シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
It's Green politics time again! Last week the State election was called and I was accepted as the Green candidate for my area. It is a very interesting challenge - I am the first and only member of the Green party in this area where the Greens only polled 2% at the last state election. I am completely on my own with no support in this area (although there are Green party members in the nearby city of Townsville).
In a way this gives me a great sense of freedom - noone has high expectations of a big result, so I can do the best I can and enjoy the process. It is great to be able to offer voters in Ayr a choice to vote Green and hopefully let a few people know that there are alternatives to 'politics as usual'. I will try to send press releases as I write them to the Blog web site so you can get an idea of the local issues. The election will take place on Sep. 9th so at least it will be over with quickly!
■see Anja on Greens website
In a way this gives me a great sense of freedom - noone has high expectations of a big result, so I can do the best I can and enjoy the process. It is great to be able to offer voters in Ayr a choice to vote Green and hopefully let a few people know that there are alternatives to 'politics as usual'. I will try to send press releases as I write them to the Blog web site so you can get an idea of the local issues. The election will take place on Sep. 9th so at least it will be over with quickly!
■see Anja on Greens website
私が参加した最初のイベントは、代々木公園で行われたキャンドルナイトのイベントでした。夢がひとつ叶ったわ!ケイボー(ナマクラ世話人・辻信一)のおかげで、新しい'キャンドルナイト'の歌も歌うことができたし。音楽の天才、スキャンの最大のニュースといえば、キャンドルナイトソングの新しいDVDを出したこと。これは、スキャン、オハラさん、タクがプロデュースをした素敵で、繊細で、プロフェッショナルな作品です。 また、11月の次回訪問にそなえて、何曲かをレコーディングすることもできました。この見事な音楽チームに、心より感謝。
私が参加した最初のイベントは、代々木公園で行われたキャンドルナイトのイベントでした。夢がひとつ叶ったわ!ケイボー(ナマクラ世話人・辻信一)のおかげで、新しい'キャンドルナイト'の歌も歌うことができたし。音楽の天才、スキャンの最大のニュースといえば、キャンドルナイトソングの新しいDVDを出したこと。これは、スキャン、オハラさん、タクがプロデュースをした素敵で、繊細で、プロフェッショナルな作品です。 また、11月の次回訪問にそなえて、何曲かをレコーディングすることもできました。この見事な音楽チームに、心より感謝。
Oh dear, what happened?! It seems even slow life in Ayr has become too busy and I didn't even finish the last blog entry - sorry! Today is a beautiful clear Sunday, a cool winter morning with the promise of a glorious day. It is a day I will play with my children, plant seeds in the garden and enjoy slow cooking - and of course try to finish this blog! It is a day to reflect on the past and the future and be grateful for it all.
In early July I suddenly went to Japan, sponsored by the expo committee with lots of help from the Sloth Club. Being the first time I had ever been apart from my children for a long period of time I felt such a mix of emotions. Sadness and guilt for being apart from them, freedom and empowerment for rediscovering
my identity beyond being Pacha and Yani's mother. I was able to do so much and be completely present with my friends and colleagues - I realised that so much of
my being is absolutely dedicated to being a mother, my brain is constantly occupied with thoughts of them: Are they hungry? Do they need to go to the toilet? Are
they tired? Do they need me? Can they find their colouring pencils? Where are they? .it goes on and on and every parent knows what I am talking about!
Suddenly this internal dialogue was almost gone, and like a benign fog lifting I remembered other things about who I was and my life's mission. It was good to know it was still there so clearly! It was also good to sense that when my children have grown I will be
able to continue and increase my involvement in all the campaigns and projects for a sustainable future.
The first event I could go to was the candlenight event at Yoyogi Park - a dream come true! Thanks to Keibo, we were even able to sing the new 'candle night' song. And to top things off Scan, musical mastermind, came along with a new DVD of the candlenight song produced by Scan, Ohara-san and Taka-san - a lovely, sensitive and professional production. We were also able to record a few more songs in preparation for the upcoming visit in November, my deep thanks to this amazing musical team.
