by many wonderful volunteers from the sloth club - the ´nama kuru´ from many different places in Japan.
While we were sometimes tired from moving so often, everyone was so patient with Pacha and Yani (despite their often unsettled behaviour). Among the unforgettable memories for Pacha and Yani was visiting the hotsprings in Nagano, watching monkeys bathe in the hot springs in Nagano, seeing snow in the high mountains of Nagano and joining the cool guys from ´naturelab´ who make and ride snowboards made from Japanese timber.
A highlight for me in Japan this time was to have the chance to campaign for the protection of Tasmania´s remaining wild, old growth forests, with colleagues from other NGOs. Our 3 hour meeting with the main buyers of old growth woodchips from Tasmania, along with representatives from the Tasmanian and Australian government confirmed our realisation that it is a race against time in the battle between paradigms (ways of thinking). To the industry, trees mean cash profits (for a few people), to us the precious remaining untouched, wild forests are priceless.
There was no real resolution from this meeting, except perhaps our
understanding that the corporations will really only change when their profit margin is affected. It is here that consumers in Japan may be our greatest hope - people can demand that they no longer use old growth forests to blow their nose or wipe their backsides. The more people, especially those who work in these companies, experience these forests and understand they are connected to them (in more ways than using paper) - the better chance thelast remaining forests, not only in Tasmania, but all over the world, have a chance to survive...
This tour was so much more about feeling than theories, more about questions than answers, more about what we do and how we actually live that what we say. And through music, that timeless language of the heart and soul, I hope we were able to share a glimpse of inspiration of the future we are trying create.
Memories from this tour continue to sustain us in our continuing journey to explore, practice and share a sustainable life here in Ecuador. Thanks to the generosity of audiences and organisers and the Sloth Club, we have been able to continue our travels and support projects like ´El Milagro´ in Ecuador. We look forward to sharing more questions, feelings and music when we next return to Japan!
These are some of the questions that emerged during the recent slohas tour. And the questions continued:
´What is Slohas ?´ ´Can anyone have a slohas lifestyle in a city like Tokyo?´ ´When will the old system and way of thinking give way to the new?´, ´When will the world´s richest countries be measured by their level of happiness, not their amount of GDP´, ´Will ´life´ ever be valued within this economic system?´ ´Why are the people who peacefully protest the destruction of life still persecuted´, ´Do we really want to survive?´ ´How?´
I still believe it is as important to keep asking questions than to have ´all the answers´ and that it must be in our actions, not only in words, that we search for the answers.
During the Slohas tour Pacha, Yani and I had the privelege to visit, speak and perform around Japan, as well as to share a fragment of the lives of many people and groups actively responding to these questions in the way they live. A sincere thank-you to everyone helped us throughout Japan during the slohas tour!
I am writing this from Ecuador, still pondering the same questions, in the completely different environment, culture and atmosphere of Ecuador. Here life is more intense, less controlled, easier to lose- and yet this heightened risk is what makes the present more exciting. As Pacha quickly observed ´there is more life here ´. When it comes to evolving and promoting a ´Slohas´ lifestyle here some things are much more simple - others are
complicated by the inundation of media messages and increasing govenment propaganda about what ´development´ means (jobs, industry, bridges, roads, production, mining, money).
´Slohas´ stands for : Slow Lifestyles of Happiness and Sustainability. Its definition is evolving along with our culture. It became the slogan of this tour largely to differentiate our vision from the marketing brand of ´Lohas´
(Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability). We know we (in ´rich´countries) need a lifestyle that is more than an exclusive and expensive ´brand´. We want to promote a lifestyle that is available to everyone on this planet in ´rich´or ´ poor´ countries. We claim a lifestyle that is as unique and individual as every human being on this Earth. The simplest definition is
finding a way to live where we can find happiness without destroying life.
It involves communities, both local and global, it is inspired by sharing real information from direct experience. It values instinct and feeling as much as data and scientific fact.
Already more than a month has passed since the last event of the slohas tour – the opening of the new café slow in Kokobunji. This final event was an evening of deep honesty and open hearts, of feeling and of shared understanding of old friends. It was humbling to sit beside Nakamura-san and Keibo, the founders of the Sloth Club along with Carlos Zorrilla from Ecuador, reflecting on the things that bring meaning to life and re-affirming the essnce of the Sloth Club as we approach our ten year anniversary as an organisation.
