今日は1年で一番日が短い冬至の日。やらなければならない仕事のTo Doリストがあるのにも関わらず(その仕事は身体を使う本物の作業なので、好きなのですが)、私は今ここでコンピューターの前に座っています。深く反省したり、今の様な子育てのやり方で子どもたちに正しい事をしているのだろうかと自問していると、動く事ができなかったのです。そして毎日押しつけられている大衆文化のほとんどを私は拒んでいるのかをはっきりさせようとしていました。あまりに多くの大衆文化が、学校のシステム:義務や遵守、画一化や盲目的な信仰、“先生”と言われる人への信頼、愛好心、大衆消費文化・・・などを通して強くもたらされているのです。
これは実際に、1992年に12歳でリオ地球サミットで世界のリーダーに向けて演説をしたセヴァン・スズキの言葉です。 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY)
シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
6/21, Solstice/Candlenight
I was so close to letting Pacha and Yani stay home from school today.
They were ‘reigniting’ a fire we had lit yesterday. Completely focused in their task, fascinated watching the flames come alive once again. So many lessons learnt on so many levels, ancient memories, emotions, associations, a sense of slow time…maybe it was a good day to learn in a different way than sitting in a classroom - but I - the dutiful parent, found myself nagging: ‘Get your shoes on kids, quick get your bags ready, have you remembered everything you need for school?’ And forced them to the bus stop - the kids were pretty grumpy.
It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Despite the long list of ‘jobs’ to do (and jobs I love doing – physical jobs, real tasks), I’m here at the computer - not able to move from a sense of deep reflection and questioning; am I doing the right thing for my children, bringing them up the way I am - making it so obvious that I/we reject the majority of the mass culture foisted on us everyday? So many of these are reinforced through the school system: duty, obedience, conformity, blind faith and trust of annointed ‘teachers’, patriotism, consumerism…
I’ll give you an example; Pacha has a school assignment/project given by the local Country Women’s Association. The topic is: Scotland. I believe the expectation is of a neat, orderly poster with pictures and touristy type information – and for the ‘best’ result a prize will be given. Having been one of the few parents of children that has actually visited Scotland, I find myself guiding Pacha about what I think is a most important current information about that country, based on my own experience, the fact that Scotland is home to England’s illegal nuclear arsenal that has the capacity to destroy most cities on the planet. So, on her poster there is a picture of the ‘Loch Ness monster’ and beside it a picture of a nuclear submarine with the caption: ‘other monsters lurking in Scottish waters’.
What will the response to her poster be? Is it unfair that I have imposed my own experience and viewpoint on her? Will she be ostractised or ridiculed for having this ‘unique’ knowledge and opinion? At 9 years old is she too young to have a voice – because she happens to have me as a parent?
On facebook recently my parenting style has been challenged by a family friend. I suspect her views are a commonly held (but not often spoken) mainstream view, and I take them to heart, because I want to be the best mother I can to my children. I’ll include my response to her concerns about my using Pacha to express my own ‘political agenda’.
“Thanks for your deep and concerned response L - I know it is coming from a real place. The words in the song were actually of Severn Suzuki who, at age 12, addressed world leaders at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY). She started an environment group when she was 9 years old. I guess it would be good to talk with her about whether she has similar feelings to you about her own childhood (ie. being a mouth-piece for other adults political agendas).”
“This is a long conversation and it incorporates just about everything, it's about the subversive and seducive influences that our children are exposed to throughout their childhood that we have little control over: coca cola, mcdonalds, glorified military ads, health (and diets) coming from a chemist shop- and the more expensive the 'better' they must be, beauty coming from a bottle or a doctor's surgery, food being neatly packaged and totally detached from its source, oil gushing out of the Earth because our human culture considers itself more important than anything else, consume more to be more happy... Not only children - adults are still so trusting of these messages engulfing us from modern media.”
“Should children be given the opportunity to participate in shaping the culture that is currently destroying the Earth and causing untold suffering through the guidance of their parents? Because I love my children more than my own existence, because I know we are interconnected with everything else in this miracle of life - I believe so, yes.”
They were ‘reigniting’ a fire we had lit yesterday. Completely focused in their task, fascinated watching the flames come alive once again. So many lessons learnt on so many levels, ancient memories, emotions, associations, a sense of slow time…maybe it was a good day to learn in a different way than sitting in a classroom - but I - the dutiful parent, found myself nagging: ‘Get your shoes on kids, quick get your bags ready, have you remembered everything you need for school?’ And forced them to the bus stop - the kids were pretty grumpy.