A sense of the yearning for reconnection stood out during concerts and events, a deep desire to 'feel' and release long suppressed emotion about what is happening to the Earth and to us as humans in this time seemed to emerge. Perhaps this has always been there, but this time it seemed more pronounced. Maybe the time is right to offer workshops to extend our sense of self. Hopefully we will be able to offer a Council of All Beings workshop in November or December.
Despite being only 12 days in Japan, it was a very productive and inspiring time and I look so much forward to coming back with Pacha and Yani in November. Returning to Australia and the arms of my children, all my appreciation went to my sister and her husband for looking after Pacha and Yani. They all looked happy and peaceful (maybe because they were all pretty tired!) - they had an action packed holiday that was recorded in many photographs of the good times they had.
Soon it was back to Ayr, with Elie coming to volunteer with us for 3 weeks. It was good timing for taking out the winter prickle weeds and planting sweet potato and pumpkin in the newly cleared areas. Elie was impressed by the school garden - it does look good - it seems everything we plant there grows so well!
As Elie prepared to return to Japan, I got ready for the visit of my brother and his family - two children under 2 years old. It was good to be able to offer enough space and to help them out a little. It is amazing how much easier it gets as children grow up, yet they still need our attention. Yani found it hard to lose his position as baby of the family and share his space, his toys and his own mother with two other little ones while Pacha was a wonderful helper and spent every spare moment entertaining the baby.
Reflecting on the deep impact that family dynamics have on our whole development as a human, I relived the role my older brother had and has in my life.
Someone I respect and admire deeply, someone whose opinion and approval means a lot to me and someone who doesn't hesitate to tell me what he thinks! Somehow, in my family, I am expected to live a perfect, pure environmental lifestyle - as well as bring up my children as an ideal parent. I am far away from meeting these expectations and this is hard for me sometimes. Being depressed about not being perfect does noone any good, so I will continue doing the best I can, but not pretending that there is not a lot more I can do to live an ecological lifestyle. So my mind goes to Ecuador and El Milagro and imagining our lives there in the near future. While physically it is a hard life, spiritually and ecologically it is so much easier to match the ideal vision of an ecologically sustainable lifestyle.
In early July I suddenly went to Japan, sponsored by the expo committee with lots of help from the Sloth Club. Being the first time I had ever been apart from my children for a long period of time I felt such a mix of emotions. Sadness and guilt for being apart from them, freedom and empowerment for rediscovering
my identity beyond being Pacha and Yani's mother. I was able to do so much and be completely present with my friends and colleagues - I realised that so much of
my being is absolutely dedicated to being a mother, my brain is constantly occupied with thoughts of them: Are they hungry? Do they need to go to the toilet? Are
they tired? Do they need me? Can they find their colouring pencils? Where are they? .it goes on and on and every parent knows what I am talking about!
Suddenly this internal dialogue was almost gone, and like a benign fog lifting I remembered other things about who I was and my life's mission. It was good to know it was still there so clearly! It was also good to sense that when my children have grown I will be
able to continue and increase my involvement in all the campaigns and projects for a sustainable future.
The first event I could go to was the candlenight event at Yoyogi Park - a dream come true! Thanks to Keibo, we were even able to sing the new 'candle night' song. And to top things off Scan, musical mastermind, came along with a new DVD of the candlenight song produced by Scan, Ohara-san and Taka-san - a lovely, sensitive and professional production. We were also able to record a few more songs in preparation for the upcoming visit in November, my deep thanks to this amazing musical team.
A sense of the yearning for reconnection stood out during concerts and events, a deep desire to 'feel' and release long suppressed emotion about what is happening to the Earth and to us as humans in this time seemed to emerge. Perhaps this has always been there, but this time it seemed more pronounced. Maybe the time is right to offer workshops to extend our sense of self. Hopefully we will be able to offer a Council of All Beings workshop in November or December.
Despite being only 12 days in Japan, it was a very productive and inspiring time and I look so much forward to coming back with Pacha and Yani in November. Returning to Australia and the arms of my children, all my appreciation went to my sister and her husband for looking after Pacha and Yani. They all looked happy and peaceful (maybe because they were all pretty tired!) - they had an action packed holiday that was recorded in many photographs of the good times they had.