Our challenge is how to hold on to that deep intention when faced with running an organisation in the ´real world´ that is still dictated by the current economic system and way of thinking. Can we really work productively with corporations whose very existence is defined by profiting from exploitation of the Earth, or people, or both? The clash of different ways of thinking, the new culture we are creating and the old one that has brought us to this state of ecological chaos, is constantly plaguing us. We will not/ can not close ourselves off in a bubble, but will stay open to this growing desire for change wherever it comes from and keep practising, experimenting and creating what it really means to create a ´slohas´ future.
As Pacha, Yani and I travelled through Tokyo, Fuji, Hamamatsu, Shin Otsu, Mt Aso, Fukuoka, Nagano, Yamanashi, Osaka, Kyoto and Okinawa, in two months of concerts, meetings and talks we reconnected with many old friends and made many new ones. Within our presentations, while centred on the theme of slohas, we also talked about Tasmania´s forests, our projects and activities in Ecuador, the G8 summit in Hokkaido, peoples action to protect Article 9 in the Japanese consitution, the long-awaited recognition of Ainu culture by the Japanese government and new definitions of ´community´. We talked about the opportunity that growing international awareness of global warming presents in making positive changes but also of the danger of accepting disasterous options like nuclear energy.
We joined Earth Day events in Tokyo and Hamamatsu and the Earth Caravan in Kyushu – watching the ecological movement that used to be ´on the margins´ enter the mainstream. We met people and groups creating eco-villages and ecologically inspired communities. We briefly joined the Earth Caravan on its mission to inspire young Earth Lovers. We visited many new places and met new groups and people who share our values and mission for a radical shift to a sustainable lifestyle - from all walks of life. We talked and performed in the growing network of ´cafe slows´ Nagano, Osaka, Hamamatsu and Tokyo. We were helped by many wonderful volunteers from the sloth club - the ´nama kuru´ from many different places in Japan.
While we were sometimes tired from moving so often, everyone was so patient with Pacha and Yani (despite their often unsettled behaviour). Among the unforgettable memories for Pacha and Yani was visiting the hotsprings in Nagano, watching monkeys bathe in the hot springs in Nagano, seeing snow in the high mountains of Nagano and joining the cool guys from ´naturelab´ who make and ride snowboards made from Japanese timber.
A highlight for me in Japan this time was to have the chance to campaign for the protection of Tasmania´s remaining wild, old growth forests, with colleagues from other NGOs. Our 3 hour meeting with the main buyers of old growth woodchips from Tasmania, along with representatives from the Tasmanian and Australian government confirmed our realisation that it is a race against time in the battle between paradigms (ways of thinking). To the industry, trees mean cash profits (for a few people), to us the precious remaining untouched, wild forests are priceless.
There was no real resolution from this meeting, except perhaps our
understanding that the corporations will really only change when their profit margin is affected. It is here that consumers in Japan may be our greatest hope - people can demand that they no longer use old growth forests to blow their nose or wipe their backsides. The more people, especially those who work in these companies, experience these forests and understand they are connected to them (in more ways than using paper) - the better chance thelast remaining forests, not only in Tasmania, but all over the world, have a chance to survive...
This tour was so much more about feeling than theories, more about questions than answers, more about what we do and how we actually live that what we say. And through music, that timeless language of the heart and soul, I hope we were able to share a glimpse of inspiration of the future we are trying create.
Memories from this tour continue to sustain us in our continuing journey to explore, practice and share a sustainable life here in Ecuador. Thanks to the generosity of audiences and organisers and the Sloth Club, we have been able to continue our travels and support projects like ´El Milagro´ in Ecuador. We look forward to sharing more questions, feelings and music when we next return to Japan!
7/17 El Milagro!!
Dear all SLoth friends,
Pacha, Yani and I are in Quito for a night before going back down to the coast to celebrate Yani`s 5th birthday in Bahia. We just washed off days of Intag mud and sweat and horse hair (Pacha spends every spare minute with Shanti - the stallion who follows Pacha around like a big puppy!). The internet service is free at this hotel so I hope to finally get some writing done!
All went well in El Milagro over the past two weeks.
Yesterday Luis and I put up the tin to clad the upstairs section of the house...felt good to get something done. I wish I had taken a phot of us carrying 10 sheets of tin, a double bed, mattress and gas stove on horse back down the vertical paths to El Milagro - but I guess you will just have to imagine it!