It is winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. Despite the long list of ‘jobs’ to do (and jobs I love doing – physical jobs, real tasks), I’m here at the computer - not able to move from a sense of deep reflection and questioning; am I doing the right thing for my children, bringing them up the way I am - making it so obvious that I/we reject the majority of the mass culture foisted on us everyday? So many of these are reinforced through the school system: duty, obedience, conformity, blind faith and trust of annointed ‘teachers’, patriotism, consumerism…
I’ll give you an example; Pacha has a school assignment/project given by the local Country Women’s Association. The topic is: Scotland. I believe the expectation is of a neat, orderly poster with pictures and touristy type information – and for the ‘best’ result a prize will be given. Having been one of the few parents of children that has actually visited Scotland, I find myself guiding Pacha about what I think is a most important current information about that country, based on my own experience, the fact that Scotland is home to England’s illegal nuclear arsenal that has the capacity to destroy most cities on the planet. So, on her poster there is a picture of the ‘Loch Ness monster’ and beside it a picture of a nuclear submarine with the caption: ‘other monsters lurking in Scottish waters’.
What will the response to her poster be? Is it unfair that I have imposed my own experience and viewpoint on her? Will she be ostractised or ridiculed for having this ‘unique’ knowledge and opinion? At 9 years old is she too young to have a voice – because she happens to have me as a parent?
On facebook recently my parenting style has been challenged by a family friend. I suspect her views are a commonly held (but not often spoken) mainstream view, and I take them to heart, because I want to be the best mother I can to my children. I’ll include my response to her concerns about my using Pacha to express my own ‘political agenda’.
“Thanks for your deep and concerned response L - I know it is coming from a real place. The words in the song were actually of Severn Suzuki who, at age 12, addressed world leaders at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZsDliXzyAY). She started an environment group when she was 9 years old. I guess it would be good to talk with her about whether she has similar feelings to you about her own childhood (ie. being a mouth-piece for other adults political agendas).”
“This is a long conversation and it incorporates just about everything, it's about the subversive and seducive influences that our children are exposed to throughout their childhood that we have little control over: coca cola, mcdonalds, glorified military ads, health (and diets) coming from a chemist shop- and the more expensive the 'better' they must be, beauty coming from a bottle or a doctor's surgery, food being neatly packaged and totally detached from its source, oil gushing out of the Earth because our human culture considers itself more important than anything else, consume more to be more happy... Not only children - adults are still so trusting of these messages engulfing us from modern media.”
“Should children be given the opportunity to participate in shaping the culture that is currently destroying the Earth and causing untold suffering through the guidance of their parents? Because I love my children more than my own existence, because I know we are interconnected with everything else in this miracle of life - I believe so, yes.”

この2週間は、私にとってとてもエキサイティングで感情高ぶるものでした。 というのも、私は親友から、彼女と折半して買った土地の、彼女の分も買うことになったからです。彼女は今、都会での生活が中心で、家族をサポートする役割を担っているため、ここにエネルギーを注ぐことが難しいのです。
それとは別に、お願いがあります。ここの場所の名前を一緒に考えてもらえませんか? 私は未来の “輪”の姿を私なりに表現して「輪・未来」や「未来の輪」はどうだろうと思いつきました。「ゆっくり」とか「スローライト」(私の姓のライトと、ローソクの灯りのライトをかけたダジャレです・・笑)などもいいかな?

The days here are cooling down – but somehow not getting cold enough to make a priority of preparing firewood for the pot belly stove. We get cosy and warm with socks, jumpers and woollen hats, and go to sleep early enough to avoid the winter night chill. It's a great house for passive solar energy, with the sun streaming in from the north to heat the cement and tiles through the day, keeping the warmth in at night.
The past two weeks have been very exciting and emotional for me on a very practical level. I am buying the half share of this land from my best friend. Her life is fixed in the city right now, with responsibilities to support her family making it hard to put energy here. So now, with a bit more mortgage debt, I am fully responsible for looking after this land, creating slow, small, simple dreams to share with you and all my friends and family for the years ahead.
So please, come along and visit and together lets shake off some urban toxins and create this sustainable lifestyle! We can build a Slow school, meditation huts, horse therapy centre, straw bale studio, pizza ovens and of course an inspiring permaculture garden and food forest. Our imagination is our only limitation. And I have another request – can you help me decide on the name for this property? I had thought about ‘wamirai’ or ‘mirai-no-wa’
(my version of a circle of the future), but perhaps just ‘yukkuri’ or ‘slowlight’…
I have also been very busy at Pacha and Yani’s school. Now I find myself with a long list of unpaid jobs, P and C president, food garden coordinator and school choir organiser – but someone has to do it! Last week I drove the minibus for the kids who made to the big long distance running competition.
And we are organising the school fete along with an event I am creating called: ‘Living the Good Life’ festival. I’m not sure how it will all go, but we’ll never know if we don’t try. We still seem to exist with very little income (around $150 per week at the moment), eating very simple foods and not buying anything new. There is so much variety, challenge and stimulation in our lives, and work combines with pleasures – like the act of planting a new fruit tree, or digging holes for posts to extend Ollie’s paddock – or writing this blog!
Today is a glorious day. Pacha and Yani have already been playing with Ollie the horse, who is infinitely patient with them. The pictures here say it all. We welcome you to come along and share this life.
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