Soon it was back to Ayr, with Elie coming to volunteer with us for 3 weeks. It was good timing for taking out the winter prickle weeds and planting sweet potato and pumpkin in the newly cleared areas. Elie was impressed by the school garden - it does look good - it seems everything we plant there grows so well!
As Elie prepared to return to Japan, I got ready for the visit of my brother and his family - two children under 2 years old. It was good to be able to offer enough space and to help them out a little. It is amazing how much easier it gets as children grow up, yet they still need our attention. Yani found it hard to lose his position as baby of the family and share his space, his toys and his own mother with two other little ones while Pacha was a wonderful helper and spent every spare moment entertaining the baby.
Reflecting on the deep impact that family dynamics have on our whole development as a human, I relived the role my older brother had and has in my life.
Someone I respect and admire deeply, someone whose opinion and approval means a lot to me and someone who doesn't hesitate to tell me what he thinks! Somehow, in my family, I am expected to live a perfect, pure environmental lifestyle - as well as bring up my children as an ideal parent. I am far away from meeting these expectations and this is hard for me sometimes. Being depressed about not being perfect does noone any good, so I will continue doing the best I can, but not pretending that there is not a lot more I can do to live an ecological lifestyle. So my mind goes to Ecuador and El Milagro and imagining our lives there in the near future. While physically it is a hard life, spiritually and ecologically it is so much easier to match the ideal vision of an ecologically sustainable lifestyle.

私って、貧しいって言うオーラでも出して歩いているのかしら。車もくたびれているし、着ているものもお構いなしだからかしら。でも私としては世界で一番リッチな気分でいるのですよ。だって元気でかわいい子供に恵まれているし、十分な食べ物やきれいな水、それからやりがいのある仕事、素敵なお友達 とそのネットワーク、応援していてくれる家族、豊かな土地、そして見上げると質素だけどがっしりした屋根があり自分の信念を実行できる自由があるのですから。
今年のイースターのお祭りは特別なものとなりました。だって本物の卵を見つけるのですもの!そうなんです。 私たちの大事なオ嬢様達ったら、ついに卵を産むようになったのです。子供たちもおおはしゃぎで卵を探しました。鶏たちは、とってもかわいいペットで、子供たちが抱っこしたりかわいがったりできるのです。その上、たった三匹いるだけでもお友達やご近所におすそ分けするぐらいの卵お産んでくれるのです。もちろんスーパーマーケットでも放し飼い鶏の卵は買えるのだけど、うちの卵との違いはは信じられないくらいです。パンケーキミックスに一個混ぜるだけででとても素敵な黄色に仕上がるのです。においも抜群です!

It is the pre-dawn peace - still in darkness, but full of potential of a beautiful new day to come. Some kookaburras far away cackle with impatience for the sun to rise. As light fills the sky all living things seem to sigh with gratitude, to be here, to be alive. Recently my slow life has started to overflow with plans and commitments and responsibilities - oh dear! I often wake in the middle of the night and my head fills with the things I need to do and not forget. Sometimes the only thing I can do is get up and start to do some of these things (like writing my Blog!) - sleep becomes impossible. This hasn't happened to me for a while and it is good to observe it. I think about most people in the world who live constantly with this condition, or have to take drugs to be able to sleep well.
It has been a productive time for the Ayr Light household. I have been building and planting and designing and studying - with some help from Pacha and Yani, who have had their own developmental stretches.First there was the new bathroom and toilet downstairs. To keep the costs down and to feel a stronger connection to the project, I did the tiling and dug the trenches for the sewerage. This would have been quite easy except for the huge palm tree stump that I had to dig out - which took about 2 weeks of afternoon digging (everyone who uses this bathroom has to be told of the sweat and effort that went in to digging the trenches!). I was happy to find a toilet and bathtub base at the dump and bought them both for $4 (about 300Y)!
Yani had a great time playing with the toilet before the sewerage pipes were connected - he kept flushing to see the water pour out of the side of the house - an urban waterfall! The chickens also loved the new bathroom - for some reason they were very attracted to the toilet and I discovered recently that they had started sleeping in the bathtub! Our biggest priority now is putting the door on the bathtub (and fixing the door to the chicken shed so they stay there at night)!