I took off the bamboo (that was lining the upstairs section of the house), am burning it to strengthen it and get rid of wood borers, and will then put it back up as an inner lining. Maintaining, repairing and renovating the stone house is a priority so that it lasts longer.
It feels good to sleep in a proper bed in EL Milagro now - though with the glass still not in the window frames, we have lots of fresh air coming through and even some friendly visitors - fireflies, bats and even a hummingbird!
Luis will hopefully help finish off the windows upstairs (with glass) and build a small greenhouse. We need the greenhouse (to put up between the toilet and the stone house for drying coffee and peas, raising more seedlings (coffee and fruit trees to extend the area under agroforestry cultivation), as well as drying clothes when it rains. The greenhouse will also mean more warm dry air passes through the stone house to dry up the lower floor.
Then it is time to replace the grass roof of the round house. Hopefully this will begin before the beginning of August so that the house is useable for all volunteers (from mid August).
Carlos has said he will help get the solar sysem up and running so I can get the laptop in action when we return to El Milagro after Bahia. Slowly it is coming together - though my biggest lesson in returning to Ecuador - like always - is patience...
Now while we are in Quito I will print off the basic promotion for El Milagro volunteers to see if any other people can come and help from early August...see how it goes!
Pacha, Yani and I are all well, though still longing to stay in one place for a while! It really is a detox for us all in El Milagro with no TV, DVDs or other `corrupting` influences from modern society. The kids are starting to appreciate more simple foods again and are complaining less. In the mornings Luis has been coming to milk his cow. Pacha and Yani love helping him and drinking milk directly from the cow`s teat! I am impressed by their energy for walking - no complaints in walking (mostly uphill) for an hour to get the bus to Otavalo. The biggest problem for them (and me) is the muddy parts - I am the one who has to do the washing (by hand) when the clothes are black with mud! There has been more rain than usual in Intag recently
(not good for the coffee plants) that means there`s plenty of mud.
Love to all Sloths - we are waiting for you in Ecuador!
For Life, anja.
Pacha, Yani and I are in Quito for a night before going back down to the coast to celebrate Yani`s 5th birthday in Bahia. We just washed off days of Intag mud and sweat and horse hair (Pacha spends every spare minute with Shanti - the stallion who follows Pacha around like a big puppy!). The internet service is free at this hotel so I hope to finally get some writing done!
All went well in El Milagro over the past two weeks.
Yesterday Luis and I put up the tin to clad the upstairs section of the house...felt good to get something done. I wish I had taken a phot of us carrying 10 sheets of tin, a double bed, mattress and gas stove on horse back down the vertical paths to El Milagro - but I guess you will just have to imagine it!
I took off the bamboo (that was lining the upstairs section of the house), am burning it to strengthen it and get rid of wood borers, and will then put it back up as an inner lining. Maintaining, repairing and renovating the stone house is a priority so that it lasts longer.
It feels good to sleep in a proper bed in EL Milagro now - though with the glass still not in the window frames, we have lots of fresh air coming through and even some friendly visitors - fireflies, bats and even a hummingbird!
Luis will hopefully help finish off the windows upstairs (with glass) and build a small greenhouse. We need the greenhouse (to put up between the toilet and the stone house for drying coffee and peas, raising more seedlings (coffee and fruit trees to extend the area under agroforestry cultivation), as well as drying clothes when it rains. The greenhouse will also mean more warm dry air passes through the stone house to dry up the lower floor.
Then it is time to replace the grass roof of the round house. Hopefully this will begin before the beginning of August so that the house is useable for all volunteers (from mid August).
Carlos has said he will help get the solar sysem up and running so I can get the laptop in action when we return to El Milagro after Bahia. Slowly it is coming together - though my biggest lesson in returning to Ecuador - like always - is patience...
Now while we are in Quito I will print off the basic promotion for El Milagro volunteers to see if any other people can come and help from early August...see how it goes!
Pacha, Yani and I are all well, though still longing to stay in one place for a while! It really is a detox for us all in El Milagro with no TV, DVDs or other `corrupting` influences from modern society. The kids are starting to appreciate more simple foods again and are complaining less. In the mornings Luis has been coming to milk his cow. Pacha and Yani love helping him and drinking milk directly from the cow`s teat! I am impressed by their energy for walking - no complaints in walking (mostly uphill) for an hour to get the bus to Otavalo. The biggest problem for them (and me) is the muddy parts - I am the one who has to do the washing (by hand) when the clothes are black with mud! There has been more rain than usual in Intag recently
(not good for the coffee plants) that means there`s plenty of mud.
