







私たちが「買うべき」靴には、特に健康のため、というものがありますが、そういう宣伝を見ると思わず笑ってしまうことがあります。なにしろそういう靴はとんでもなく高価で、そのくせ長期的には悪影響の方が大きいことが分かっているのですから。私の母が若かったころはもっとひどく、細く尖ったハイヒールという拷問具にデリケートなつま先を詰め込んでいたせいで、彼女のその後の人生には痛ましい後遺症が残されました。ですが、世の中は少しずつ変わっています。「裸足主義」のメリットを広めようという団体が世界中にあります(例えば、http://www.barefooters.org/ )。私の友人でもあるテリー双葉さんは京都で「はだしで歩こう会」( https://www.facebook.com/groups/203256943206739/?ref=ts&fref=ts という活動をしていますから、ナマケモノ倶楽部を愛する人の中にも裸足族はいます。



高校の同窓会 もう30年!









Challenges of a ‘Nelipot’ (one who walks with no shoes)

Last week I was stopped by two burley security men in our local shopping centre. They looked down at my naked feet and solemnly shook their heads…’Sorry love, you can’t come in here without shoes on’. 

Yes, it's against the rules to walk in these temples of consumerism unless you have something to separate your bare skin from the shiny, sterile floors.

I laughed and wondered whether to launch into a speech about the benefits of walking barefoot and the ridiculousness of this rule that was probably created after someone stubbed their toe and tried to sue the shopping centre…but I realized, (looking at their big boots which were possibly tipped with steel for extra protection) the argument would probably be futile. So I smiled widely, had a bit of a giggle and walked out to find another entrance (without security guards!), all the while pondering the vast distance human species had travelled away from nature and how much damage it was doing us.

I just love to bare my feet – it makes me feel connected. I savour the delicious freedom for my toes to wiggle and flex, to feel the textures and temperature of the floor beneath as my feet lightly grip the earth. There is nothing like running barefoot on the beach, with the squeak of the soft sand yielding to the compacted sand closer to the waters edge and then the cool, crisp splash of the ocean as it reaches your toes. Sometimes I close my eyes and run so I can feel that sensation more acutely, matched with the nurturing warmth of the morning sun…absolutely blissful!

I remember the beautiful feet of the nomadic Penan when walking with them in the Borneo forest – toes spread wide to be able to grip the Earth on the steep slippery mountain slopes. Their soles hard enough to resist most spiky barbs of jungle plants, but sensitive enough to send the signal to ‘jump quick’ if they encounter the cold soft flesh of a snake on their path. Padding silently through the ancient forest, they step lightly in a kind of reverence of walking meditation.

Some of the advertisements about the shoes you ‘should’ buy, especially for health and fitness make me laugh –  they are so very expensive and now proving to be doing more long-term damage than good. And it was even worse in my Mother’s younger days – her delicate toes squashed into tiny pointy high-heeled torture contraptions that have left a painful legacy for her every since. Things are slowly changing and there are groups around the world promoting the benefits of  'nelipotism' like: http://www.barefooters.org/ , and the great work of Sloth Club aficionados like my good friend Terry Futaba who runs the barefoot society in Kyoto: https://www.facebook.com/groups/203256943206739/?ref=ts&fref=ts

It’s the simplest thing, and I encourage you to give it a try - even though it means occasionally breaking some cultural taboos and arbitrary rules.  Spend some time liberated from your shoes!


Highschool reunion - 30 years!

It was like walking into a room of noisy ghosts – the gathering of my classmates who graduated from highschool in 1984. Most of us (I think) had forgotten each other – squinting to read the name badges pinned to our chests with the letters far too small for our aging eyes. In the noise of shouting and laughing voices and loud retro music, we circled and milled about, slowly remembering some of the highlights of our school life.

My best friend at school (and my best friend still), Suzanne, and I went together. What an honor – to have witnessed each other’s lives over the years, remaining so close despite being separated by countries much of the time, full of gratitude for the freedom to follow our hearts, pursuing what we believe in and helping others. We purposely arrived a little late – waiting for people to have a few drinks to ‘loosen up’.  Even though we mentally prepared for the gathering as best we could  (looking over old school photos and searching personalities through facebook) it still all seemed a little surreal.

