私たちにとっての一大イベント「いい人生を送ろうフェスティバル」が終わって1週間が経ちました。まだ燃え尽きた感じをひきずっています。 みなさんもまもなくウェブサイトで、当日の様子をいくつか見ることができるでしょう: www.livingthegoodlife.com
ちょうど1週間後に、私は日本に戻ります。 手帳でスケジュールを確認しながら、どうやって準備を間に合わせようかと思っています。再び現在の問題として浮上してきた「宿題」の一部について思いを巡らせます。
シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
Slow Mother Blog
The dawn chorus is ringing in my ears. I can hear at least 15 different bird calls echoing from all directions – joyous, present, alive. It fills me up like some empty container – more than enough life energy to last through the day.
It has been over a week since our big ‘Living the Good Life’ festival here and we’re still recovering from the effort! You will soon be able to see some of the images on the website: www.livingthegoodlife.com Luckily it was a successful event, with lots of people, lots of fun, some learning and a great result in fundraising for a school playground. The support from family and friends (as far as from Tasmania, Michael and Japan, Minami) has been truly amazing - like a heart beat – keeping the vision alive! Pacha and Yani seem to be proud that their Mum is so involved with the school and have been coping beautifully with the extra stress in the household. And our horse Ollie has now been elevated to the title of my personal therapist and physical trainer along with his role as our ‘ride on’ lawn mower and garden manure producer.
Many people who didn’t think the festival would succeed have apologised for
not believing it was possible to do something like this in Iluka and almost everyone who went has commented positively about the concept and the general good 'vibe' around the festival. Even the harshest critics admitted that the egetarian hut (with food served on ‘sterilised’ banana leaves) was great.
So, little by little I hope this contributes to a culture shift in our area, where ‘sustainability’ is not regarded as a dirty word and that people start to realise how lucky they are to live in this part of the world and feel inspired to cherish it, restore it and protect it for future generations.
In just over a week I’ll be back in Japan. I keep looking at the days in my diary and wonder how I will be ready in time. Then again I think part of the ‘homework’ preparation is just staying open to being present. There will be important ‘issues’ to present: new threats in Ecuador, continuing forest destruction and peaceful protests by the Penan in Sarawak and even continuing logging in Tasmania – despite the recent success of the Gunns timber company pulling out of native forests…it’s like a giant machine that takes time to stop even after the engine has been switched off.
Yet the message: to remember we are part of the Earth – is clear. Our collective intention to heal our separation with the planet and each other and extend our sense of self has the power to topple the monolith of old thinking that is causing so much suffering.
I look so much forward to sharing with my friends in Japan again. While I
haven’t written any ‘new’ songs, music is always with us here, in the spontaneous song with Pacha and Yani any moment in the day or night, in the tapestry of the beauty always around us. See you next week!
The dawn chorus is ringing in my ears. I can hear at least 15 different bird calls echoing from all directions – joyous, present, alive. It fills me up like some empty container – more than enough life energy to last through the day.
It has been over a week since our big ‘Living the Good Life’ festival here and we’re still recovering from the effort! You will soon be able to see some of the images on the website: www.livingthegoodlife.com Luckily it was a successful event, with lots of people, lots of fun, some learning and a great result in fundraising for a school playground. The support from family and friends (as far as from Tasmania, Michael and Japan, Minami) has been truly amazing - like a heart beat – keeping the vision alive! Pacha and Yani seem to be proud that their Mum is so involved with the school and have been coping beautifully with the extra stress in the household. And our horse Ollie has now been elevated to the title of my personal therapist and physical trainer along with his role as our ‘ride on’ lawn mower and garden manure producer.
Many people who didn’t think the festival would succeed have apologised for
not believing it was possible to do something like this in Iluka and almost everyone who went has commented positively about the concept and the general good 'vibe' around the festival. Even the harshest critics admitted that the egetarian hut (with food served on ‘sterilised’ banana leaves) was great.
So, little by little I hope this contributes to a culture shift in our area, where ‘sustainability’ is not regarded as a dirty word and that people start to realise how lucky they are to live in this part of the world and feel inspired to cherish it, restore it and protect it for future generations.
In just over a week I’ll be back in Japan. I keep looking at the days in my diary and wonder how I will be ready in time. Then again I think part of the ‘homework’ preparation is just staying open to being present. There will be important ‘issues’ to present: new threats in Ecuador, continuing forest destruction and peaceful protests by the Penan in Sarawak and even continuing logging in Tasmania – despite the recent success of the Gunns timber company pulling out of native forests…it’s like a giant machine that takes time to stop even after the engine has been switched off.
Yet the message: to remember we are part of the Earth – is clear. Our collective intention to heal our separation with the planet and each other and extend our sense of self has the power to topple the monolith of old thinking that is causing so much suffering.
I look so much forward to sharing with my friends in Japan again. While I
haven’t written any ‘new’ songs, music is always with us here, in the spontaneous song with Pacha and Yani any moment in the day or night, in the tapestry of the beauty always around us. See you next week!
