










Children weave their futures - guided by heart...

Last weekend Yani 'auditioned' for the music excellence program at the local highschool he will be going to next year.

Yani has never had a formal music lesson - but he loves music and has taught himself to play the keyboard by watching youtube videos.

I asked him to write a letter to the school explaining why he should be allowed to enter the program. Here are some of his words:

"Hi my name is Yani and I love to play the piano because music is always in my mind.

Rhythm is every where I go like a shadow it's always there even when you think your alone when I walk I always have a different beat in every step, when I surf there's always a beat stuck in my head and when I play the piano the beats just come out in the sounds of the music.

I play because every song has a meaning  - everything has a purpose. When I play the piano the sound I hear is the music of meaning and purpose.

I will always love music and try my best in every step I go in the music world. "

All parents want the best for their children. The hardest thing is to feel absolutely certain that the choices you make for them are the right ones.

Being able to support their authentic selves and their true passions is one of the most exciting things about being a parent and it has sometimes been hard not being able to pay for things like music lessons and other opportunities.

Yet, somehow, they find their own way - following their dreams, discovering themselves, understanding that they are the ones who can create their own path to the future.














Pacha’s ‘Unplugged’ Eco-Birthday Celebration

It’s good to pick up rubbish - we do it all the time…
But it’s even better to try not to produce any!

When Pacha recently turned 14 we did our best to create an Eco-birthday rubbish free celebration, and her friends didn’t seem to mind!

There were no lollies – just fruit (and a little bit of chocolate!) and nuts. There were no plastic balloons – just home made fabric flags (bunting).  There were no throw-away plastic cups or bowls – we had wooden bowls and re-used the cups we brought from home.

The handmade sushi was delicious and healthy and easy to eat. The home made pumpkin-based cake was served on squares of banana leaf and disappeared quickly as the hordes of ‘grom’ surfer boys and girls descended like a flock of seagulls after singing the traditional birthday song.
Lei's lovely Lei's (and photos)
The highlight of the day - I think Pacha would agree - was everyone making beautiful flower crowns (Leis) from locally foraged wildflower ‘weeds’. Leiona, my lovely Hawaiian friend, showed the girls how to choose and weave and thread and the most beautiful combinations of grasses and delicate flowers. It was amazing how it helped us to see the beauty all around us - even in insignificant flowers that most people just see as useless weeds.
The girls (and Yani with his best friend Cannon) sat peacefully, helping each other, sharing stories, comparing and complimenting each other on their efforts, taking photos of each other’s creations. They wore their Lei’s with pride as they went to watch the world tour surfing even happening just a few hundred metres away.  I have a feeling there will be more ‘Lei’ circles at parties to come!

This year Pacha seemed proud to be a little different, a little unconventional. She was so appreciative of what we could do – without lavish expense - in an ‘up-plugged’ birthday eco-celebration!  
Pacha's 'Unplugged' surfing life.