Love to all Sloths - we are waiting for you in Ecuador!
For Life, anja.
こういうのがSLOHAS(Slow Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)流建築というのです。そうです! それは低価格で、(材料はリサイクルのものだし、質の高い人件費がただ? 私と父のことなのですけど!)持続可能(枠組みにはリサイクル材料やplantation timberを使いました。)そのうえ健康的(大工仕事で体を動かすのはい
私はただただ事態が少しでも良くなるようにと泥を掻き出すばかりです。(このころまでには泥は車軸まできていました。)私は絶対この小さな車がトラックを引っ張り出すことなんてできないと思いました。私たちは車をつなぎ、エンジン速度を上げて、 やったあ!!
SLOHAS お金を過剰に必要としない健康的かつ持続可能なライフスタイルを指す新しい言葉です。
こういうのがSLOHAS(Slow Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)流建築というのです。そうです! それは低価格で、(材料はリサイクルのものだし、質の高い人件費がただ? 私と父のことなのですけど!)持続可能(枠組みにはリサイクル材料やplantation timberを使いました。)そのうえ健康的(大工仕事で体を動かすのはい
私はただただ事態が少しでも良くなるようにと泥を掻き出すばかりです。(このころまでには泥は車軸まできていました。)私は絶対この小さな車がトラックを引っ張り出すことなんてできないと思いました。私たちは車をつなぎ、エンジン速度を上げて、 やったあ!!
SLOHAS お金を過剰に必要としない健康的かつ持続可能なライフスタイルを指す新しい言葉です。
Our ‘New’ Recycled Shelter in a Shed- Anything is possible
Dear Friends,
Over the past 3 months I have been busy creating a new shelter for
Pacha, Yani and I in the forests of Woombah. It has been full of adventures, challenges, insights and lessons.
The large ‘Shed’ came with the land my friend and I recently
purchased in northern NSW. It was open on three walls when we first ‘moved in’. When it rained (and it rained most of the time), the moist cloudy air came in and made everything damp. We lived in a tent under the shed and cooked with a small gas ring on a simple table.
My Father, Karsten, saw the potential in the shed and came up almost immediately with an idea to turn one third of it (6 mt by 8 mt) into an enclosed space with a mezzanine floor. I couldn’t resist a new building project, the practical hands on challenge seemed to be exactly what I needed after the exhausting election campaign. We went ahead and drew up some plans for pre- fabricated frames and found a company who could make them.
■Challenge brings growth
Now, ‘normal’ people would probably find a place to rent while paying someone else to build them their place to live, certainly not in a shed. I wanted to be involved and learn and do, I wanted to use the resources on hand (the shed was already here when we bought the place) I wanted to save money (that means less debt and more freedom). I wanted my children to experience what it is like to live simply while something is being built. I want them to know they can do this one day if they like…anything is possible. So, we over the past months we found ourselves moving around the shed as we manouvered the frames and other materials we needed to use around us.
This is a *SLOHAS (Slow Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)
construction. So, it needed to be low cost (recycled materials where possible and free labour – me and my Father!), sustainable (we used either recycled materials and plantation timber for the framework) and healthy (getting very fit doing the construction work and the wonderful sense of satisfaction in building by ourselves). We did it at our own pace. I nurtured and expanded my relationships with my family and neighbours as they helped or watched this latest project grow.
In the early stage of the project I decided to search for recycled
sliding windows and other house fittings. I was even able to find a complete kitchen bench with sink etc that had been recently torn out of a building.It feels so good to be using materials that would otherwise have been thrown away. I found the cheapest place for
recycled materials was on the Gold Coast (3.5 hours away) so I
arranged to rent a large (3 tonne) truck to drive all the materials over. This went very well ( I like driving trucks) until we arrived at the land where it had been raining for the past week.
We got bogged.
First our next door neighbour tried to help us out using steel cables attached to trees. We went down deeper…I tried to keep breathing and not panic – but I was wondering how expensive it would be to rent a crane to get the truck out of there. Next, the neighbour two doors down came with his small suzuki 4 wheel drive and said he would try.
I just kept digging out the mud (which by this time was up to the
axles) to try to make things easier. I was pretty sure his tiny car would not be able to pull out this big truck. We hooked it up,
revved and hooray – the truck was on the road again.