Last week I built a block wall to make a big room under the house. This was a great project and reminded me of Intag and all the work to build the stone house.Of course here it is much easier - a truck delivers the blocks and you don't need mules to bring in the cement. The people who sold the blocks were interested and amused by this strange woman who wanted to build her own wall - but supportive in ideas and basic techniques on how this is done.
My trusty handyman Gino started me off doing the first row of blocks - then it was my turn and 2 days later there was my 2 metre high, 4 metre long cyclone proof creation! A few days later I rendered (layered in cement) the outside of the blocks with a dark red colour (I am going for the earthy colours of Australia) and now Gino has been working to build the frame for the door and windows. It is such a satisfying feeling to have created something solid, to develop a new skill that is usually in the realm of men. I was ridiculously excited that I had succeeded in this self made challenge. And it was great to experience how physically demanding, difficult and detailed building can be - I have a new respect for bricklayers d builders (and the masculine mind that seems so much better adapted to making straight and level lines!). Now I know how to build a wall, I can relax and not ever have to make another one (next one is Yani's turn).
In my new training course as a teacher's assistant I have been able to start training at my daughters' school (along with study). There are only 80 students at this school, so this will make it a little easier to remember names! Our garden project there (and at our house too) is going very well with everything planted still alive and well. It is so empowering to watch the children get excited about the growth and exuberance of the plants!
Something very interesting has happened to us in the past month. We received an anonymous donation of a $100 gift voucher for the local plant nursery. The voucher was left at Yani's kindy - so whoever it was doesn't even know where we live. What does this mean? Did we do something kind to someone without knowing about it (smile profusely or help their child or open a door)? Or does someone think we are obviously very poor and need help? It is a tantalizing mystery that has brought up all kinds of issues for me. Do I emit an aura of poverty around me? Our car is very old and I don't worry too much about wearing new clothes yet, I feel like the richest person on Earth - beautiful healthy children, abundant food and clean water, meaningful work, wonderful friends and networks, supportive family, land to be able to grow things on, a simple but sturdy roof over our heads, freedom to practice my beliefs.
I felt embarrassed and rather guilty imagining someone thinking that we needed help. But maybe we did. I have been here for over a year and have hesitated in buying more fruit trees because I look at the price in the nursery and think: that's expensive - maybe they will go on special, maybe I can find one in someone's garden or at the second hand st, really - all I need to do is plant a seed and wait 10 years and they will be the same. Now I have been to the nursery and bought a lemon, lime, mandarin, sour sop and star fruit tree - and they are now planted in the garden and I feel very silly that I didn't spend $100 a year ago and plant them then. So, now I will spend another $100 and plant more fruit trees and when I find out who was the generous person who gave us the donation, I will be able to supply them with a year round supply of organic fruit!
Our Easter Egg hunt was special this year - we found real eggs! Yes, our lovely ladies finally started laying and the children have wonderful fun finding the eggs. The chickens are lovely pets too - letting the kids pick them up and nurse them. Even with only 3 chickens there are still enough eggs to give our friends and neighbours here. Even though we always bought the free-range eggs at the supermarket - the difference with these eggs is incredible - one egg in our pancake mix makes the whole batch a lovely yellow colour and the flavour is divine!
Next week we will make the long, slow journey down south to prepare for the Sloth Deep Eco-tour. Megu has told me that there are 17 participants on the tour - wow! It is very exciting and a great responsibility to do everything we can to reflect a slow/permaculture/deep ecology approach as well as running smoothly. It will be wonderful to connect with everyone and share thoughts, ideas and our visions for a sustainable future.
Another glorious morning, with us excitedly watching the sunrise! Thanks to the children and our Slow time we still all go to sleep at about 7.30pm every night and wake up before 6am. It feels like such a special privilege to be able to sleep deeply. I remember how tired everyone seems to be in Japan and how even children have to 'gambate' and exist on just a few hours of sleep, catching up, if they can, on the train, or in classrooms - or anywhere else! Every morning here gives us some kind of blessing - today we found a beautiful green tree frog - the children were so excited that I had to save it from being loved too much!