Overall it was refreshing to feel that there was seemed to be no real sense of competition - that may have been the case in a 10 or even 20 year reunion where career, income ‘success’ or even good looks! may have taken on more importance. The brief snatches of conversation possible in such a crowded cacophony, tended to be more about whether you had any children (and then raving on about them) and where you lived rather than what you were doing or had done.  It was wonderful to see the shy, intelligent wallflower of our final year become the life of the party – probably the most publicly ‘successful’ person in her career as a comedienne of international standing.  

I was remembered (fondly I think) as that girl who always had a campaign going on, who stood up for her beliefs and principles and who played the lead role in the high school musical. Former classmates told me that they had enthusiastically voted for me in election campaigns over the years and looked perhaps a little wistful that they hadn’t done more for worthy causes. And I felt, again, vaguely guilty that I had not done (am not doing) more to effectively ‘make a difference’ - witnessing, with eyes wide open, the relentless devastation of the last thirty years on the planet and on our human culture.

We're still the same people at our core – the kind and compassionate ones, the intelligent nerdish ones, the outwardly confident ones, the sporty ones, the practical, organizational ones (thanks to them the gathering happened at all!). My 30 highschool reunion seemed to me like a kind of zen practice for that time near our deaths when we reflect on how we have lived and what we have done with our lives, the people we have known, our experiences, our choices – the sum of us.  Overall, I am quite content – let’s see what the next thirty years brings!

Class of 1984 PBCSHS











Staying 'real'

Staying 'real'

Time can seem to be an enemy, but is such a great teacher too…Sometimes in those beautiful dawn celebrations, watching the sun rise out of the ocean, time stands still for a moment and there is clarity and everything seems as it should be. Then the day goes on in relevance and irrelevance – a dance in trying to keep it real.

We live on the Gold Coast now, the place I grew up, the place that I struggled to keep my identity intact as I grew through adolescence and there was so much influence and pressure to ‘be a certain way’.  The Gold Coast is famous not only for it’s beautiful beaches and surf, but for casinos, night-clubs and plastic surgery. There’s an influence, no doubt, and it’s not always a healthy one!
As Pacha travels through the big transition of teenage-hood, I’m aware of balancing the influences and reminding ourselves about who we are and why we are here! Surfing has been a constant anchor for her - to nature and to freedom and empowerment - take a look here!
A couple of weeks ago we were invited to take part in a deep ecology women’s retreat, co-facilitated by the ocean and an amazing team of wise and empowering women.  It felt like a warm embrace – nurturing and accepting of who you are, no matter where you are on your life’s journey.  There were new tools to help stay true to yourself and negotiate life’s ‘dramas’ and deep (re)connections to other women from different places. I’m so grateful to Eshana who has created the beautiful Foresthaven retreat centre with her partner Peter Cumming - I hope to work with them in the future inviting people along for deep ecology workshops – perhaps from Japan?

I watched as Pacha peeled off the layers of other people’s expectations of her to come back to her core – an exuberant, joyful, free spirit – strong in body and mind. We all jumped into a raging ocean, attempting to stand on our surfboards – asking the powerful waves to be kind to us since we are only feeble humans, being tumbled and turned and rinsed out… refreshed!

In the meantime, Yani got to stay with his great inspiration, Rasta - musician, activist and one of the best free surfers on the planet. Yani came home with renewed sense of peace – a steady calm and inexplicable faith that he could make his own good story, following his heart – in service to life…
The following weekend, we travelled to another surf competition near Coffs Harbor and were able to reconnect with a rainforest activist friend that I hadn’t seen for 20 years! Andy and his teenage son, Finn, live on a most beautiful intentional community – just minutes walk from the wild ocean in the middle of a national park. Self-sufficient in energy and water, lots of good healthy local food and a community that celebrates together and supports each other…it was another heartening reminder that there are many ways that humans can survive and thrive into the future.

So, even though we are based on the Gold Coast, we are so lucky to have wonderful friends, family and long, strong connections with the people here who stand up to protect the natural beauty of the place culturally and environmentally). Last weekend we were invited to attend the 25th anniversary celebration of the GECKO (our local environment group) – which happened to coincide with the 15th anniversary celebration of the Sloth Club at Café Slow! The highlight for me was going along with my Mum (who received an award for her environment work) and my sister – and remembering the many, many campaigns over the years and the wonderful people we’ve shared them with!









