シンガーソングライター、環境活動家、2児の母としてスローに生きるナマケモノ倶楽部共同代表、アンニャ・ライトのブログです。 . Anja Light (singer song writer, environmentalist and mother of 2 kids) shares her learning process of living a slow lifestyle for the Mother Earth.
Japan Candlenight Tour part 2
Slow Mother Blog
Candlenight tour part 2
I’ve been reflecting again on visiting Japan to commemorate the first anniversary of the ongoing Fukushima disaster and the thought that keeps coming to my mind is: ‘We are thankful for small things.’
There were so many moments of connection through laughter, through sharing our deepest feelings, through singing together, through being present in the moment - making friends with strangers on a train. Little things.
In Hakodate, Hokkaido I met Peter Howlett for the first time after over 10 years of ‘connection’ through the Sloth Club. It was like meeting a long lost brother - feeling welcomed into a family of like-minded Earth carers. He’s a very good Sloth; full of humour and light-heartedness, finding common ground to work on positive solutions with a wide range of people from businessmen to artists, reconciling the contradictions of ‘making a living’ to support his family while challenging the dominant systems of thinking that have created the environmental and social crisis. In the space of 50 short hours, in between radio interviews and presentations, we visited wind turbines, had music jams and business meetings – we even had lunch at a ‘fastfood’ hamburger chain that pledges to purchase only local produce for its menu and employs mostly mature age women to provide employment opportunities for this age bracket.
It seemed to be the small things; the coincidences; the spontaneous actions and loving responses that has woven such a strong community spirit together building a foundation for the common good. One of those stories was about a local tree that was to be cut down to make room for a highway extension. No-one had really even noticed the tree until the highway plan and an archeological survey brought Peter’s son to visit the area which (coincidentally?) was very close to their family house. Peter noticed a very large tree in the tiny grove and promptly discovered that it was the largest one left in all of Hokkaido – the horsechestnut tree of Nanae – and the community successfully rallied together to protect it.
I picked up a small piece of bark that had fallen onto the snow blanketed ground below and carried it back to Tokyo, keeping it in my pocket as a talisman bringing it along to all the events, holding it in my hand to be remember...Life - and the way we connect with each other to protect it.
Easter in Australia

The whole concept is rather absurd in Australia.
Easter started as a celebration of new life in the northern hemisphere as Spring unfolds, but here the days are getting shorter and the nights are cooler as we move into autumn.
Yani, pictured above with an echidna we found after school, has been asking why we eat chocolate rabbits and eggs (the shops are full of them) He asks why at school they wear funny decorated hats and have 'Easter Parades". He doesn't really mind because he rather likes celebration of any kind, but he still wonders why. Then there is the added detail of the story of this great man, Jesus, who was tortured and killed and came back to life a long time ago and we should remember him...
So I try to explain and ask my kids to repeat after me the main points (in case they are ever asked):
* Easter started thousands of years ago in Europe to celebrate the return of the sun in Spring, that's why they focus on rabbits and eggs - symbols of fertility.
* The leaders of the Christian religion realised (during the Roman reign 440AD) that it would be better to have their celebrations around the same time as the original pagan ones, so they decided these would be good days to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ (which is also explains the reason for having 'Christmas' in the winter solstice). No-one can really remember the actual dates of Jesus' birth and death since it happened so many years ago and the Bible was written a long time after his death.
So what will we do on Easter? Well, my Mother has sent the kids a parcel (she comes from a strong European tradition) which we will open with great excitement and we'll boil some egss to paint (because our eggs taste good and we love painting), but mostly we will go surfing and horseriding - celebrating every day in its miraculous wonder!