After breakfast (home made millet pancakes are traditional on our Sundays) we went to the local markets and visited the colony of fruit bats in the remnant rainforest. You look up into the trees at hundreds of twisting, flapping, screeching creatures - careful not to make a big noise that would disturb them. It is our cathedral. I have always felt that nature is God's greatest church and never feel guilty about not sitting in a building listening to a sermon on a Sunday.
My daughter, Pacha, is now going to a Christian School (mostly because it is very close by and has very small classes) and although the school principal assured me that 'doctrine' is not enforced, Pacha sometimes comes home with songs about God and mentions Jesus. I make sure that she knows there are many emlightened messengers of God (Buddha, Mohammed, HH Dalai Lama, Bahaoula etc) - and that, in fact, all of creation is a message from God. I think a spirit of reverence and respect for Life is so fundamentally important - whatever name Pacha and Yani will decide to call this in their later life doesn't matter - as long as they have a sense of the sacred and basic principles of kindness, respect, reverence, love! I think they (and I!) will be happy.
I am very happy that the schoopl has a strong conservation theme. It is part of the local landcare group, has a reef guardianship program, participates in clean up Australia day and has a big garden project including planting a rainforest, tropical fruit orchard and a permaculture vegie garden. I couldn't help but volunteer to help and find myself now listed as the 'consultant' for this project hopefully some volunteers will soon arrive to help me with this task!
It has begun to cool down enough here to start planting vegetable seedlings. Pacha has her own garden patch and has planted Spinach, beetroot, spring onion, sunflowers and zinnias. My patch, deeply mulched with horse manure, has a few more plants - including a big cassava shrub. Cassava is the perfect plant for the tropics and from this one bush I will be able to grow a hundred more throughout the garden. In 9 months it will yield big starchy cassava roots - the mainstay of so much of the tropical world (including Ecuador) and so delicious too! This, along with the sweet potato, will provide a lot of our food in the coming months.
Then there is the longer term plan of the fruit orchard. I have started some 20 papaya seedlings and recently planted lychees and some more passionfruit. I have been quite busy lately. I have been attending a part time course to become a teacher's assistant. It's been fun to learn together with other women - though most of the material has been commonsense so far. In theory there is a great respect in Australia for cultural diversity and teaching methods that focus on positive reinforcement. Unfortunately, in the real world, many teachers carry their personal lifetime baggage with them and become mini dictators in the classroom (especially as classes grow in size).
Parents (like so many places in the world) work longer and longer hours and participate less in their children's lives and rely on the TV set to do most of the parenting! I look forward to actually going into the classrooms and seeing how things are.
My project to convert under the house into a comfortable room for guests and volunteers is coming along slowly. With some help from a local Italian handyman (Gino) - we have installed a small bath and a toilet (both found for $2 at the local dump) and I have tiled the floor and walls. Gino is 72 years old and seems to survive on coffee and cigarettes! He regularly comes to work early on a Sunday morning and I think he works not because he wants more money - but just because he loves to work (maybe works to live)!
He doesn't talk much and works quickly and I've never seen him actually write down measurements. He made a mistake with the calculations for the toilet pipes - which means I am now spending my afternoons digging a deep trench for the sewerage pipes when I am finished I will be able to enter the Miss Universe body building contest! Of course I could just pay the $200 to get a digger in - but my feeling is if I can do it myself, I will do it myself (and I feel a lot of satisfaction in it - with every flush!). Even if I had the money spare - there are so many other things that need doing, and that's before I think of the many projects and campaigns around the world that need support!
I hope I will soon hear from people in Japan who are interested in volunteering here or in Ecuador. Maybe I will even be able to entice my good friends (the Scan clan) to come and live here for a while! And the new deep eco-tour plan seems to be going well, with the revised dates of May 10th to 18th seeming to be more suitable. I hope this will be the start to regular tours. For now it is time to plant some more vegies and feed our three happy chickens, Molly, Holly and Lucy. I hope this finds you well!
For Life,
anja, pacha and yani.
After breakfast (home made millet pancakes are traditional on our Sundays) we went to the local markets and visited the colony of fruit bats in the remnant rainforest. You look up into the trees at hundreds of twisting, flapping, screeching creatures - careful not to make a big noise that would disturb them. It is our cathedral. I have always felt that nature is God's greatest church and never feel guilty about not sitting in a building listening to a sermon on a Sunday.
