シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
New Year Mochi
A little bit of Japanese culture has come into our New Year celebration thanks to Minami and Kae. Pacha and Yani are so eager to try any new foods and enjoyed chewing this mochi. In Australia, the New Year celebration mostly parties and alcohol, new years resolutions and a long sleep in. We enjoyed a day at the beach (with out 2011 diaries along with us to make plans).
Going Sailing on the Clarence River:
My friend called and asked if we wanted to come sailing in the river on their catamaran – of course we said ‘Yes’! It was a very windy day and the power of the wind reminded me of the unpredictable and almost uncontrollable power of nature. Like riding a horse, you must always be ready to respond instinctively for survival – these are the feelings that life is most worth living for…
A mighty windy sailing day!
Making String in Iluka
Yesterday Pacha (and Kae and Yani) learned how to make string from native hibiscus bark. Our local friend is an anthropologist who assist indigenous communities and leads tracking and wilderness school activities. He, along with his wife and family are part of the reason I have great hope for this area – shifting to a sustainable future…
Never ending Rain
It’s been raining…a lot…Pacha and Yani know how to get the most enjoyment from it. This picture is outside my front door. We are not flooded (yet) in my area, but it is very soggy around our house! Time to plant more fruit trees!
The miracle of new Life: fig bird chicks.
What is everyone looking at??? A native fig bird is feeding her chicks in the tree above the birthday party. So nice that people still take the time to marvel in nature…
Fig bird orphaned but in good hands:
A few days later my friend, who is a wildlife carer, was asked to look after a baby native fig bird. Pacha helped as it was coaxed to eat the special food mixture. It is a hard job, with tiny chicks like this needing 24 hour care to be able to survive.
Planting for the future:
Later on we planted a range of seeds (about 20 different varieties) to plant in preparation for the school food gardens working bee planned for next week. Our plan is get lots planted and growing in time for the start of the school year. It feels so good to touch this abundance of life spirit!

Jan 2011
May the New Year bring you inspiration, empowerment, hope and deep commitment to heal the Earth.
I feel, as usual, such a jumble of emotions as the New Year comes into being – elation to be alive, eagerness to be useful, desperation to ‘do’ and a sense of inner obligation to fulfil this purpose to act for the Earth in the most effective way.
And I feel, as usual, the same strange disconnect between what I know is happening on the Earth - the collapse of our life support systems - and the incredible beauty and abundance around us. As we keep active planting our future self-sustaining garden (we hope), I know the forests are going, along with so much life, and I know that oil supplies are dwindling, economies collapsing, climate in chaos and we will witness huge change in the next couple of decades. Are we ready to shift?
The best we can always do, I guess, is try to stay positive and loving and productive and keep dancing between the practical daily realities of raising children, nurturing this land and gently, but forthrightly and with determination, stay awake and responsive to the reality of our time.
We welcome Kae from Japan, who will be here for a few months to learn and help us create this slow life in Woombah. For the past week Kae and Minami have been here with us, helping so much around the place and slowly adjusting to a very different life from the city. I am used to the powerful life force of the forest here, the intense sounds and energy of nature, the living earth under my feet, a big horse standing outside your door every morning waiting for a pat – but it can be daunting for people who have lived their whole life in a city. It’s the opposite for me when I go to cities and sense a strange emptiness - a kind of vacuum of life spirit – that overwhelming dominance of the human species living in a kind of bubble of misguided perception that we can ‘control’ life itself and that ‘nature’ is something we usually only see from massive high definition TV screens in air conditioned comfort.
We have been busy at home, gardening and planting over the past week, in between visits to the beach, walks with Ollie and time with good friends. We’ve added four more fruit trees to our collection here; another avocado, tropical pear, pomegranite and fejoa - this makes some 22 types of fruit trees growing here so far. And right now, in the early hours of the morning, Kae is in the garden extending our vegetable planting area.
Later on today my local friends will come for a mini baking workshop here, guided by Minami who has been so inspired by macrobiotic cooking and living (bacteria) cultures. We have the lovely recipe book of Deco (from Brownsfield) to provide more ideas and guidance and build a fire so we can bake in the camp oven.
Actually, for the past week we have celebrated simple and wholesome (mostly vegan) food and the tastes have been delicious. And it’s been on a very tight budget! Very Slohas. For example, 400grams of small, freshly caught, local school shrimp provided 4 meals for the 5 of us: 1) a few eaten by the riverside, 2) some used for the rice paper wraps (with mint and garlic chives), 3) becoming a Thai laksa flavoured stew and 4) flavouring a miso soup. I’m proud of Pacha and Yani who enthusiastically try these new tastes - unlike most Australian kids who mostly eat the same plain meat and dairy based products for every meal.
In between just living, we are busy writing plans and schedules for the year ahead - which you will hear about soon! I hope you have some moments of deep peace and contemplation over the next few days to allow your heart to guide you forward.
Love, For Life,
また、わたしはiPhoneを買い、新しいテクノロジーの世界へと踏み出しました。わたしの夢は、オリーが歩いているとき、草を食べているとき、もしくは子どもたちが(今のように)地元のプールか海で泳いでいるときに働けるようになることです。この電話をつかってYoutubeビデオの録画や、わたしの頭にやってくるメロディを録音したいと思っています。(パチャの新しいビデオご覧くださいhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT5-85TuDto )
このはなしをしていると、ウィキリークスを思い出します。Julian Assangeという人が、今まで明らかにされなかったことや今世界で起きている事実を暴くシステム「ウィキリークス」をつくりました。これにより、今まで虐げられていた真実や隠された犯罪を明かすことができるのです。
How fast time moves! This blog post was written two weeks ago – but I haven’t had the chance to send it yet…my apologies. More very soon.
Over the last two weeks many things have come together, making me feel full
of energy for the next year ahead.
My old falling apart 1983 Tarago has now been replaced by an old, not falling apart Delica - chosen because it is one of the only models suitable
for conversion to using waste vegetable oil.
By luck or well fated coincidence, I found it just a kilometer or two away
from my mother’s house among only around 10 cars under $10 000 available all around Australia. Within 2 days of first looking at it my trusty old car gave up overheating dramatically on the main road - time to let go…
So now I jut have to save up for the conversion process to be able to use
the waste vegetable oil from my local fish and chip shop. (I’ve been researching at: http://www.vegiecars.com/home/)
I also jumped into a whole new techno world in buying an iPhone. My dream is to be able to do my work while taking Ollie for a graze/walk or while my
kids are swimming in the local pool (like now) or while at the beach. I want to be able to record bits of video for YouTube (check out Pacha’s new video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT5-85TuDto ), or new melodies as they come into my head.
It is the ‘virtual’ office...but is it compatible with a slow lifestyle? I'm not sure. I do know that I have been using computers since 1989 as a tool to help save the earth - like everything they can be used for good or evil depending on the intention of the people using them.
Which brings me to the topic most on my mind at the moment - Julian Assange
and Wikileaks. Never has it been more obvious - the way the current system
works – it seems that the person who reveals the truth is persecuted and the criminals are protected. What worries me most is that the majority of people seem not to be interested in learning the truth - perhaps because it will challenge people’s comfortable view of the world. Yet as we see even the privileged people of the USA being tossed out of their homes to live on the streets because they so willingly ‘bought’ the slick promises of the banks and were seduced into living a life on their plastic credit cards - it seems very few people are joining the dots…