Community Resilience, helping each other, sharing with each other.
Afterwards we sat with our nighbours over a slow home brewed beer (my nerves were a little stretched!) and talked about Woombah,
constructions and neighbours. I felt in debt of gratitude but their attitude was that some day they would need my help and that this is what makes our neighbourhood/community strong. They are so right.
Knowing my neighbours well and sharing what I can with them creates a strong web of support no matter what lies ahead. Since this
experience we have had at least two other bogged cars.
My neighbours have also ‘saved’ us when my own old van broke down at our favourite beach (Shark Bay). We were stuck at night with no
mobile phone range on a lonely road. Pacha and Yani and I had to wave down a car to take us to town so we could make a call to be rescued!
(Interesting reflection for me was realisingbefore children I was not nearly as ‘fearful’ in these situations – somehow things would be ok – the difference was feeling responsible for two other defensless human beings, my children, in these interesting situations we would find ourselves in. Hopefully they will learn that there is never any need to panic and that somehow we can survive anything).
The next step in construction was erecting the frames. They were
already put together – but were heavy to move around and lift. We
used out imaginations as well as strength and borrowed Pacha’s
skateboard and a small hand trolley to move them into place.
We had ordered plantation pine flooring for the mezzanine, but it
arrived in the rain and seeing it was particle board (not very
resilient) made me search for another option. I called the secondhand shop and found they had some used marine plywood (from concrete formwork) and quickly arranged to pick this up instead.
This meant borrowing the neighbour’s trailer and connecting it onto my old van and driving back to the Gold Coast again. Everything went pretty well except on the way home the mud guard came off the trailer and sheared into the tyre on the super highway…very stressful…I calmly stopped the van and looked around me. We were in the middle of sugar cane fields – but I could see a house abour 800 metres away up a hill. The mobile phone had no credit and no range in that area and I tried to stop someone (passing by at 110 kms per hour) …noone stopped. So off Pacha and Yani and I went, trekking through the bush and muddy ditches. The kids seemed to enjoy the adventure. When I stood in a deep muddy puddle up to my knees, Pacha said: “It could be worse Mummy, the mud could be up to your neck.” I smiled and thought that Pacha and Yani would be fine in returning to Ecuador!
We found a friendly man called Robert in the house at the top of the hill – and although I just asked if I could use his telephone, he slowly said – ‘so what seems to be the problem’ - and soon started gathering materials to help remove and replace the tyre, driving us back down to get us back on the road. What a great person with a wonderful attitude. After talking about the state of the world he said: The problem is people are not really ALIVE anymore’. And I thought – Yes – he knows.
■Reflections on DNA
Now the recycled marine plywood is on the ceiling and I can look up and think about the campaigns we had in Japan to try to stop using
tropical timber for concrete formwork…I love that we were able to use a stronger and more ethical material…But before the floor could be put down we had to put the 9 mt beams into place. My Father was
impressed by my hammering style and talked about his own grandfather who was a blacksmith. He was convinced my talent in hammering nails had been passed through my DNA.
I love my Father mostly because I choose to love him. He is one of
the most difficult people to be with that I know. Much of our
childhood had an underlying climate of fear because of the demons he was wrestling with in himself (and still wrestles with).
Controlling, opinionated, larger than life, intense – but when I look at him I see myself and I know that if I cut my connection to him, I disconnect some part of myself and my children (and their children to come). Of course he taught all of his children to love and respect nature above all – and this was one of the few things that he and our mother were in absolute agreement about. He loves to be useful, he loves challenge and loves to share his knowledge and skills. He felt a strong sense of commitment in helping me create a good shelter to live in.
He is, like many of my family members, both critical and proud of my actions. One of his recent comments was: “Anja, you look your
age” (which was not meant to be a compliment – but just honest I
guess). I thought about this for a while (and the added stress that perhaps he did not realise that he contributed, the weight of my
responsibilities, the physical hardship in how we were living etc,
etc) and came to the conclusion that: Yes, I may look like I am 40
years old, but I should look this old with the many experiences I
have had in my life. My age is how I feel and how I think, not that surface of skin that the modern world is so obsessed by. Sure, I
could live a less stimulated life and put some kind of crème on my
skin if I wanted to or smile and frown and be less ‘alive’ – but my appearance is not so important to me (especially in the shed where we have no mirrors!).