My daughter, Pacha, is now going to a Christian School (mostly because it is very close by and has very small classes) and although the school principal assured me that 'doctrine' is not enforced, Pacha sometimes comes home with songs about God and mentions Jesus. I make sure that she knows there are many emlightened messengers of God (Buddha, Mohammed, HH Dalai Lama, Bahaoula etc) - and that, in fact, all of creation is a message from God. I think a spirit of reverence and respect for Life is so fundamentally important - whatever name Pacha and Yani will decide to call this in their later life doesn't matter - as long as they have a sense of the sacred and basic principles of kindness, respect, reverence, love! I think they (and I!) will be happy.
I am very happy that the schoopl has a strong conservation theme. It is part of the local landcare group, has a reef guardianship program, participates in clean up Australia day and has a big garden project including planting a rainforest, tropical fruit orchard and a permaculture vegie garden. I couldn't help but volunteer to help and find myself now listed as the 'consultant' for this project hopefully some volunteers will soon arrive to help me with this task!
It has begun to cool down enough here to start planting vegetable seedlings. Pacha has her own garden patch and has planted Spinach, beetroot, spring onion, sunflowers and zinnias. My patch, deeply mulched with horse manure, has a few more plants - including a big cassava shrub. Cassava is the perfect plant for the tropics and from this one bush I will be able to grow a hundred more throughout the garden. In 9 months it will yield big starchy cassava roots - the mainstay of so much of the tropical world (including Ecuador) and so delicious too! This, along with the sweet potato, will provide a lot of our food in the coming months.
Then there is the longer term plan of the fruit orchard. I have started some 20 papaya seedlings and recently planted lychees and some more passionfruit. I have been quite busy lately. I have been attending a part time course to become a teacher's assistant. It's been fun to learn together with other women - though most of the material has been commonsense so far. In theory there is a great respect in Australia for cultural diversity and teaching methods that focus on positive reinforcement. Unfortunately, in the real world, many teachers carry their personal lifetime baggage with them and become mini dictators in the classroom (especially as classes grow in size).
Parents (like so many places in the world) work longer and longer hours and participate less in their children's lives and rely on the TV set to do most of the parenting! I look forward to actually going into the classrooms and seeing how things are.
My project to convert under the house into a comfortable room for guests and volunteers is coming along slowly. With some help from a local Italian handyman (Gino) - we have installed a small bath and a toilet (both found for $2 at the local dump) and I have tiled the floor and walls. Gino is 72 years old and seems to survive on coffee and cigarettes! He regularly comes to work early on a Sunday morning and I think he works not because he wants more money - but just because he loves to work (maybe works to live)!
He doesn't talk much and works quickly and I've never seen him actually write down measurements. He made a mistake with the calculations for the toilet pipes - which means I am now spending my afternoons digging a deep trench for the sewerage pipes when I am finished I will be able to enter the Miss Universe body building contest! Of course I could just pay the $200 to get a digger in - but my feeling is if I can do it myself, I will do it myself (and I feel a lot of satisfaction in it - with every flush!). Even if I had the money spare - there are so many other things that need doing, and that's before I think of the many projects and campaigns around the world that need support!
I hope I will soon hear from people in Japan who are interested in volunteering here or in Ecuador. Maybe I will even be able to entice my good friends (the Scan clan) to come and live here for a while! And the new deep eco-tour plan seems to be going well, with the revised dates of May 10th to 18th seeming to be more suitable. I hope this will be the start to regular tours. For now it is time to plant some more vegies and feed our three happy chickens, Molly, Holly and Lucy. I hope this finds you well!
For Life,
anja, pacha and yani.