この時期は、家の外で思う存分‘生活を楽しめる’1年の中でとても素晴らしい時期です。たき火の上でお料理をし(火の上で焼く、パンの一種である伝統的なダンパーの面白いビデオはこちらで見られます:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USYf7tUCkbo )オリーを散歩に連れ出して新鮮なスプリンググラスを食べさせ、今、ここに流れているスローで上質な時を過ごします。
そして至福の「今、ここ」から、四方を壁に囲まれた家に戻ると、私は “物事をこなす”ことのプレッシャーに心がかき乱されていくのです。電話をそばに置いて、コンピューターの前に座るとすぐに、私はビジョンや考えを言葉に置き換える作業の渦に飲み込まれます。私が長い年月の間大事にしてきた思想を、簡単にまとまっていて、理解しやすい言葉で伝えようともがいていました。
ひとつ例をあげてみましょう。私たちはフェスティバルで、ベジタリアンのお菓子をバナナの葉をお皿にして(ゴミを出さないために)販売しようとしていました。ところが、それに「待った」がかけられたのです。-それは‘食品衛生上のリスク’が理由でした。食品衛生上のリスクですって? 同じ会場内で、工場産の豚肉ソーセージを紙ナプキンに乗せて販売することは大丈夫なのに?納得がいきません。-私たちの周りには、ぜんそくやアレルギーなどの慢性病を患い、ぶくぶく太って健康的でない子どもたちがいっぱいです。-子育てをするのにそんなに過保護になる必要があるのでしょうか?
そして至福の「今、ここ」から、四方を壁に囲まれた家に戻ると、私は “物事をこなす”ことのプレッシャーに心がかき乱されていくのです。電話をそばに置いて、コンピューターの前に座るとすぐに、私はビジョンや考えを言葉に置き換える作業の渦に飲み込まれます。私が長い年月の間大事にしてきた思想を、簡単にまとまっていて、理解しやすい言葉で伝えようともがいていました。
ひとつ例をあげてみましょう。私たちはフェスティバルで、ベジタリアンのお菓子をバナナの葉をお皿にして(ゴミを出さないために)販売しようとしていました。ところが、それに「待った」がかけられたのです。-それは‘食品衛生上のリスク’が理由でした。食品衛生上のリスクですって? 同じ会場内で、工場産の豚肉ソーセージを紙ナプキンに乗せて販売することは大丈夫なのに?納得がいきません。-私たちの周りには、ぜんそくやアレルギーなどの慢性病を患い、ぶくぶく太って健康的でない子どもたちがいっぱいです。-子育てをするのにそんなに過保護になる必要があるのでしょうか?
It is such a glorious time of the year that we are ‘living’ outside as much as we can. Cooking on the bonfire (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USYf7tUCkbo for a funny video of our fire made traditional ‘damper’), taking Ollie out for walks to munch fresh Spring grass, spending slow quality time in the present – then, going back inside the four walls of my house, I enter the pressured frenzy of ‘getting things done’. As soon as I sit in front of the computer, with the phone at my side,
I get sucked into a vortex of turning visions and thoughts into words, trying to communicate ideas that I have been living for so many years, into easily digestable, understandable information.
I am now fully involved in organising the ‘Living the Good Life’ Festival ( livingthegoodlifefest.com) that will be on in just two weeks. Sometimes I think it was easier to organise the Expo Cotacachi in Ecuador over ten years ago – despite the language barrier, more people seemed to understand the vision of alternative development…well at least the people I was working closely with.
I’ll give you just one example. There is some ‘concern’ about our plan to serve the healthy, vegetarian snacks we are making on banana leaves (to avoid rubbish) – because of the ‘health risk’. Health Risk??!! But its fine to serve up mushed up, factory farmed pigs in the form of sausages on paper serviettes! Why? - when things seem so obvious to me, when we look around and see fatter and more unhealthy children with chronic diseases like asthma and allergies all around us - do I have to feel so defensive for caring?
Anway, of course we will make sure we ‘sterilize’ the banana leaves before we use them (despite the fact that banana leaves have natural anti-bacterial properties) and keep everyone happy…but it gives you an idea about how challenging things can be sometimes in trying to bring in new, commonsense ideas back into a culture that has become so obedient to mass production and modern ‘convenience’.
I get sucked into a vortex of turning visions and thoughts into words, trying to communicate ideas that I have been living for so many years, into easily digestable, understandable information.
I am now fully involved in organising the ‘Living the Good Life’ Festival ( livingthegoodlifefest.com) that will be on in just two weeks. Sometimes I think it was easier to organise the Expo Cotacachi in Ecuador over ten years ago – despite the language barrier, more people seemed to understand the vision of alternative development…well at least the people I was working closely with.
I’ll give you just one example. There is some ‘concern’ about our plan to serve the healthy, vegetarian snacks we are making on banana leaves (to avoid rubbish) – because of the ‘health risk’. Health Risk??!! But its fine to serve up mushed up, factory farmed pigs in the form of sausages on paper serviettes! Why? - when things seem so obvious to me, when we look around and see fatter and more unhealthy children with chronic diseases like asthma and allergies all around us - do I have to feel so defensive for caring?
Anway, of course we will make sure we ‘sterilize’ the banana leaves before we use them (despite the fact that banana leaves have natural anti-bacterial properties) and keep everyone happy…but it gives you an idea about how challenging things can be sometimes in trying to bring in new, commonsense ideas back into a culture that has become so obedient to mass production and modern ‘convenience’.
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