My Father and I had big ups and downs in the stress of this building project and one rainy morning (after a disturbed sleep), I reacted when he teased my son (the 50th time!) . I told him to go away if he was not able to contribute in a positive way to my children…so he went away…Soon after I rang to make sure he got home ok (2 hours away) – and wrote a letter explaining what I thought of the incident and welcomed him back at anytime. Our connection is still open.
In some way this is the same reason I will continue to keep a contact with Pacha and Yani’s Father. Marcelo. It is not easy, it is complicated and brings up many difficult emotions, but it is a story I started and is now written into the DNA of our children. And it is not only Marcelo the children deserve to know, but his own large and colourful family, the 300 men, women and children in and around Bahia de Caraquez in Ecuador.
I guess it is part of the process of learning to cope with this rich tapestry of life. How can we ever find Peace in the world if we don’t find a way to keep our connections open with our own family members?
So, now Pacha, Yani and I live in a partly built house, with lots of space and freedom. We still use buckets for toilets (and feed our wastes to our quickly growing fruit tree orchard) and there is no plumbing or electrics installed yet. But we are very comfortable and feel safe and supported here. It is a paradise of wild nature with the security of community and services. And we are very excited about returning to Japan and Ecuador next month!
*SLOHAS – A new term to describe a healthy and sustainable lifestyle without needing to spend a lot of money.
では、私たちにできることは何でしょう? しっかりと厳しい状況から目をそむけることなく、希望の火をともし続ける勇気と強さを、どこに見出せばいいのでしょう? どうすれば私たちは生き延びることことができるでしょう? そもそも私たちは本当に生き延びる気があるのでしょうか?「生きる」とはどういうことなのでしょうか? 私たちの子どもたちは、消費の熱病に冒されることなく、この社会で生きていくことができるのでしょうか? 率直に、正直に、生き続けるにはどうしたらいいのでしょう? 地球上のすべてのいのちを支えてあまりある豊かなエネルギーの恩恵に、どうすればまた浴することができるのでしょう? ちょうど樹々が空に向かってまっすぐ伸びながら、吹く風に柔らかくそよぐように。
では、私たちにできることは何でしょう? しっかりと厳しい状況から目をそむけることなく、希望の火をともし続ける勇気と強さを、どこに見出せばいいのでしょう? どうすれば私たちは生き延びることことができるでしょう? そもそも私たちは本当に生き延びる気があるのでしょうか?「生きる」とはどういうことなのでしょうか? 私たちの子どもたちは、消費の熱病に冒されることなく、この社会で生きていくことができるのでしょうか? 率直に、正直に、生き続けるにはどうしたらいいのでしょう? 地球上のすべてのいのちを支えてあまりある豊かなエネルギーの恩恵に、どうすればまた浴することができるのでしょう? ちょうど樹々が空に向かってまっすぐ伸びながら、吹く風に柔らかくそよぐように。
Anja’s SLOHAS Tour 2008
Dear Friends,
Soon it will be Spring in Japan, a time for a new awakening - new
growth - transformation. I hope it finds you well and feeling
positive about the challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.
We are witnessing an incredible time in the Earth history - the
breakdown of the world’s ancient ecological systems, the destruction of forests and the changing climate, the melting down of major economic systems, the increasing chasm between rich and poor in both money rich and money poor countries. We are partly trapped and partly willing participants in this economic system that causes so much destruction and suffering - but as it becomes more obvious we have reached a turning point we may have best opportunity to pause, breathe and choose a different path.
But what should we do? Where do we find the courage and strength to keep our eyes open and our hope alive? How can we survive? Do we
really want to survive? What does it mean to be 'Alive'? Can our
children grow up in mainstream society and not be caught by the
‘consumer fever’. What is the best way forward with clarity and
honesty? How can we tap into the abundant energy that sustains life on this beautiful planet – being like a tree that reaches straight to the sky but moves with the wind?
These are some of the questions I ask myself in this slow forest life and I would love to share this discussion with you.
I am planning to visit Japan from 17 April until the 7th of June
before returning to El Milagro in Ecuador with Pacha and Yani. I
would love to speak and/or perform while in Japan and it would be
great to meet you again. Depending on your interests, I would be
happy to talk about practical themes on living a Slow Lifestyle of
Health and Sustainability (SLOHAS) as well as about the Sloth Club’s project work and volunteering in Ecuador. Could you organise a
concert or talk? Would you know of any other person, group or venue that may be interested in holding an event? Please let Naoko Baba
know at the Sloth Club know if you can help in any way. All funds
raised will support the El Milagro project and our travel costs in
returning to Ecuador.