私の父はダライラマの“ART OF HAPPYNESS(心の育て方)”という本を私にくれました。しかし私はその本の題名を見た時苦笑してしまったのです。というのはいつだって家族の中でニコニコして前向きでいるのは私の役目でしたし、しかもみんなが明るくいつも楽しめるように家族を(特にその父を)励ますのが私の役だったのです。
私の父はダライラマの“ART OF HAPPYNESS(心の育て方)”という本を私にくれました。しかし私はその本の題名を見た時苦笑してしまったのです。というのはいつだって家族の中でニコニコして前向きでいるのは私の役目でしたし、しかもみんなが明るくいつも楽しめるように家族を(特にその父を)励ますのが私の役だったのです。

What happened to Slow time?! Somehow the last 2 months have sped by without a chance to write. We have been too busy investigating the capacity to enjoy a slow simple life! We have also indulged in family time on the Gold Coast - watching the children delight in the ocean and enjoy playing with each other.
Our Solstice and Christmas time was spent with out family - mostly on the beach and trying to avoid shopping and shopping centres! Despite what should a beautiful time of sharing and spiritual renewal - it is often a time of great tension and upset for families. People gather usually after much time apart - sharing less space than they are used to and re-establishing patterns of power and control. Then there is too much alcohol, over-eating, lack of sleep and competition over who gets what presents, etc, etc. I wonder if this happens in Japan too at traditional gathering times? It can be bring out the best and the worst of people. Our Christmas was a nice quiet time - mostly for the children to enjoy a sense of celebration. We agreed to only give each other recycled gifts and no-one felt like they missed out.
My Father gave me a book by the Dalai Lama - 'The Art of Happiness. Actually, I laughed when I saw the title - it has always been my role in my family to be happy and positive and encourage everyone (especially my father!) to lighten up and enjoy the moment - did I need advice on how to be happy?! After reading just a few pages I thought - Yes, of course! We all need help and encouragement in leading happy lives! The Dalai Lama is like a radiant sun glowing essential truths in our dark time, ever smiling, ever humble, non-judgmental. His book helped me remember that happiness may not always come naturally - but is something we can all work towards, it is something we can all aspire to and it is a conscious choice. Ok - some people may seem to be born with a discontent, or have tragic life experiences that bring depression and frustrations - but this does not mean we have to drown in sorrow or wallow in anger. We can choose to make the effort to be happy and to follow our life's mission in a positive, creative way. It seems the easiest way to do this is live a simple, slow life!
Now we are back in Ayr - where everything glows a deep green from recent monsoon type rain. I don't like mowing the grass (too much petrol and work) - but if I don't I will soon lose the children in the undergrowth! We are waiting for the trees we have planted to make more shade to convert grass to forest!
Even though we are close to the centre of town, the land around our house measures about 20 metres by 40 metres - which is like a small football field! It is a good time to plant more trees and very soon we can start our vegetable garden again. It is one of the strange parts of the world where we have to wait for winter to be able to plant most of our food - because the sun is too powerful in summer!
This weekend we are building a chicken shelter. It is time to have productive pets! I am sure that Pacha and Yani will have fun helping look after them (as well as eating fresh, organic, free range eggs!). It will be another small step closer to urban self-sufficiency.
Pacha longs for a pet - she remembers her horse and the many pets in Ecuador. I am sure she will soon teach the chickens to do tricks, climb trees and jump on the trampoline! We are lucky to have very nice neighbours, Don and Colleen, who have great patience with Pacha and Yani's exuberance in the backyard and who keep an eye on the house when we go away. They don't mind our plan to keep some chickens and I am sure the chickens will never be louder than Pacha and Yani's playtime!
We're ready to open our house in Ayr!
After a year of enjoying our own space and getting it ready for visitors - we are ready to welcome people! If you would like to experience a Slow Life in Australia please let me know. Your help will be very much appreciated in our permaculture garden and with other local projects, along with playing with the kids, practising English and exploring the beauty of tropical north Queensland. The Great Barrier Reef is within easy reach, with scuba diving courses available at the nearby Yongala wreck (a sunken ship).
We have a separate part of the house available that has its own shower and we will be adding some basic kitchen facilities. We are in walking distance to all facilities of the town of Ayr (parks, playing fields, bowling alley, cinema, skateboard rink, swimming pool, library, supermarkets, hospital, secondhand shops etc) and we have a huge yard where every afternoon we delight in watching the many native birds come to play! Please make contact if you are interested in volunteering with us. (A good opportunity may be to join the Slow/Deep eco tour that is being planned for May this year - then you could come back with us to Ayr on the slow train.)
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