シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
Ollie likes skateboards - youtube clip
Radical School Lunchboxes

Slow Mother Blog
March 27, 2012
Sometimes it's the little things...
Yesterday my children told me that they were the only ones who didn’t have ‘packets’ for their school lunches.
It turns out that Yani hasn’t been eating at school during lunch time because he is afraid what people will say when he eats his yoghurt, or biscuits, or left over dinner out of small plastic containers. Yesterday’s comment from a classmate was: ‘Ew, that’s digusting, get away from him’ - Yani was attempting to eat a favourite vegetable curry meal from a container. Pacha verified the story saying sheepishly, ‘ it’s true, but please let us keep going to the school…’
They may be little things – but it seems to bring up so much about the illness in our society. Maybe it was just the timing of it. The same day I had read these articles and pondered on the connections:
The ever-increasing ‘plastic soup’ of garbage that now stretches all the way between Japan and Hawaii:
The ongoing obesity epidemic in Australia – especially in children: (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_Australia)
The evidence that good nutrition in childhood leads to lifelong intelligence: (http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/news/1054895/Early-diet-may-linked-intelligence-says-study/)
The link between lower intelligence and prejudice: (http://www.livescience.com/18132-intelligence-social-conservatism-racism.html)
The connections seem obvious to me, yet if you talk about it you run the risk of being branded as ‘radical’ or a trouble-maker. And if your innocent, bright, open-minded children bring healthy, unpackaged lunches to school they run the risk of social exclusion.
So, Yani has asked me to come to the school to explain to the kids about the rubbish floating in the Pacific Ocean. I’ve sent the article link to the school Principal and asked if there could be some reward system for those who limit their rubbish in their lunchboxes. I was trying to be ‘less involved’ in this new school…seems like that’s going to be hard…
Japan Candlenight Tour, part one.
March 20, 2012
I’m a little weary on my return to Australia after 3 weeks in Japan. Yet, thanks to the space we created in the events we shared, our collective compassion, our feeling, our hope for change – somehow we find the courage to face the truth and continue.
Why did I come back so tired? Maybe it was too much time away from Pacha and Yani?…My Mother picked me up at the airport and immediately berated me for leaving them for almost 3 weeks – I couldn’t seem to explain to her that I hope that what I do in Japan can help protect their futures as well as all life - but to her the issues seem too distant and unrelated, so I sat quietly and thanked her for her love for them…
Pacha and Yani (after lots of hugs) seem fine, with great stories about sharing time with my best friends and their families. We have been back in the ocean again, walking through the forest, laughing and singing and dancing under the trees. They are ok. They are magnificent.
Or maybe I feel tired because it seems overwhelming right now. Faced with the monolith of Tokyo and the extremes of this human civilisation, coming back to small-minded ignorance, I hover on the edge of despair. Contemplating the billions of people feeling lonely and disconnected and ‘poor’ and so far away from themselves; buying more to try to fill up the emptiness. Reflecting that here in my local area the greatest local concern seems to be a push to increase the speed limit.
In the first few days of the candlenight tour, as I joined Satish Kumar’s events, it was darkly heartening to hear him declare: ‘There is no soul here in Tokyo, there is nothing living! I'm sorry for being so direct with you, but these are extra-ordinary times!’
I agree with him, and yet there is a warm glow of in the hearts of the many people sharing the prayer, even in that concrete city, for life to go on. I agree with so many things he shared; on parenting, on awareness, on education, on service, on joy, on the deep shift we need to make for survival of Life on Earth. Satish was courageously honest and beautifully joyful too, relishing the addition of music (thanks Fuyuta-san!) into his ‘formal’ lectures.
So, after spending a couple of days around Satish, I was a little less guarded in my responses to audiences. This time, when people asked me what I would do to live more ecologically/protect their children in Tokyo, I was completely honest: I said, ‘run away – make a good life in the country’!
Many times in the city my mind wandered to thoughts of death – (I guess this wasn’t surprising – it was the lead-up to the 1st anniversary of the earthquake/tsunami/nuclear disaster). I heard the stories from my friends recalling the day, the moment, where they were, what they did, what they’ve been doing since, how life has changed. I caught myself thinking; if the ‘big one’ (earthquake) comes right now, will I be ready? And it was fine if I was with the people I love, the wonderful people who have not given up hope and do whatever they can do to create positive change; but if I was alone in a hotel room on the 7th floor looking out over grey concrete, or in the deepest subway basement, I prayed; ‘not now…please not now...just let me be with my children again…’
I’m with my children again now, thinking of my friends in Tokyo, in Japan, facing this great challenge and opportunity for a positive change and praying that whenever and wherever the next ‘big one’ comes, that people will be at peace with themselves and with the world, doing what they can do…

(One of the first things we did when I got back was to go for a surf - Pacha and Yani are 'out the back')
3/9 Australian Uranium fuelled Fukushima
To: The Australian Embassy,
To Whom it May Concern,
In the lead-up to the 1st anniversary of the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan, we call for an end to Australia’s involvement in fuelling the global nuclear industry.
The Fukushima nuclear accident and ongoing disaster has clearly shown that there can never be a 100% guarantee in the safety of nuclear reactors.
We believe Australia shares a burden of the responsibility for the ongoing dispersal of Fukushima’s deadly radioactive emissions - a portion of which find their source in Australia, where uranium is being extracted against the wishes of its traditional Aboriginal Custodians. Present and future generation Australians will also share this burden in increased exposure to radioactive isotopes.
We believe as Australians we should be are doing what we can to support and provide comfort to the victims of this disaster, especially to the Mothers and children who are living in such insecurity about their futures and encourage Australia to investigate and provide humanitarian assistance such as hosting residents from the fallout areas to provide some respite from the ongoing exposure to radioactive particles.
However, the only real assurance that Australia can provide to Japan and other nations where an accident of this kind is an ever-present danger, is to end the mining and export of uranium. Stopping the danger at its very source can be the only action that provides a genuine expression of care and concern for the innocent victims of the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Yours sincerely,
Anja Light
Rainforest Information Centre, Australia.