Let’s choose to have hope and see a positive way forward, in our own lives and for our precious planet. I look forward to sharing energy, new ideas, laughter and song with you soon.
For Life,
Anja Light
Soon it will be Spring in Japan, a time for a new awakening - new
growth - transformation. I hope it finds you well and feeling
positive about the challenges and opportunities for the year ahead.
We are witnessing an incredible time in the Earth history - the
breakdown of the world’s ancient ecological systems, the destruction of forests and the changing climate, the melting down of major economic systems, the increasing chasm between rich and poor in both money rich and money poor countries. We are partly trapped and partly willing participants in this economic system that causes so much destruction and suffering - but as it becomes more obvious we have reached a turning point we may have best opportunity to pause, breathe and choose a different path.
But what should we do? Where do we find the courage and strength to keep our eyes open and our hope alive? How can we survive? Do we
really want to survive? What does it mean to be 'Alive'? Can our
children grow up in mainstream society and not be caught by the
‘consumer fever’. What is the best way forward with clarity and
honesty? How can we tap into the abundant energy that sustains life on this beautiful planet – being like a tree that reaches straight to the sky but moves with the wind?
These are some of the questions I ask myself in this slow forest life and I would love to share this discussion with you.
I am planning to visit Japan from 17 April until the 7th of June
before returning to El Milagro in Ecuador with Pacha and Yani. I
would love to speak and/or perform while in Japan and it would be
great to meet you again. Depending on your interests, I would be
happy to talk about practical themes on living a Slow Lifestyle of
Health and Sustainability (SLOHAS) as well as about the Sloth Club’s project work and volunteering in Ecuador. Could you organise a
concert or talk? Would you know of any other person, group or venue that may be interested in holding an event? Please let Naoko Baba
know at the Sloth Club know if you can help in any way. All funds
raised will support the El Milagro project and our travel costs in
returning to Ecuador.
Let’s choose to have hope and see a positive way forward, in our own lives and for our precious planet. I look forward to sharing energy, new ideas, laughter and song with you soon.
For Life,
Anja Light
Slow Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability。
SLOHAS - Slow Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
I've been wanting to write about this for a while - what do you think of this concept? Maybe it should be Sloth Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability?
Anyway - this is a start of developing it as an idea - maybe it has already be done - let me know if I should keep developing it - or
just have fun with it as a blog.
Love, or Life, anja
■Slow Mother Blog
In all the busy creating of the past month here in Woombah - I have been inspired to write about a new concept:
SLOHAS - Slow Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability
- because it shouldn’t cost the Earth to live Green.
We shouldn’t need to work in a stressful, high powered job to be able to afford to pay for high quality childcare/education, organic vegetables and the latest eco-labels. By living more simply we can
make the time to be with our children, grow our own organic vegetables and use our own initiative to build, create or scavange
the ‘things’ we need around us. It is fine to enjoy some stress from time to time and to set ourselves challenges in the things that provide meaning in our life if we choose it. But to be obedient to trends that further entrench us into a slave-like existence in jobs and lives that we don’t like will not make us happier or the Earth healthier.
What does SLOHAS mean? It is creating a healthy, ethical and
sustainable lifestyle without needing a high income. It is a
lifestyle choice that incorporates downshifting, grassroots democracy and voluntary simplicity. It is, to me, a commonsense practical response to the sound of the Earth crying, global inequality balanced with our strong instinct to provide a safe, healthy and happy future for our children. It is not withdrawing, but engaging - being proud rather than embarrassed that you can enjoy life with things that most people would throw away. It is not accepting the definition of the ‘yoke’ of poverty but instead celebrating the liberation of simplicity.
So, I think I am creating a SLOHAS life, learning slowly as I go.
Our income is very low but we have enough. The children are fed and clothed, healthy and we have a roof over our heads.
All our clothes, furniture, bicycles, etc are second hand. We are
slowly planting a garden of fruit trees and vegetables that will
provide our organic food for the future (scavenging thinks like
seaweed and mulch and volunteer plants). We leave the car at home
and ride our bikes and buses to get around. I am building using
recycled materials and using the resources I have on hand to create our new living space. The help from my family, friends, neighbours
and woofers builds and strengthens communities – both locally and
from afar.
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